estra propia agua vibrada.
A todos los seres humanos se nos otorgó la capacidad de usar nuestra mente creativa para mejorar muchas de las cosas materiales. Es a través de nuestras manos donde generalmente nuestra energía divina logra llevar a su feliz realización aparentemente milagros, digo aparente ya que los llamados milagros deberían ser parte integral de nuestras vidas cotidianas. Desgraciadamente nuestro auto impuesta amnesia temporal no nos ha dejado de apreciar en su verdadera magnitud su precisión y gran belleza.
Desde la antigüedad han existido seres humanos privilegiados que se han dado cuenta cabal de nuestra hermosa herencia divina de poder crear como nuestro Padre Celestial fue, es y será nuestro derecho Divino!
Empecemos pues a considerar al agua que bebemos diariamente como ahora algo mágico e importante a siempre considerar. Por esta poderosísima razón la próxima vez que veamos a un simple vaso de vidrio con agua apreciémoslo como que aunque este lleno este vaso con agua solo está manifestando solo la hermosa mitad de su real potencial. Que elemento le falta a este vaso para poder manifestar totalmente su potencial? Permítame ilustrarlos. El agua es el elemento con la mayor capacidad de polaridad negativa en nuestro planeta. Al decir polaridad negativa significa que es el elemento que puede atrapar en cada una de sus moléculas igual cantidad de polaridad positiva del universo. De dónde proviene esta máxima polaridad positiva? Del sol. Y cómo nosotros los seres humanos podemos atrapar dicha energía solar? Es mediante cada una de nuestras respiraciones profundas. Nuestro ser interno de esto se alimenta. De altas vibraciones positivas. Bueno también de la buena música clásica, de nuestras alegrías, de nuestras oraciones y meditaciones. El gozar con el estar expuesto a obras maestras y a nuestra madre naturaleza también ayuda mucho. El dominar algún defecto, al adquirir cultura de cualesquier clase. Todo lo anteriormente mencionado logra que de nuestras manos, vista y fuerza de voluntad surja esta positiva polaridad. Recordemos que nuestro vaso con agua tal como la polaridad negativa de un poderoso imán espera nuestro influjo de polaridad positiva. Al tomar , a la altura de nuestro plexo solar a este vaso y al emplear de tres a siete minutos mirando a toda esta agua, no solo a su superficie logaremos “magnetizar” a esta cantidad de agua. Lograremos poder que esta manifieste su total potencial.
Ahora bien que vamos a hacer con esta agua “vibrada”?
Espero su curiosidad e importantes comentarios.
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009
jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009
A shaman's special trining program...Part one
Walking for thirty minutes six times a week, drinking two glasses daily of magnetized water and swallowing sunlight have been three daily habits this shaman has taken care of his health. To all of this we must add doing some praying and meditation.
Let’s begin with walking for thirty to an hour six times a week. My technique is to walk for seven minutes having in heart and mind the sacred word HARMONY. Imitating a good actor I become this concept. So each step I take is done with full consciousness that because I am harmony. Logically my walking is always harmonious. My breathing is also harmonious; my thoughts obviously are harmonious too. Starting to feel this sweet harmony inside and outside me I soon become a powerful walking magnet. Now all my senses only are aware of the surrounding beauty. This beauty allows my waking to be really an enjoyable action.
During my next seven minutes I become supreme confidence because God’s strength covers my walking like being covered totally by a beam of cosmic violet light. On purpose I see myself surrounded by my own aura being reinforced as I keep walking and walking. This ultra violet light transform itself in the color my aura needs at this particular day. Does it need the vibrant color red, so I will have extra physical energy? Then I will become a walking bright red color aura. Maybe I need to do some business that requires a great clarity of mind? Then I become yellow walking aura. Do I need an extra comic push, so everything falls on its proper place? I am then a walking orange aura.
If I am in need of high spiritual energy then this ultra violet spiritual beam will be transmuted into a crystalline bright violet aura.
Interested? Tomorrow then this sharing will continue.
Let’s begin with walking for thirty to an hour six times a week. My technique is to walk for seven minutes having in heart and mind the sacred word HARMONY. Imitating a good actor I become this concept. So each step I take is done with full consciousness that because I am harmony. Logically my walking is always harmonious. My breathing is also harmonious; my thoughts obviously are harmonious too. Starting to feel this sweet harmony inside and outside me I soon become a powerful walking magnet. Now all my senses only are aware of the surrounding beauty. This beauty allows my waking to be really an enjoyable action.
During my next seven minutes I become supreme confidence because God’s strength covers my walking like being covered totally by a beam of cosmic violet light. On purpose I see myself surrounded by my own aura being reinforced as I keep walking and walking. This ultra violet light transform itself in the color my aura needs at this particular day. Does it need the vibrant color red, so I will have extra physical energy? Then I will become a walking bright red color aura. Maybe I need to do some business that requires a great clarity of mind? Then I become yellow walking aura. Do I need an extra comic push, so everything falls on its proper place? I am then a walking orange aura.
