miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008

Has work bcome a lost art?

For a year full of great growing opportunities, that every one of us expects, a deep thought arrived to my mind.

We, human beings are supposed to do what we love, but in case we don’t ,then it would be wise to do our best to love what we do. We’ve usually forgotten than in either case God will help us to carry out an outstanding job.

Both, science and art are necessary for us to be balanced and happy. If science fullfills our minds, then art fullfills our hearts.
The ideal situation would be experiencing both blessings. Some time ago I read a very interesting article about reading. It recommended that if we spend a lot of our time reading textbooks, then it would be wise to try to read some fiction books and if we love to read fiction books, then we should read some textbooks in order to keep our mental processes focused and balanced.

My humble suggestion for next wonderful year would be, to try to attend more places where the fine arts are exposed. Why? Because our souls need this kind of food not only our minds.
Another thought is that, we enjoy much more when we utter with our mouths and loving hearts many more kind words to everybody including ourselves.
Let’s reinforce all the positive aspects of our lives. Let’s put a greater amount of energy on the nice and pleasant things that life is offering us every second. Let’s remove the blindfold that is avoiding us to enjoy these free perceptions, and we will realize that our lives have indeed become very productive lives.
When one thinks in helping others much more than helping ourselves a magnificent spiritual energy surrounds us and this energy is harmoniously integrated in our bodies, minds and beautiful souls. With God’s terrific help let’s become a real blessing for everybody.


martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008



When a person says “I hope that..........”This is a lazy person, because he/she wants that the wishes be granted by God, the cosmic or somebody, but it is when a person says “I expect that ......”This human being is an actor in the stage of life not a passive spectator.

First I dream of poetry, then I act to find those poems that will motivate my life.
First I dream of color, then I seek colors to make my life more enjoyable.

Have poets rediscovered the beautiful world full of amazing colors? Or maybe artists have rediscovered the beauty of the written and spoken word?. I wish to share with you a Mexican popular saying:
“De músico poeta y loco todos tenemos un poco”

In my last post, where I wrote about how children see our world, suddenly very strong visual impressions came to my mind. I remembered how our world looked more colorful. Beautiful vibrant colors were all around us, as children. How amazed we felt every time we saw a children’s book full of vivid colors. These fresh ideas allowed me to have the next thoughts:
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we painted our world with beautiful vibrant colors? To cast more harmonious light on it?. When I created the APPLIKOM PROJECT Its first lessons have a lot to do with color appreciation. How by discipling our minds by instructing our brains to become aware of only one chosen color, what a big difference it made! The best analogy I can find is when we have just fallen in love. Before this experience we used to live in a dull world, but by the miracle of being in love, how wonderful now the world is! Later in life when we have children once more life is so beautiful! Then when we become grandparents this miracle is repeated and last but not least when we fall in deep love with humankind, the miracle once more is repeated, but now with much more intensity, because indeed GOD IS LOVE!

I expect that next year your life will be full of colorful Divine Love.

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008



We will get a new inspiring point of view long ago forgotten buried under many layers of years. We will surely gain a lot understanding how children see our adult world. With the the present digital cameras is quite easy to see what they see. How they are able to apprciate our good moods, as well as our ugly side when we get angry or impatient with them.Gigants in their wonderful world when they see us happy. And in their terrible world every time they see our negative side.Their fresh brains are accurate enough to file our faces, tone of voice and body language. So ask your spouse to take you several pictures calculating the level of the height at which their eyes are.Also to record our voices commanding them to behave.
I've also found very useful to participate in games in which nobody has a noticable advantage; for instance spending just a quarter of an hour observing a chosen color.It would be highly recommended not to sound like their parents or teachers. On the contrary, a joyful game full of unsuspected surprise for everybody. In this way they will feel motivated being aware that we don't knoe everything that their findings are as important as ours.This can be done at home and when the good weather permits outdoors. We will discover how we have understimated our children's precise perceptions and great imagination. It is a win win family game.Not only they learn, but us as well. Let's remember that we, their parents were chosen by them and not the other way round.Who has to behave is us parents. If we do this at least from their ages four to seven we will reinforce their self-esteem a lot. And we will be ready for their teen years by playing our role of parents and more importantly as their true friends, in that order.
Please spend a New Years's Eve as pefect as possible never forgetting to have a loving physical contact with every member of your beautiful family.


On this ocasion I will talk on the behalf of many people. I’m just the designated spoke person today. Yesterday I prayed for some pounds of ideas, but God sent me tons of them. If we are spiritual beings having human experiences then we are mentally and spiritually conected, so what is good for me is also good for many other human beings. As I’ve already told you I asked God for some ideas for next year and He sent me an avalanche of them.Please help me out! Here are some of the topics:







The rise of civilizations has been achieved thanks to the vision and commitment of very few natural born leaders and not by many people. These people had ambition and lacked selfshiness. A lot of human beings got a lot of advantages and benefits due to the constant actions of these remarkable men and women.Adversity became their allies. The more challenges they faced, the more wonderful useful ideas they carried out successfully because they had to use more often the power of their mental process called imagination never forgetting God’s inspired ideas.
Great civilizations fell down because there was a proliferation of greedy people, lazy people, and procrastinators. So once in a while a cleansing has been necessary.
Just recently I ‘ve imagined what would our lives have been liked if instead of using the wheel in transportation somebody had invented insect like vehicles that wouldn’t have needed paved roads because they would’ve moved by mechanical legs using muscle power or another type of energy, thus the use of gasoline wouldn’t be needed at all. Our Global Village faces great issues, but I see them as golden growing opportunities given by people around our world.What do you think humankind should do?I’m just setting the example of a very simple idea. In case this post finds echoe then it means that our united efforts we can indeed succeed today, and if we succed today then we can be triumphant tommorrow.

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008


In order to benefit from the messages from our master within, from God, God’s Divine Hierarchy and from Universal Natural Laws it is necessary to understand the basics of symbolism. This interesting study is a long term endevour because the more we study the more practical applications of knowledge will be found. Theoughout the years I’ve been collecting those affirmations from different sources and ages. Here it becomes wise to read this article several times, then to study it at a comprehension learning level and next to ponder upon it to add our own thoughts and ideas. Remember that the more we understand something the more we will be prepared to supply the right answers to our issues. So here are some of these thoughts:

“The mind of the Father has symbols strewn throughout the Universe”

“Symbols are the great gates that lead us to Great Worlds”

The Great White Brotherhood uses spheres, circles and cone sections. Each sphere has a particular activity field”

“The symbols are at our mind’s service and not the other way around; our minds aren’t at the service of symbols”

“The Cosmic’s creative energies are expressed in symbols, and it is when these creative powers are under action it is when they are able to atract and absorb certain patterns and molds which are very necessary to our knowledge”

“In the Universal Great Game the material to be used are symbols”

“Symbols have a lot to do we what we’ve considered ancient, reliable and long lasting”

“A true symbol is always on the move”

“Symbols are the snap shots of what is etrenal motion.They show us the rhythm and the beatings of their hearts”

“Symbols breath in different rhythms and pulsations. Their main function is to allow us feel the Universal life and then conect it consciously to our individual life”

“Symbols are the link between though and action!”

“Every time we initate an action. Action that might be physical, mental and spiritual we find ourselves dramatizing through the use of symbols even though we aren’t one hundred percent of this”

“Language is the most primitive form of action”

“The beauty of a great symbol lies in its infinite variety of ways they can be interpreted”

“Each symbol is an atom. Each symbol is a scale”

Now it is time to number some amazing affirmations.

1.-We, human beings almost always should live talking about the importance of symbols.

2.-The word symbol is related to teaching, to witness something and with showing something important.

3.-Sybols go beyond being tridementional.

4.-The word symbol is closly related to the word ceremony. This word in Latin means “I believe, I do, I make. Creation that is quivalent to the sanskrit word KRA. Like karma and karma signifies action.”