If I am in need of high spiritual energy then this ultra violet spiritual beam will be transmuted into a crystalline bright violet aura.
Interested? Tomorrow then this sharing will continue.
domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009
Dear friends, brothers and sisters suddenly this Sunday morning came to my mind an image long time remaining in this brain. How one day as I was about only seven years old thought that the luckiest profession on this planet was the one experienced by a simple street vendor candy man. I told this one evening while having dinner with my parents my exact words were: "Mom and dad I now know what I want to be when I grow up" My parents very surprised by this unexpected statement made they ask me : Son, that's a wonderful news, do you wish to become a doctor or a teacher or an engineer"? I didn't answer this question right away, because to be it was very obvious that to become a street vendor candy man was the most amazing job of all! I had noticed how all the children's faces were illuminated just by listening to the loud voice of this wonderful man as he approached walking down our streets. To my child's comprehension this person was indeed a very privileged human being because he brought happiness, momentary happiness’s by the way, but anyway he was my hero. So very proudly I told my parents that I eagerly was waiting to become an adult to be a much loved by children candy man. As both my parents listened in shock my words, first the laugh loudly and then suddenly they both became very serious. That night my trust in the world was pulverized totally. My parents slowly stared to explain to me what real life was about. I had to expect, as I grew older, to face each passing year with many more obligations and responsibilities and because they both very serious, I seldom saw them smile, much less laugh I believed in their words, so for many years I was afraid to grow older. I'm not judging them, because their ignorance had been inherited by their parents. To them living in this world was like living in the jungle, where the smartest or strongest animal can survive. What I did with my children was some balanced advice. I taught them to focus on the positive aspects of life, but I also explain to them that a life without discipline is worthless. Life must be most time spent enjoying life and a little or sometimes being serious about solving some issues. I expect I have done a good job. It was when my three sons and one daughter were still children, to live in a magical world. My children as they became teenagers we made them realize to be aware of the dangers of drugs. By the way If I was invited by American couples to go to the USA to live there I will be short. All of them wanted to help me by entering to this country in a straight way, in a legal way. These people would have helped me with whatever it took. My wife and I never approved because we saw the experiences of many Mexican families who had dared to go to paradise and failed. What I learned very Late was that now everywhere there are the same dangers. What are the morals of my true story?
Love, comprehension and tolerance.
Dear friends, brothers and sisters suddenly this Sunday morning came to my mind an image long time remaining in this brain. How one day as I was about only seven years old thought that the luckiest profession on this planet was the one experienced by a simple street vendor candy man. I told this one evening while having dinner with my parents my exact words were: "Mom and dad I now know what I want to be when I grow up" My parents very surprised by this unexpected statement made they ask me : Son, that's a wonderful news, do you wish to become a doctor or a teacher or an engineer"? I didn't answer this question right away, because to be it was very obvious that to become a street vendor candy man was the most amazing job of all! I had noticed how all the children's faces were illuminated just by listening to the loud voice of this wonderful man as he approached walking down our streets. To my child's comprehension this person was indeed a very privileged human being because he brought happiness, momentary happiness’s by the way, but anyway he was my hero. So very proudly I told my parents that I eagerly was waiting to become an adult to be a much loved by children candy man. As both my parents listened in shock my words, first the laugh loudly and then suddenly they both became very serious. That night my trust in the world was pulverized totally. My parents slowly stared to explain to me what real life was about. I had to expect, as I grew older, to face each passing year with many more obligations and responsibilities and because they both very serious, I seldom saw them smile, much less laugh I believed in their words, so for many years I was afraid to grow older. I'm not judging them, because their ignorance had been inherited by their parents. To them living in this world was like living in the jungle, where the smartest or strongest animal can survive. What I did with my children was some balanced advice. I taught them to focus on the positive aspects of life, but I also explain to them that a life without discipline is worthless. Life must be most time spent enjoying life and a little or sometimes being serious about solving some issues. I expect I have done a good job. It was when my three sons and one daughter were still children, to live in a magical world. My children as they became teenagers we made them realize to be aware of the dangers of drugs. By the way If I was invited by American couples to go to the USA to live there I will be short. All of them wanted to help me by entering to this country in a straight way, in a legal way. These people would have helped me with whatever it took. My wife and I never approved because we saw the experiences of many Mexican families who had dared to go to paradise and failed. What I learned very Late was that now everywhere there are the same dangers. What are the morals of my true story?
Love, comprehension and tolerance.
lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

The important role played by trees
In our past lives
Once more, I’ll put a very strong emphasis on trees. Trees; Beautiful trees. Trees; Useful trees. Trees; Trees that have become our inseparable friends. Trees, inspirational trees.