5.-A ceremony a sacred rite. In a ceremony exists creative potential that is at large , so it can become a physical or psychic manifestation.

6.-We’d rather use symbols in a joyful way spending time playing with them as the mathematicians play with numbers”

You’re welcome to cast more light in this amazing and extremly important study.

With the symbol of the red rose with a golden background I say to all of you THANK YOU!

viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008


From: Ezequiel Rodríguez | Posted: Friday, December 26th, 2008
Category: Health, Relationships, Planet, Spirit | Sub-Category: Happiness, The Vow, Inspiration, Living Your Purpose, Parenting & Family, Work & Life, Science & Spirituality | Tags: ACCOMPLISHING MUCH MORE

In today’s market, regarding self-improved methods that require that you listen to special tapes for at least thirty days, sometimes they fail because just very few people can spend this large quantity of time. My entire life has been spent asking questions face to face, plus looking for information in different places. My common questions to these people were how they had managed to learn a second, or a third language. Two of them, a Japanese, and a German became, let’s call them open minded were kind enough to give me their secret techniques. The German advised me to listen to a sentence for three times, in order to develop your listening skills. The Japanese agreed with the explanation given by the German, but he added that a four second pause was mandatory in order to be totally successful. So when I became an ESL teacher I applied these practical excellent pieces of advices, needles to say that with great results. As you have just seen, we can use these systems to record affirmations, affirmations that will erase wrong information, and later to create the right information. Our $ 64,000 dollar question is which of just two days from each month to spend only an hour each day listening to these tapes in order to accomplish the desired changes, and effects.

I have excellent news for you. I'm sharing with you a reliable site called-- Lunarium --Discover the mysteries of the moon---Here you will find your moon sign under "moon sign" and after discovering your moon sign you can go now to "lunar calendar"to find out these two wonderful days. Then it would be an excellent idea to mark these days, so you can record in advance and take full advantage of this technique. Because I really want to help as many people as possible I need your useul feedback to continue helping many more human beings.

Thank you!



Every time someone says "thank you" to somebody for something. A powerful spark of divine love illuminates our world, also a pleasant fragance emanating from the spiritual garden perfumes our world, and harmonious celestial music is attracted into our green-blue planet.
Early this morning, both my mind and heart were struck by an inspirational thought: If we are God's children then we are allowed by God Himself to bless our brothers and sisters. In order not to be missunderstood our mouths can say "thank you", but our hearts would say "I LOVE YOU!"
Also I've just realized that I've never thank God for the success of somebody. This person thanks to God's inspiration was able to create something useful, something that sooner or later we will be enjoying with our love ones. I firmley believe that if right now, at this precise moment we start blessing these amazing people for their useful contributions we will indeed succeed in making this world a much better place to live in. Our harmonious attitude of gratitude not only to our Maker, but to individuals will make the big difference. It will be by emphasizing the positive aspects of our productive lives and more importantly other people's lives that our never ending self spiritual improvement will find ideal growing fields full of harmony, peace and Divine love.

jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008


If one is told at an early age of the existance of this very useful life cycle,one is curious about it, and one is invited to demostrate it in one's life span, then it becomes an interesting life task.It bcomes a very bold adventure. Imagine having the advantage to know the ideal years to carry out activities with the expectation of seeing them crystalized.On which years our affinity is at its best with liquids, machinery, metals, sea, short trips, long trips, gambing, luck with women if you are a man, luck with men if you are a woman, the fine arts, mental processes, physical activities, friendship renewal, personal and private maters,self-improvement, inventions, inovation,becoming a business partner, finding the ideal business partner, changing professions, moving to a new house,moving to another company, becoming successful entrepenour,studying Philosophy,Psychology,Metaphysics,Mathematics, Ancient History, Comparative History Remote vision, Sciences. Healthy enjoyment, relaxation,litening to special music, when to take a sabbatical, psychic activities, army, energy, changes, muscle, favors, ideas, thoughts, teaching, our best year o undertstand Morher Nature, dealing with transportation, difficult people, extremly difficult matters, etc.
This is what exactly happened to me. I was told that our life is composed of experimenting for a complete year walking in a specific long hallway full of different choices by slecting the correct door out of seven magnificent doors. Our self-improvement would become both; interesting and enjoyable. On each door there is a roman number, so these doors are numbered from roman number one; I to number seven; (VII).
Door I = 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 - 36 - 43 - 50 - 57 - 64 - 71 and so on.
Door II= 2 - 9 - 16 - 23 - 30 - 37 - 44 - 51 - 58 - 65 - 72 and so on.
Door III= 3 -10 -17 - 24 - 31 - 38 - 45 - 52 - 59 - 66 - 73 and so on.
The door numbered I represents our GOLDEN DAWN year. In other words it is the luckiest year of the seven doors in all ways; for physical, emotional, healthy, emotional, mental and spiritual matters bracuse all cosmic forces gives us an extra push in the pursue of our goals.

In door II we are expected to make short business trips that have to do with our future. It is also excellent for teaching, transportation, gambling and movement in general.What affected me positively regarding spiritual matters was the door number V. This sacred and fantastic door gives one the opportunity the whole year, to understand our karma, but most importantly the glorious year in which our beloved Lord Jesus Christ did His most good to humankind. When he was thirty three years old.
That's why the years 5,12,19,26,33,40,47,54,61,68 and 75 are the wonderful years for those people who are spirituality oriented.Please notice that the year 33 occupies the fifth place on this seven year life cycle.
I was just sixteen years old when the book THE MASTERY OF DESTINY WITH THE LIFE CYCLES was on my hands. This book was written by H.Spencer Lewis from AMORC. The good news is that this book is available from everybody at AMAZON.
Important notice: What I've just described to you doesn't appear in this book. It was infered from it. So a sixty six old person, like myself, has been able to demostrate in his life time the rewards of each different door has to offer for at least ten times each one of them! That's amazing!
Due that today is twenty-fifth of December a very christian day, I decided to share this with you all and all your love ones.Please keep me posted or what is better if you can add something valuable you are indeed very welcomed because some people have told me that this seven year life cycle belongs to very specifis esoteric teachings from India.

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008



Today I wish to share with you something very sacred and very useful that has helped me a lot in my daily intents, ideals, dreams,short, middle and long term goals. Besides saving me a lot of very valuable time. After hearing the always important messages from our master within through his subtle voice, it is highly recommended to write down immediatly such messages in order to later on reinforce them by using an ancient mystical formula taking advantage of our modern technology by recording the message three times leaving a four second pause between each affirmation. For example the latest message for next year is that it would be wonderful for me and my love ones to be more patient, so what I should do is to record this affirmation:
"Ezequiel please be more patient with your intents, desires, family, friends, ideas, thoughts and specially your contacts with superior spiritual forces by picturing yourself in the general cosmic sheme of things.Please"

I repeat this with my best harmonious and subtle voice, but at the same putting on it passion, light, life and a lot of divine love. The pause between each affirmation is at least four seconds, but sometimes it will be as long as eight seconds. The big secret here is in the sincerity and honesty that these afirmations will travel along my subconscious mind becoming later on natural and effortessly reflexes.

There are many wonderful of such messages that can be used in the improvement of our lives. What we must keep in mind is that they should be the result of our eternal and wise inner voice. The proximity of our master within with God's inspired messages is indeed a true blessing. It is when we are listening to these recorded messages that more divine inspiration approaches flowing from deep inside us.
It will become a never ending source of inspiration. What I always kept in mind is that we have to be radiant poweful point of God's attibutes here on Earth.
The best from the best emanates from our true selves always!
Our magnetic auras can affect many things, places and specially people by transmuting the negative aspects into positive ones.
Our spiritual resposability is greater than the common human being. Ah! but the satisfaction is also greater. Our joy of living generates an indescribable amazing energy in and around us. Oh God Almighty I thank you for allowing me be what I am just because YOU ARE!


martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008



The year 2,009 A.D is about to start. It is the right time to ask ourselves this question:

Have I seen crystalized most of my dreams? If I could fullifill another one next year what would it be?There will be fifty two opportunities to step by step creating this dream. Why fifty two chances? Because our creative minds can create something new every week. This discovery was done without looking for it as most great discoveries take place. Being an ESL teacher for over twenty years. On my second year experience I found out that our minds need from five to seven days for any new knowledge to be fully intigrated in our neurological system to become permanent or to be filed in a specific brain area. It is after a week has passed by when we as tacher need to check our students response to check if wewere clear enough or if the student was able to pay the right amount of attention. Talking about our visualizations there is also a spiritual law about how a craetive thought needs to find response in this realm, so our creation can be helped by higher forces.
Our solar-day, the day of the week on which we were born seems to be the most suitable to start creating something new. So, to me we can celebrate our birthdays fifty two times every year instead of only once. On our birthdays we felll wonderful, very optimistic, very passionate about our goals we are highlt self-motivated.The same happens on every new year, so in order to keep our intents very much alive we have to water them weekly as a plant that needs water at least once a week. If you have some ideas to expand the contents of this post please let me know.

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008


It is impossible for a human being to always have first hand experiences during his lifetime. The same principle applies about experimenting only second hand.

Whay would be the ideal ratio? Two thirds second hand and only one third first hand or two thirds first hand experiences and only one third second hand experiences?

Experts still don't agree on that.For some experts second hand experiences are the first hand experiences had by other human beings and we have to be smart enough to learn by their experiences to avoid us wasting our very valuable time. Others disagree on this issue.

What is your opinion? If one sees this life as the only life, our perspective changes dramatically than if we believe that we are spiritual beings having many human experiences during a lot of interesting lives.

How has your current life treated you? Fair enough?Have you realized the numerous growing opportunities you've already had so far?

About gaining knowledge through first hand experiences what is your percentage?
And what about your mental and spiritual experiences? The strange ways how we attract wisdom. How we've learned that humility is everybody's long career in life.
Most of our learning has gone through the hard way, but some of it has been gained via the easy way. Mysticism allow us to use both ways in very smart ways, well the correct word would be "spirituality" is much better appropiate. The more spirituality oriented a person is it is less likely to suffer from depresive states and this person is able to manage stressful situations in easier and adjustable manners. I think that we can say about the change in our lives.
I'm eagerly wating for any comment that you have in order to broaden our horizons about this topic.
Your friend Amorifer-alden