What has worked for me is the following:
By downloading tree images from internet and making a tree file, first I pick out a dozen pictures depicting old trees, and then I start talking to each of those trees as beloved old friends. After a while I do my best to listen to them by closing my eyes and imagining that they are talking to me like an old friends remembering some beautiful and magical moments had together. How the many times that we fell deeply in love with someone, our friend. The tree listened and at the same time enjoyed our radiant and contagious happiness. Other times, how being married, and being absent for a long time from our beloved family we stared talking to a very similar tree near home, in a far land. The many times we climbed up a tree and stayed in it for a long time feeling vitalized and very optimistic, feeling a divine bliss. How we even without realizing it, made amazing time traveling, to other lands and epochs
The next step, about after two weeks of being virtually experiencing this special communication with these trees, is to see them in our mind’s eye. We can perform this next action. Where are they currently? How are they doing? Are they loved and appreciated as we did? Don’t we remember a beautiful full moon on its treetop? Dark romantic nights near a bonfire. Or a safe hiding place from flying arrows. Or the times we climbed up when in danger. Still, other occasions when we and our family made a sacred circle around it to ask for special Nature’s favors. Ah! Who doesn’t recall the sweet smell from these amazing living creatures? And what can you tell me about when they bear fruit, how tasty and delicious they were just picked from their tree branches.
Please help me out on this post. I do need your help to awaken the still dormant love for trees of many people.
sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009

I’m in a highly positive emotional state due to several factors. I wish to write about something about the important lessons given by God regarding some of our misfortunes experiences as human beings in some of our past lives.
What wonderful divine insights obtained by feeling handicapped in diverse ways. Imagine, having many shortcomings, defects and obstacles in many different lives, in order to really understand human suffering. By being in someone shoes, we indeed understand these people’s points of views. Being an orphan, being a childless parent, being the eldest, being the youngest, being a mystic, psychic, traitor, victim, being a woman, being a man, being deaf, mute, blind, crazy, criminal, judge, priest, prisoner, executioner, to have killed somebody, to be killed in many different ways, to die peacefully, being a doctor, nurse, patient, philosopher, shaman, ignorant, peasant, belonging to the royalty, being an artisan, engineer, lawyer, etc. Our soul personality has access to all of these important files, but sometimes for our own safety and mental state we don’t recall anything of these long ago past activities or states of being.
All of the above plus many more things are for the benefit of becoming our brother’s keeper. Something wonderful is about o happen to us all. An spiritual breakthrough is sensed. How lucky we all are to be the witnesses’ of THE BIG POSITIVE CHANGE!
T5he answer lies in REMEMBERING all the good news about our reincarnations, but also some bad news about them. Our family relationships will continue to be a key factor in our desirable harmonious lives.
A prolonged fraternally sincere embrace.
sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Simple daily actions to help us be much more awareof our increasing spirituality.
Today, I feel like sharing something very valuable with you all.
I wish to inform you how to experience many more pleasant physical sensations.
These paculiar sensations will soon become our safe and reliable guide to know when it is appriopiate to communicate with our master within and also, by writing down the exact minute and hour plus date of these special pleasant feelings. We can repeat thesae spiritual magical moments later on, maybe in the next month or week.
Past experiences recorded by my students and myself cast important light in how sometimes this inner communication is advisable for everyone at the same time, and how most times each one of us has to follow the right affinity sacred and magical moments for this amazing and very productive communion.
How the positive different planet influences is very different fo each one of us. The moon day, the moon sign and mostly the eclipses observed beteen a planet and our natural satellite. We don’t have to know astrology. Really! It is when by writing down the exact hour and date, and later on checking a astrology site in internet we, step by step start discovering these importanta astological aspects in our daily lives.
So, our homework for his week is to tell ourselves the following affirmation as you place the index finger of your left hand on your forehead and the palm of your right hand flat on your chest, the take a deep breath and try to feel how your loving heart and your third eye seek a harmonious blending becoming a unity in your solar plexus. Now place both hands on your lap, close your eyes and become a reciever for a couple of minutes. Now you are ready to say the folowing affirmation:
“Dear and beloved master within, please make me consiously receptive to the presence of planet Mercury in my life. Pleas keep me informed even during day time of its position in the sky and how it is attuned with my chakras. For the benefit of beautiful mindkind please allow me to feel it.”
It is recommended to use only one planet per week, including our glorious sun and romantic moon. Please keep me informed, so you can sfetly initate the second stage.
viernes, 23 de enero de 2009
This morning while walking, suddenly the cardinal points toward I was heading stared a conversation with me.
While walking northwards I sense more than listen to the following words:
“You’re waking toward where cold crystalline water arises from the North Pole into a high altitude, and from there travels very fast heading southwards. Iam dropping some of this magic water into your head until all your hair and scalp are completly wet. This wetness feels like you are being baptized, so The Holy Spirit can descend over you penetrating every single cell in your physical and spiritual body. From now on your communication with our Father will be carried out with much stronger spiritual links, so obey all the suggested pieces of advice.”