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

Ejercicio creado por el Doctor Lonnie Edwards

    Meditación  con agua iluminada y perfumada con vibraciones del hermoso Jardín Cósmico.  
Siéntate cómodamente, ahora imagina lo siguiente: 
           De pié frente al oriente toma una profunda respiración rétenla lo más posible sin esforzarte..
Muy lentamente suelta el aire. Ten consciencia de la suave música de fondo. Toma otra respiración profunda, haz lo mismo que en la primera. Se hace necesario que tomes una respiración profunda más. 
Con cada  respiración profunda te  encuentras más y más relajado . Ahora  repite  sintiendo con mucha emoción lo siguiente:  “YO SIENTO EN MI SER LA PAZ Y LA ARMONÍA DEL UNIVERSO”
La gran paz y la suprema armonía del universo desciende hacia mí envolviéndome con estas dos maravillosas cualidades espirituales. 
Escuchas la suave música con los oídos de tu mente, la escuchas justo en medio de tu cabeza.
Manda ahora tu concentración al área de tu pecho. Tu total consciencia gira alrededor de tu pecho.
Esta energía gira, gira armoniosamente al contrario como giran las manecillas de un reloj.
Esta energía sigue girando alrededor de tu pecho, gira, gira, gira .Ahora ordena que este girar disminuya de velocidad poco a poco. Este armonioso girar se detiene justo frente a tu pecho. Toma tres respiraciones muy profundas. Con cada respiración esta energía penetra hacia el interior de tu pecho. Siente, viendo mentalmente como tus pulmones se expanden y se achican al echar fuera el aire. Aire dulce y divino ya que proviene del aliento Divino de DIOS! Este Dino Aliento es lo que te convirtió en una Alma Viviente!
  Ve y siente este aire, penetrando hacia el interior de tus pulmones. Ahí este muy especial y sanador aire logra vitalizar a los millones de glóbulos rojos los vibra con un propósito del gran Poder Cósmico de Dios, nuestro Creador. Ahora ve como estos millones de revitalizados glóbulos rojos van armoniosamente penetrando a tu corazón y tu corazón a la vez  bombeando con su Ritmo Cósmico Universal los logra enviar hacia cada célula y órgano de tu cuerpo NUTRIENDO, REVITALIZANDO Y HARMONISANDO   tu ser integral .Es tiempo de tomar otro aliento profundo ve esta acción , siente esta acción. Esta poderosa energía sanadora circula por todo tu ser total. Mantente así por unos segundos.
                     Manda ahora tu voluntad y tu consciencia al área de tu cabeza. Crea una energía que gira, gira alrededor de tu cabeza, siente como particularmente pasa por tu frente , y también siente como pasa por la parte occipital de tu cráneo. Esta energía GIRA---GIRA---GIRA---GIRA---GIRA . Ahora muy lentamente cesa este movimiento giratorio, este movimiento está ahora muy quieto justo frente a tu frente, esta poderosa energía ahora focalízala hacia el centro de tu cabeza. Ahí se encuentra posando esta maravillosa energía, mientras tienes consciencia de la dulce música que te rodea, esta música penetra también hacia el interior de tu cabeza. Escucha a esta música ahí justo en medio de tu cráneo. 
         La Gran Era de Acuario BAUTIZA a la humanidad!  La bautiza con las aguas de la compasión y con el Amor Universal! Estas  esencias vibrantes bañan a la mente y al espíritu, muy especialmente a tu intelecto estableciendo las sólidas bases para unas mejores relaciones humanas y buena voluntad!
Prepararán a la humanidad para un servicio Cósmico. 
         De nuevo manda esta energía a girar alrededor de tu cabeza, esta energía atrae hacia ella a una hermosísima luz blanca. Sintiendo a esta blanca luz que nos baña completamente caminamos por un bello paisaje. Paisaje que está compuesto por un hermoso prado de color verde intenso, en dicho prado crecen infinidad de flores de  muy diversos colores brillantes, se siente el fresco aroma de sus flores. Muy cerca de nosotros se ve a una cascada de aguas muy cristalinas, su caída es muy armoniosa, dicha agua cae desde una pequeña altura de una frondosa colina, al caminar muy despacio hacia a esta magnífica cascada el aire se llena de un rico olor, olor de muchos iones de polaridad positiva. Dicha agua se acumula en un estanque de aguas muy poco  profundas formando casi un círculo perfecto, esta agua cristalina desemboca en un alegre arroyo el cual fluye atravesando a este hermoso y muy tranquilo prado. Estamos listos ahora para con mucha ceremonia y gran respeto meternos a estas ralas aguas y caminando dirigirnos hasta donde cae la cascada. Al ir lentamente avanzando levantamos nuestra cara, para que de esta manera al llegar a la cascada dicha agua nos bañe el rostro y la cabeza. Aguas frescas y cristalinas nos empapan, sintamos la muy refrescante humedad de esta maravillosa agua. Escucha con suma atención el sonido que produce esta cascada al caer sobre mi cabeza, hombros y cuerpo.
Esta agua se lleva consigo toda tensión, todo temor, toda ansiedad refrescando a todo mi ser.Por favor vete a ti mismo sintiéndolo con gran intensidad.
El sol brilla sobre ti. El sol está enviando en este momento una bellísima luz blanca, esta luz a su vez también logra iluminar al agua que cae en tu cuerpo. Esta agua ahora iluminada y perfumada te purifica, te refresca y te penetra.  Vete a ti mismo iluminado por esta agua, también siente el efecto muy positivo de esta agua, siente como elimina todo temor, toda estado de ansiedad, toda duda y toda impureza de tu cuerpo, mente, de tu ser psicológico, de tu ser emocional quedan  permanentemente eliminadas.
    Toma tres respiraciones profundas sintiendo esta brillante y poderosa luz blanca llena de amor y llena de compasión  divinas siguen bañando a todo tu ser. Ahora  experimenta como tu ser interno se eleva armoniosamente, elevándose hacia esta luz blanca brillante. Toma un aliento profundo y permítele a tu ser interno que siga elevándose hacia los bellos cielos azules. Al ascender tu ser interno este se vuelve más blanco y más brillante. Ahora sientes que tus miedos, tus dudas y preocupaciones abandonan a  tu cuerpo, imagina como si todas estas emociones estaban  integradas en una pesada capa, esta capa pesada cae por fin  de tus hombros. Por esta razón ahora te sientes refrescado, muy  armonizado, feliz  y seguro y en paz!
Toma un aliento profundo y al exhalarlo  síguele permitieron a tu ser interno que siga subiendo, subiendo hasta el cielo espiritual. Ahí se encuentra un gran círculo de luz, esta luz está llena de un hermosísimo amor profundo.
                            Relájate para que recibas estas sagradas vibraciones de AMOR Y PAZ  provenientes de este gran círculo. Te sientes a salvo y muy protegido aquí en este lugar. Es tiempo de tomar otro aliento profundo . Ya que en este momento tu ser interno está listo y capacitado para llevar a cabo Servicio Cósmico. Ve y siente como tu ser interno brilla. Brilla con gran Amor y gran Luz Cósmicas. Pues en verdad somos un punto de luz ubicado  en la mente de Dios. También somos un poderoso punto focal de amor, Amor dentro del corazón de Dios.
     Nada la complace más que el experimentar el AMOR, LUZ Y COMPRENSIÓN que ahora TIENES Y ESTÁS RECIBIENDO. ESTÁS CONECTADO con la fuente de la Unidad.  Esta unidad es una inagotable fuente de Amor y Luz Cósmicas. Esta magnífica experiencia de ahora en adelante nunca te abandonará, ya forman parte de tu ser integral. Son tu protección, de daños externos como internos, por eso, donde quiera que te encuentres esta Luz y Amor de Dios están contigo. 
          Acompáñame ahora al Reino de Servicio Cósmico. Desde aquí vamos a dirigir nuestra  vista hacia nuestro planeta e irradia vibraciones de compasión y comprensión hacia TODA la humanidad!
Envía tu luz y Amor Cósmicos a las mentes y corazones de TODOS los seres humanos sanando, bendiciendo, fortaleciendo y despertando todo se acuerdo al AMOR DIVINO! Todo de acuerdo a la Voluntad de Dios!
Toma un aliento profundo irradia ahora armoniosas vibraciones a toda forma que está sobre la superficie de la tierra. Al reino mineral, al reino vegetal, al reino animal y al REINO HUMANO  permitamos que nuestra luz y amor penetren en todos estos reinos, atrayendo hacia ellos armonía, protección y orden Divino. Vívelo, siéntelo, deséalo . Toma otro aliento profundo y date cuenta de tu privilegiada posición en los cielos. Estás dentro, recibiendo tanto la Luz de Dios como de su infinito Amor.
Tenemos trabajo que llevar a cabo allá abajo en nuestro planeta Tierra. TIENES AHORA LA CAPACIDAD DE SERVIR! Dando la luz y el amor de Dios para el beneficio de la humanidad.
   Bajamos de nuevo nuestra vista  hacia el plano terrenal. Deja que los ojos de tu mente y de tu alma observen a todas las banderas de todas las naciones de la tierra. Fija tu amorosa mirada sobre estas banderas y desea que ellas simbolicen una Misión con un gran propósito Cósmico.
    Toma otro aliento profundo y con una superior gentileza eleva a todas estas banderas hacia el poderoso círculo de luz Cósmica. Ahí en este hermoso círculo se iluminan con el Amor y la Luz de las vibraciones de Dios! Luz y Amor que fluyen a través de ti, cumpliendo eficazmente  una muy Sagrada Misión Cósmica. Observa como los colores de estas banderas brillan más gracias a la infusión de Luz, Amor y Unidad que  les proporcionaste. Cuando esta acción altruista se termine toma otro aliento profundo y desea fervientemente que todas estas banderas desciendan hasta su plano terrenal que le corresponde a sus países. Ahora el verdadero significado Cósmico de la Hermandad Universal, del Amor Universal y de la Unidad Universal. Mira a esta imagen, siéntela y comprende QUE ESTÁ HECHO! La Ley Cósmica se cumple! Después de haber servido eficazmente es tiempo de que te relajes y tomes cinco alientos profundos, con cada aliento vas descendiendo más y más hasta llegar a tu lugar aquí en la Tierra, CON LOS OJOS AÚN CERRADOS TOMA CONSCIENCIA DE TUS ALREDEDORES, INCLUYENDO LA SILLA EN DONDE TE ENCUENTRAS SENTADO.
Toma otro aliento profundo al expirarlo abre tus ojos sintiéndote c

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008



Everything in Nature has rhythm: Planets, our solar system and galaxies have different very peculiar swinging movements,even our small intestine follows the universal rhythm. Every cell in our bodies has its own rhtyhm.

Many years ago I discovered that while attending mass I couldn't avoid a very noticable swinging while standing up. My wife told me to stop doing this, to me it was a very pleasant feeling, very harmonizing. So in my meditations,that are done sitting down on a chair, I also enjoyed swinging from left to right. This harmonious movement helps me to get attuned very fast with my inner self. Later on I learned that this peculiar movement it's done by sufi mystics. I'm also very familiar with the American indians rituals in which dancing and chanting it is their way to communicate with higher harmonious forces. And God almightly! with Mexican very sacred locations, whch we have many, due to our wide cultural background. It is an indiscribable experience. It is like your Great Canyon feeling of awness when you are lucky enough to really experiment the tremendous magnetic force of Mother Nature.

There is a very useful exercise in esoteric studies which takes forty-five days to complete. Every night in oder to feel connected with our universal forces, an exercise is carried out in order to feel reconnected with our Universe and its healing poweful forces. It is even much before you complete this forty-five days when you are able to experiment amazing results in your digestive system. No more heart burns, neither suffering from indigestion and other stomach problems. The intake of antiacids are needed no more, but more importantly the clarity of mind we obtain by doing this exercise is highly recommended.
The fragance coming from a good incense increases with our swinging. The same applies to listening to soft instrumental background music.Let's keep in mind that it is when we experiment a natural swinging, never the forced swinging when we obtain excellent results. This achievement allow us to feel really connected with Nature, many natural laws and high cosmic harmonious flowing energies.
All these qualities help us a lot to be able to listen more clearly and louder to our always wise inner voice.
Most times, from brief moments one feels the connection with the unique huge loving unity pulsating from God's loving heart!

Today that's what I wanted to share with you all. Something valuable and very practical.
Thank you.


martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008



Since my early childhood doing good deeds was often heard from the mouth of the adult world. It was and still is engraved in my mind. With my long years of sincere and deep mystical studies it has become a milestone in my life.

Disciplining thoughts, words and actions to achieve these expected tasks has long been a very enjoyable endevour. Regarding words it is amazing all the good as well as the bad they make on our love ones. If they are loving positive words expressed with our hearts they will become very pleasant echoes in other people's minds. Unfortunally the same principle applies when we say words with a bitter hurt heart because they are as destructive as an A bomb. Many positive illusions are destroyed by these never should have been pronounced words. Our thoughts also play an important role on our state of well being because our health is strongly related to our happiness, in other words to our mind-body-spirituality connection. We shouldn't allow to poison ourselves with bad thoughts. And when talking about our actions. If they have been constructive actions, they will find a strong correspondance from our spiritual world, but if they have been negative actions our spiritual force will be dimished to a high degree. Acquring culture in its many forms, as well as, mastering some bad habits will increase of spiritual force. Even learning a second language increases our spirituality. Our spontaneous laughter and easy smiles also play a very important role.

I think that our intents for the very near next year will have to do with our discipline and ability to double our good deeds. Please walk hand in hand with a huge smile in our hearts.



Once upon a time there were very powerful creative words for man to use in the pursue of his happiness including his love ones. It was the misuse of these magical words that provoked their lack of effectiveness. Nowadays you can use them, but you must've proven your worthtiness being initiated in one of the few authentic ancient-modern mystery schools. You have to go under a lot of sacred, different and beautiful initations. Initations belonging to different epochs and cultures. In other words, this sacred wisdom and knowledge now is under the jurisdiction of The Great White Brotherhood. This brotherhood has no physical place at all. It belongs to the spiritual realm and it really doesn't matter to which school of mysticism you belong to. If you aren't worthy you won't have access to these very special words. Do I want to discourage you? No, on the contrary, I'm inviting you to do your own research on this topic due to our extra harmonius season, the most beautiful of this year, Christmas. Christmas comes from Jesus Christ. A lot of people gets stressed because they only think in their economic state. The lack of money. When we've forgotten that it is to reinforce our sacred family ties. Ties that will become stronger, if we become more tolerant with every family member. We've also forgotten that a family that stays together creates a spiritual link with the above spiritual kingdom. By holdinhg hands and praying together not minding every one's believes, but only believing in God, a super strong ascending spiral will be created. This spiritual spiral will travel to our spiritual kindom and a lot of Divine blessings will surley descend. Why? Because it is the right time to do it. I have an idea! Here at HOME every one of us belongs to this very sacred family. I hope you have noticed it too. We are very, very special so mentally we can hold hands and ask God for our nuclear families. Ask for illumination, peace, content and wisdom. I`ve done this several times and believe me, it will go beyond your wildest dreams. It's indeed very effective. So effective that you will feel the LOVE Jesus Christ feels for us. Notice that I didn't use the past tense. We will have a Christic consciousness even if we don't believe in Jesus Christ because this particular consciousness belongs to all beautiful human race. Please be prepare 'cause we are just a few days away from this golden opportunity. To feel Jesus Christ heart beating in our hearts with all its immnse love for evey human being on this planet and beyond.

Beloved brothers and sisters from this amazing spiritual place I love sincerly every one of you.
Love and PEACE on Earth. Amo

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008


Eating special spiritual food
to vitalize our invisible guardians

Fresh pineapple is our number one choice to obtain a healthy nutrition for the pineal organ. Our pineal gland is our master gland from all our invisible guardians. Also recommended fruit for this organ are: whole gratefruit, orange and fresh lemon juice. Regarding solar energy vegetables we have the watercress,the fresh tender green peas and tender and raw cactus pads.Our chakras need to be fed. They are fed by our right thoughts, sunlight, good moods, meditation, motivational readings, Mother Nature, nuts, fruit, vegetables and magnetized water.
This magnetized water is done by us,by holding a glass of water in our hands at our solar plexus hight and then taking three deep breaths drinking in small sips just half the water. The same applies to all our meals. Besides saying grace it would be wonderful if by placing our hands above our dish we imagine that the food is highly magnetized by the energy flowing from our palms and fingers.

If we record our guided meditations we will be able to be creative and add something very valuable to what we are listening. Being an ESL teacher for over tewnty years I discovered that it is the students own voice the one to be used in sentences, so their subconscious mind won't interfere with the positive messages coming from their own voices. If the recording is done with some soft instrumental musical background we will triple its effectiveness plus burning some first quality incense in a semi-dark room.All of te above instructions will surely generte vey positive results.
For deja-vus flashbacks it is highly recommended to observe scenery images on which aren't depicted man-made things, only nature. Anothe final suggestion. Please try to embody HAPPINESS. How? By believing that we are true happiness. It will be like a silent invocation. Slowly but surely we will be able to imitate this Archetype of more than word, a very real altruisitic supreme harmonious feeling.
With my best wis



I'm sure you know one of these wonderful children. Perhaps you were one of them. This humble contribution's objective is to do our best to help them becoming succesful happy people instead of unhappy adults.You maybe are a lucky grandparent who has one of these very special children, or even he/ she is one of your children. Other times he might be a nephew or a niece. Maybe a neighbor. Whatever that the occation is, here are some very serious considerations about it.
We can accomplish a lot if our asked intervention is when they are between three to seven years old. Much before their amazing wisdom is buried under the many layers of intellectual knowledge.
The first thing that comess to my mind is to teach them to love darkness, instead of being terrified by it. Why do I consider this so? Because this is when their pinal gland is able to “see” strange and very harmonious visions. These visions fall from our normal recceptive sight. Beautiful shapes, geometric figures, colored lights etc.They are able to fully percieve them, but in our adult's ignorance we tell them that there is nothing there. We adults being parents, grandparents, older children, relatives including teachers. They then starting to lose confidence in their visions. Their logic tells them that if only they are able to see them and the rest of people can't, then they are mistaken. It is the result of their imagination. Everybody has forgatten that much before becoming once more a livuing soul in a new body we attended a spiritual school. There, we were well instructed about the technology of the world we would have to live in.We even met our future parents in a sacred spirtual way.
We wrogly assume that acquaring a good education in a good learning facility would be enough. And what about our job as facilatators of wisdom?Instead of giving them instructions, for example when we take them otdoors to a public park or a national park we fill their minds up by what we consider very useful information regarding what in the park is. We've forgotten that they have eternal wisdom. We forbid them to use their creative imagination and learn by discovery.It is wise to let them be. To let them experiment their contact with Mother Nature. The same priniple can be applied when we take them to a museum, an art gallery, a concert or to a foreign country.I know that you also have wonderful ideas about helping our high sensitive children to succced in channeling their great potential i the best harmonious ways.
With infinite love to our high sensitive children worldwide.


What does harmony mean? It means in a pure spiritual sense a fussion with our divine essence.

In order for everybody to have a clear idea let's use some common everday life examples; we experience harmony in music, when some musical notes attune ourselves with very pleasant sounds.We realize that music indeed is a universal language. Who hasn't felt alive and very happy by listening to a waltz? And what about about our national courage every time we listen to a military band melody? Or become romantically involved by listening to Debusy's “La MER” or “Clare d Lune”?
Then we experience harmony when we appreciate an art piece. When we are face to face with a master piece. The colors, forms and perspective in a harmonious blending?it takes us some time to catch our breath again.
And then, when we use learning by discovery and we are aware of a scientific law in action. What big difference it makes we at last exclaim: “EUREKA”

Even the pronounciation of the word harmony attracts into our reality a very harmonious feeling. Let's give a step further on to try to experiment the indiscribable, but wonderful feeling of God's love in our daily lives. How amazing are all Natural Laws created by God Himself. “DIVINE LOVE” is so, so impacting in our hearts that we feel very afortune to be immerse in this High Quality principle.

At the beggining of this year I tried to become harmony. Every time I went for my early walk, I really tried to wear these magical shoes. The first going around the park, about half a mile, I stared saying to myself. “My walking becomes a pleasant harmonious task, every step that I take attracts harmony”.
My walking becomes so harmonoius that I thank God for all the places I've gone thanks to my legs. This makes me feel very, very lucky. On my second round I say to myself.
“I am supreme strenght and confidence because I'm carrying a piece of God's love in my heart and my mind”

Again I succeed in becoming these two great qualities.

On my third round I begin repeating to myself. “Divine light, life and love in my mind, soul and body” until I finish this third round. Once more I do my best that these words become an actual feeling.

I continue my walking until I'm able to complete twelve rounds. This usually takes me about ninety minutes. By the way, most posts come by inspired moments while I'm walking, forgetting not to thank the God of my brave loving heart for all His multiple blessings. Next I think of you as to have a very strong intuition by what kind of writing some of you might need, so I open both my mind and heart to D ivine inspiration. Having then a clear idea I start compoing the post by altering it several times until I have the feeling that it is right. I know that many times there are misspelled words, but if I tried to be grammatically correct most of its essence will be lost.

Dear friends I live to write and not write to live.
I really enjoyed sharing this daily experience. Thank you for reading this humble contribution.

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008


Becoming harmony

What does harmony mean? It means in a pure spiritual sense a fussion with our divine essence.

In order for everybody to have a clear idea let's use some common everday life examples; we experience harmony in music, when some musical notes attune ourselves with very pleasant sounds.We realize that music indeed is a universal language. Who hasn't felt alive and very happy by listening to a waltz? And what about about our national courage every time we listen to a military band melody? Or become romantically involved by listening to Debusy's “La MER” or “Clare d Lune”?
Then we experience harmony when we appreciate an art piece. When we are face to face with a master piece. The colors, forms and perspective in a harmonious blending?it takes us some time to catch our breath again.
And then, when we use learning by discovery and we are aware of a scientific law in action. What big difference it makes we at last exclaim: “EUREKA”

Even the pronounciation of the word harmony attracts into our reality a very harmonious feeling. Let's give a step further on to try to experiment the indiscribable, but wonderful feeling of God's love in our daily lives. How amazing are all Natural Laws created by God Himself. “DIVINE LOVE” is so, so impacting in our hearts that we feel very afortune to be immerse in this High Quality principle.

At the beggining of this year I tried to become harmony. Every time I went for my early walk, I really tried to wear these magical shoes. The first going around the park, about half a mile, I stared saying to myself. “My walking becomes a pleasant harmonious task, every step that I take attracts harmony”.
My walking becomes so harmonoius that I thank God for all the places I've gone thanks to my legs. This makes me feel very, very lucky. On my second round I say to myself.
“I am supreme strenght and confidence because I'm carrying a piece of God's love in my heart and my mind”

Again I succeed in becoming these two great qualities.

On my third round I begin repeating to myself. “Divine light, life and love in my mind, soul and body” until I finish this third round. Once more I do my best that these words become an actual feeling.

I continue my walking until I'm able to complete twelve rounds. This usually takes me about ninety minutes. By the way, most posts come by inspired moments while I'm walking, forgetting not to thank the God of my brave loving heart for all His multiple blessings. Next I think of you as to have a very strong intuition by what kind of writing some of you might need, so I open both my mind and heart to D ivine inspiration. Having then a clear idea I start compoing the post by altering it several times until I have the feeling that it is right. I know that many times there are misspelled words, but if I tried to be grammatically correct most of its essence will be lost.

Dear friends I live to write and not write to live.
I really enjoyed sharing this daily experience. Thank you for reading this humble contributi


Having more access
to inspirational thoughts

Inspiration has no nationality neither an I.Q measurement. To me it has a divine origin. This action on us allow us to go beyond our current intelligence when we are dedicated to unselfish creative work. When any person is able to follow the dictations of his/her heart the full cooperation of his mental faculties is easily achieved. Our society has always wrongly classified us according to our main activity losing the wide opened perspective of our real value. Versatibility is the appropriate word to describe us much better. Our minds are able to cover many different fields. Fields apparently belonging to experts. There are no boundaries for the reach of our minds when they have the full cooperation of our inspiration. Of course that the more knowledge we posses about different topics it will be much easier for our inspiration to find the recquaired building tools to create something.We have depended a lot about what famous people have said about something. In other words we love quoting. This is an excellent idea if we think that it is just half the process until we find something coming from our inspiration that subtitutes this quote. We have to learn to also quote ourselves. This action will open our creative channels and our access to this divine fountain of inspiration will surely become very accessible for our hearts and minds to reach it. No where else have I found so many committed people in their intents like here at Intent. To me this is a very sacred place full of winners. Peple who despite their accomplishments they know that they can do a lot more foe our world. This the beauty part of this magnificent place. From the bottom of my spiritual huge heart I thank you all.

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008


Changing the way we view
our daily lives is the key to prolonged true happiness

The creation of the Applikom-Program made me change my daily perspectives regarding the life I was living back then in ninteen eighty-two.
I discovered that a lt of my hidden assumptions weren't properly seen in broad daylight. What was more shocking was the fact after realizing the actual nature of much I had overlooked had also given me a lot of preconceptions. Now I'm fully aware of the many golden opportunities that passed by without having an inkling of their presence. For many years I had wrongly assumed that knowledge was all a human being recquired to fullfill his sacred mission in life. I like most people was dead wrong. It is wisdom our sacred key word, but not only wisdom alone, no wisdom accompanied with a loving very brave heart. Self-assertiveness opposed to agressiveness. It is amazing how it is after we relearn to see our physical world with eyes without the blindfold when you give everything and everybody their proper place. It is a wondeful news to know that God loves us, but it is much more rewarding realizing that we indeed love God, when we satrt becoming a very useful instrument of peace and enjoyment in his name. What a magnificent opportunity every one of us has not to change our world, but to change our own attitude towards it! Everybody will start smiling at us, in such a way that we couldn't believe it was possible, because even babies would smile at us immediatlely. How beautiful are all human beings when we are able to see their perfect soul personalities not paying attention to their bodies's imperfections or the wrong attitudes they play.The law of Divine Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe!
I thank you for listening to my loving heart. With my most desires of PEACE PROFOUND an eternal soul personality. Amorifer-a


“Tertium Organum”

Will you please repeat this next invocation.

“Divine escence from the spiritual kindom where our Lord resides, we beg that your highly purifying energy descends and baths my integral self, so I will be cleansed from every wrong thought, word and action to be able to experiment a sacrd attunement with your divine escence.Aum!”

Let's sit down listening to our favorite instrumental music and sensing the fragance of a burning incense in a smi-dark room. As I take my first deep breath I place the right hand's index fingertip on my forehead.Now I place my left hand flat on my chest. I hold my breath as long as I can then very slowly I release it through my mouth. Keeping the same posture now I take a second deep breath and repeat the procedure. As I take my third deep breath I imagine how the radiant energy flowing from my chest area rund along my left arm keeps its flowing into my nape, there it spinns for a few seconds then it keeps flowing now throghout my right arm until it reaches my index fingertip. Then I release the air the same way done before, through my mouthI. Now I feel my almond shaped horizontal third eye. In my mind's eye I'm able to see how it absorbs this healing energy going deep into each one of its cells. Cells made of flesh and tiny pieces of crystals made of rubi stone. These pieces of glowing crystals project an intense bright red color light that illuminate my whole brain. Each of my neurons absorb some of this great energy from a divine origin. Now I concentrate on my pitituary gland with its two lobes; the anterior and the posterior. Mentally I make this energy spin for a few seconds and then I sent it directlt into the interior of my master gland, the pineal body. There once more I make this cosmic enegy spin, spin,and spin then suddenly I sent it directly into the posterior part of my third eye like there was a direct tunnel going all the way down, from my pinal body into my tertium organum. Then I vividely imagine THE SPHINX.
It is to the right time to pronounce seven times these sacred words “TERTIUMMM ORGANUMMM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM” until we've finished pronoucing them seven times.
Let's now imagine that our third eye is capable of breathing. We imagine a virtual nose placed on its anterior part of this horizonal pulsating and expanding almond. A deep inhalation is carried out not only the vital oxygen is being harmoniously absorbed, but all the magnificent vital cosmic energy as well.
Due to these deep breathings a rare perfume coming from flowers that were found on the Nile's river banks in Ancient Egypt. From the front part of our third eye virtual nerve ramifications in pairs will emerge; two of these nerve ramifiactions will be projected into both of my physical eyes. Another two will descend into my olfactory nerve, Two more will travel down into my inner ears, and two virtual nerves more will run into my thyroid gland. And now the amazing nerve ramification will travel all the way down into my left hand specifiaclly into each of my five fingertips, now the other virtual, but very real nerve will descend all the way down until it reaches the five finger tips of my right hand. Our immediate next step would be to imagine that on each finger tip there is a virtual nose, so we start taking a deep breath via our ten finger tips.

Now let's send our concentrating to our sacred almond. What we realize is that it is permanently lit. By taking three deep breaths we will be able to give more power to our third eye. It will shine now with more intensity. A very harmonious bright red color will expand beyond our brains illminating the room we are in. Also a pleasant humming vibration will be felt by us. Mentioning sound, let's finish this exercise by allowing that our background music reinforces this inner feeling to penetrate into each one of our cells; physic and psychic, so they can attune once more with the benefical cosmic rhytm. With our great vibration!

I expect that you will do your best to do this exercise. Its results will be fully appreciated sometimes the first time and most times until your third try.

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008


Our very handy intentional thinking will help us enjoy our questions and the answers from our trees. So far, most of us have been deaf at what trees want to tell us. They have a lot of very interesting stories to share with us, so please let's participate in the next brainstorm.
1.-In case trees wish to narrate to us a lot of stories then, does it mean they have memories?
2.-What about their feelings?
3.-Are trees capable of feeling our presence?
4.-Regarding the shades they project. Do these shades touch every grade of the three hundred grades around them?
5.Can trees orient themselves?
6.-What is the ideal distance for us, human beings, from any tree to benefit from its magnetic field?
7.- At what distance can a tree expand its particular aura?
8.-Regarding senses. How many do trees have?
9.-Do trees posses a sixth sense?
10.-Are trees able to recall their past lives?
11.-Do trees know when it is going to rain?
12.-What about arthquakes?

Some random apparently silly questions asked to ourselves about trees.
Do trees:
Cry? ---sleep? ---Talk? --- Communicate among them?
Snore? ---kneel down? --- pray? ---urinate? ---are hungry?--are they thirsty? --Do they hate? ---love? --Do they have a secret life? --Do their barks really protect them? ----Are they aware of how they attract and store solar energy?-------------- Can they detect the presence of harmful animals?--- How do they attune with the cosmic rhytm of the Universe?---Where is their solar plexus located?

In us the solar plexus is located about two inches above our navel and two inches inside. This solar plexus harmonizes both energy polarities; the one ascending through our foot soles which has a negative polarity and the energy that descends from the top of our heads. This energy consits of positive polarity coming from our sun.
So, in trees what is their solar plexus? I'm asking you this very important question because we should hug trees much more often to be able not only to absorb its beneficial energy, but as its wisdom as well.
A great tree lover. Amorifer-alden

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008



Sometimes it is ncessary to give an extra energy to our hearts in order to attract the Divine influence of the vital spiritual force.

This high energy will be applied to our physical hearts as well as our psychic hearts. It would be desirable that I explain to you that this special exercise was received by me as an inner inspiration. Because I wish that many more peple can not only enjoy, but make it a daily habit, you are reading this explanation. For many years I've had a very strong conviction: Always try to demostrate with facts my humble contributions. So plase allow me to describe this exercise.

Let's then start by invoking cosmic forces. Forces coming from our CREATOR.

“ I feel in my mind, body and spirit the peace and harmony of the Universe”

“ The peaceful universal harmony descends surrounding my integrated self penetrating to ach one of my cells regenerating them and attuning them to the univerasal rhytm”

Please repeat both affirmations until you start to feel its dynamic influence.
Now let's take three deep breaths. imagining that with each breath we are more spiritually connected with our Universe. Let's resume our normal brathing and sit down in a semi dark room. Romm on which we've burnt incense and have been playing our favorite soft instrumental music.

It is time to place six fingrs on our chest. Which fingers? The index, middle and ring fingers from each hand. It would be wise to take another three dep breaths imagining that with each deep breath we're attracting the vital fluid from our Universe. This vital juice runs abundantly and harmoniously into our hearts. This energy starts to be accumulkated in our hearts. This energy strats spinning gaing extra force. Now this energy flows upwards and downwards. Ascending into our thyroid gland and descending into our solar plexus. The top energy located in our thyroid gland ascends a little more until it is concentrated in the space between our eyebrows. There starts spinning and spinning. Please try to feel this rotaring force. The bottom energy is located in our solar plexus. Here this energy starts spinning and spinning.Please try to feel it by sensing an extra warm feeling there. Spend as much time as posible feeling these two energies. Resume your normal breathing.

Now let's imagine that our heart is a beautiful red rose with drops of dew on its petals, this dew provokes an expanding fragance of this emanating powerful rose. This emanation engulf us totally. Evey cell is prfumed with this smell. Now our heart becomes so big that our planet can be sheltered there. Right in the middle of it. Using our will power and vivid imagination Now using our will power and very vivid imagination let's send this energy to cover all the surface of our blue planet. Every human being is being considered, every animal and every plant. All are able to totally absorb this amazing loving energy. Let's not only visualize this, but to really feel it very, very deeply.

“Oh! Dear God! How wonderful it feels to be one of your children! A loving creature because you are indeed LOVE. LIFE AND ETERNAL LIGHT! Please don't permit that I forget this communion with your Loving and Eternal Heart! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We are allowed to cry. To shed sacred tears. Tears lacking self-pity. Tears of Cosmic enjoyment! Let's cry, cry and cry!”

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008


The Unsurpassed Power of Our Loving Hearts

In case we dare to compare the total power of love with the total power of mental power, we will get convinced right away that The Law od Divine Love surpassed greatly The law of Mental Power.

In my search for the gnosis of the heart, I was able to discover after many years that to know means in Spanish “saber”.In English means to know about something. And the other meaning in Spanish is “conocer” this word means in English to know something. This last English language meaning is what I'm referring about.
Gnosis is a personal knowledge with a person, place, event or truth.And if we after being immerse in this conviction our next logic step would be to accompany this gnosis with Divine Love.Our Divine Love hand in hand with our gnosis of the heart. This divine love already resides within our hearts, but due to our ignorance we haven't allowed it to be fully and beautifully manifested in our daily lives.
The next experiment is from the Bible.If we take three deep breaths and as we take our first inhalation we mentally repeat this.”How good it is for men and women to live together in harmony”And then as we exhale we complete the sentence.”To live together as brothers and sisters in unity” We will surely feel what is called the gnosis of our loving hearts.
Our Bible also expresses the following though: “If you say that you love God, but hate your neighbor, then my friend you are a liar. You don't really love God.” So what would our golden key be? It would be the gnosis of the word “service” To serve our fellow men without expecting recognition or gratitude. Usually these two aspects are missing from our fellow me, but not from The Highness.
This is indeed a short article, but is full of Cosmic escence and knowledge. God bless you all my dearest brothers and sisters.
Amorifer-alden. By the way, the word amorifer means one of the many messagers of Divine Love from our Lord, and alden is the very sacred comic place where blessings are u


Auric High Reinforcement
using the four cardinal points.

What you are about to read, then to study and finally to experiment was done by two dozen dedicated students for a whole year some time ago, obtaining very good attunement results. An improvement on their well being was immediately manifested as well as a psychic sensitiveness. Thank you.

Please face east because this is the cardinal point where most positive polarity energy is generated. In esoteric ancient teaching it symbolizes AIR. This is the place for archangel RAPHAEL.
Take three deep breaths imagining that you are is absorbing all the positive energetic qualities of the east. All this great healing enrgies go to your organs to reinforce them. Then breath normally for a couple of minutes.Next slowly, like in a sacred ritual, turn to yout right until you face the cardinal point south. South symbolizes FIRE. The archangel MICHAEL rules here. Please take three dep breaths absorbing the energy poeres coming from the south, breath normally for a couple of minutes. Next turn all the way down until you face the cardinal point west. This point symbolizes the element WATER. The archangel GABRIEL rules here.Once more take three deep breaths imagining that your aura absorbs all this energy. Then breath normally for a couple of minutes. Now turn very slowly to your rightuntil you are facing the cardinal point north. This point symbolizes the element EARTH. The archangel URIEL rules this place. Please take three deep breaths at the same that you vivedly imagine all the powerful energies been absorb by your aura. Now breath normally. It's time to give another turn to your right until you are facing eastwards once more. Place your left hand flat on your chest and now place your right hand flat on top of your left hand. Close your eyes and thank God and his angels and archangels foe all the energies and inspirations gtanted by them.

There are some divergencies regarding the colors and the elements of each cardinal point. Here what really matters is that you use the advice from your reliable intuition to visualize what was unexplained in this exercise.
With powful eneretic brotherly LOVE. Amorifer-alden.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


The Amazing benefits from our daily meditations.

What is the main goal of meditation? It is to dwell in our inner core. Our nner core is the glorious and eternal heart of our soul personality. This heart is able to enlighten our personal path always going upwards toward the summit of the ILLUMINATION MOUNTAIN.
This mountain is symbolic, but very real.
At this symbolic site exists our personal and very private sanctum (cell). It is in this special cell that all our prayers and desires will find a promt answer. Why is this so?Because there you can only ask favors which not only be beneficial for you, but for many people as well.
We came to this life and world to give the very best of us. We came here to make important contributions to humanity. Luckily every one of us is different. This difference is what is needed. Every human being is unique. Our mental and spiritual task is to spend this life looking for all our attributes, skills and gifts and to put them to work.
We will discover our current mental caliber as well as all our inner strenght . Our horizon will broaden. Our perspective for we have to offer will be clarified. In other words living in an eternal now we will have glimpses of our immediate future. This awareness will motivate us to keep on working in the here and now.

With each meditation our mind and heart will remain opened to get divine inspiration. In esoteric teachings there is a very sacred word which when pronounced with heart and mind brings us suptme harmony without ver failing this word is “H A R M O N I U M”If we pronounced it everal times our integral self will be bathed in this healing and regenerative high energy.

Ther's just another trmendous fact. This fact was discovered by chance by my students and myself when we decided to use as many moon signs as posible in our search for self-improvement.
It was long after we convienced ourselves of the mental influence of the moon on each one of us. On our subtl spiritual and mental faculties. Both pychologist and psychiatrist would be out of business soon, or on the contary they would almost always obtain immediare results trying to help their patients if they saw them just two consecuitive days each month. On which days ? On the days that the moon falls on their astrological sign. We mystics and psychics use these wonderful days to becaone better channels of God's desires for us His Beloved Children.
Would you like to try these two days? You do? Then use the internet to find out on which moon sign you were born. A reminder. Every month is different. Every month has different dates.
Much more was unsaid regarding this topic because her are speial steps to optimize this data.
With sincere Love and affection.Azokata-nous.



If it hadn't been to my brain stroke, I'd never 've realized the importance of the persue of our ideals and dreams. I wrongly assumed thar by fullfilling oue responasabilities and obligations would be enough.You're reading this because in spite of my shortcomings, health obstacles and English language limitations I dare to participate in the improvement of our society. I've also dared to invade apparently fields ruled by experts, for example the four A's: Anthropology, Astrology, Architecture and Archeology. Also Educational, scientific, Psychology and Universal History fields.

To my mind came something often ezpressed by my English teacher, by the way, I stared studying this very useful language when I was thirteen. My teacher used to say to me:” We came to this life not to see if we can accomplish things, but because we indeed can achieve them”
At that time I wasn't able to understand these wise words, now I do.Currently there are dozen of thousand of people having a second chance, me included. There might not be a third opportunity, so we have many things to do because in our ignorance we've wrongly posponed them. I also stared working part time at this early age, eventhough we were from a middle class my father thought that if I wanted to dress well and study I had to work My future was programmed regarding having a career. How? By helping one of my uncles in his licqour store, so whwn I finished high school I could be sent to Tampico to study Chemical Engineering. Suddenly everything chaneged, my uncle suffered a bad car accident. Later on my mother passed away and then my father, both died very young.I saw myself with two brohers and two sisters, two children of my own plus my wife's brothers and sisters. I had to make a living for all these beautiful perpole.My wife and I suceeded. At first I was bitter, because to have a reliable income I had to work as a waiter. Then I realized that I could have a self-education. There was an American Library here in Monterrey. Immediatley I got rid of my self- pity and stared studying in the little free time I got.
Are you experiencing a first chance, or are you like me experiencing a second golden opportunity?
With Love, respect and sincere admiration your brother on the pATH.aMORIFER-ALDEN

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008



enteen numbered horizontal lines. At the top od this part one example there aer the seven days of the week.

1.-Morning prayer of gratitude to our Master of Masters.

2.-Memories obtained just immediatley as we wake up, in order to select our inner voice perceptions with important messages from mere common dreams.

3.-Stimulations done with our healing hands and minds in order to wake up dormant abilities.

4.-Special sensations due to these stimulations. If we write down the hour it would be a good idea. The special vibrations are usually felt on our head as pleasant pains.

5.-Family relashionships. Not to lose our daily communication with spouse, children, relatives etc.

6.-Proper nourishment. Eating fruit, vegetables and healthy meals.

7.- Drinking magnetized water.

8.-Physical exercises. Walking for at least half an hour, jogging or other activities.

9.-Auric reinforcement using our concentation and visualization.

10.-Taking at least a dozen deep breaths each day.

11.-Listening to mantras, chants or new agwe music; Jonathan Goldman, puja.net.

12.-Me d i t a t i o n .

13.-Intentional thinking. At least fifteen minutes.

14.-Conscious observations .COLORS, SHAPES, PERSPECTIVES ETC.

15.-Discoveries. What were we able to discover this particular day?

16.-Dwelling in our mansion of the souls. If you do it on the day of the week that you were boen it will be time well spent!

Feel free to change this or to adapt it to your needs.I know that you also posses a special self-improvement technique. We at Intent would love to hear from you.


Dear scintist somebody told me that you fell deeply in love in with science many years ago. So the communication with your loveheart named "science" is excellent. You can talk to science at its many important levels. You've become quite an expert in doing this.
To me, as a simple layman, science is like the tip of an iceberg. However to you it's like the whole big and massive iceberg. You can also see its tip, but you're able to see the rest 95% under water. So, your understanding surpasses by far much more  than my understanding of it.
 What do I want you to do? I wish that you show more patience with my little knowledge of science. I know that to you it is  a beautiful, sensous and a sexy subject.You're totally involved with it, mentally and emotionally.

At this moment I'd like to ask you for a big favor. How many hours have you spent immered in deep thinking doing research? A lot. Right?I on the other hand have spend just a little time doing this. What would you recommend that I do? Please give me a reilable shortcut because I don't have the same amount of time that you have, anyway I wish to fel as excited as you are with your beloved science. Have we kept the same pace as our current technology has? What's missing? Please enlighten me.

What has science been able to offer mankind?A lot of advantages and benefits.Right? Are we currently really fully aware of this? We haven't? Why is this so?

Science has given you a lot of answers to your questions. Hasn't it?
You and your fellow companions have developed a very special vocabulary, I dare to say that's more like a language. We laymen  to understand science must learn it too. The main issue is that we can't spend as much time as you have spend with science. What I wish you to do is to create a special, but short program for us, let's say spending a couple of hours per week for a whole year.

I really don't know if that could be possible. What do you have to say about this very important and interesting topic?

In the name of the millions of honest laymen help u