While walking westwards now the subtle voice of element air was heard.
“Enclosed in my molecules is the eternal vital regenerating force. This force encircles what the Chinese call “chi”, the Japanese call “ki”, Greeks name it “nous, Indian people call it “prana”and many other important names. This high energy revitalizes every blood cell in your body plus it also nourishes your spiritual being with the “mana” of heaven.”
As soon I gave a turn, and now I was walking southwards nearby is the magestic mountain called “Saddle Mountain” It said to me:
“I represent the element earth, so all my energy will be absorbed by your body as you walk towards the cardinal point south. All the mineral and trace elements that your body needs will be totally integrated via your foot soles, so abandon the paved path and walk on my sacred soil”
I did this. Then I had to give another left turn as I was heading eastwards. Immediatly teh Glorious East stared talking to me:
“I represent the eternal purifing fire, so please feel my healing warmth. Allow me to help you vitalizing your kidneys, so they will fulfill its wonderful mission of keeping the right amount of heat in your body. This temperature will kill harmful bacteria and also will give extra heat to your solar plexus. Your solar plexus is what keeps your perfect balance between the communication had by your soul personality and your human part.”
I had the inner pleasant sensation of being part of the microcosm and macrocosm. Our eternal duality being manifested in a triple harmonious way. I thank you God! Ah! How wonderful feeling!
This morning while walking, suddenly the cardinal points toward I was heading stared a conversation with me.
While walking northwards I sense more than listen to the following words:
“You’re waking toward where cold crystalline water arises from the North Pole into a high altitude, and from there travels very fast heading southwards. Iam dropping some of this magic water into your head until all your hair and scalp are completly wet. This wetness feels like you are being baptized, so The Holy Spirit can descend over you penetrating every single cell in your physical and spiritual body. From now on your communication with our Father will be carried out with much stronger spiritual links, so obey all the suggested pieces of advice.”
While walking westwards now the subtle voice of element air was heard.
“Enclosed in my molecules is the eternal vital regenerating force. This force encircles what the Chinese call “chi”, the Japanese call “ki”, Greeks name it “nous, Indian people call it “prana”and many other important names. This high energy revitalizes every blood cell in your body plus it also nourishes your spiritual being with the “mana” of heaven.”
As soon I gave a turn, and now I was walking southwards nearby is the magestic mountain called “Saddle Mountain” It said to me:
“I represent the element earth, so all my energy will be absorbed by your body as you walk towards the cardinal point south. All the mineral and trace elements that your body needs will be totally integrated via your foot soles, so abandon the paved path and walk on my sacred soil”
I did this. Then I had to give another left turn as I was heading eastwards. Immediatly teh Glorious East stared talking to me:
“I represent the eternal purifing fire, so please feel my healing warmth. Allow me to help you vitalizing your kidneys, so they will fulfill its wonderful mission of keeping the right amount of heat in your body. This temperature will kill harmful bacteria and also will give extra heat to your solar plexus. Your solar plexus is what keeps your perfect balance between the communication had by your soul personality and your human part.”
I had the inner pleasant sensation of being part of the microcosm and macrocosm. Our eternal duality being manifested in a triple harmonious way. I thank you God! Ah! How wonderful feeling!
jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Good Obama day! Today I had to combine fact with fiction in this post.
I expect much more fact than fiction.
In my head I still am able to listen , revived memories, like being a pleasant melody played by the harmonious voice of a wise Guru, in a past life in beautiful India.
I can't recall his name, but I do remember some of his teachings, so what follows are his concept about the ratio, we human beings should have regarding our time spent on physical matters and spiritual ways observed during each of our life times.According to him the ideal time spent by humankind was; eighty five percent on our physical needs and obligations and only fifteen percent in our spiritual endeavors.
“My beloved and dilligent studentss, today I will make reference of following our right percentage dealing with important spiritual matters. Currently outside Asia, mainly in the western world, people spend as much as ninety-seven percent on physical tasks, and only a very por three percent on spirituality. And here in India a lot of people sprend eighty five percent on spiritual matters and only fifteen percent on basic physical needs and responasabilities. Huge mistake!”
“Please always keep in your fresh minds that it is when ouir soul personality is given the ideal percentage it will be more than enough to fulfill all our dreams, ideals, actions and missins in our lives”
“Besides it is when our physical part does its very best to help our spiritual part, when this balanced formula becomes a true blessing and our lives become very happy productive lives. I expect that these sacred teaching will find an easy response in your future lives because you may be born in thrWest.”
It was then in this life when I've met many people from India. These wonderful people have informed that the preference of many people to wait for another future life here on Earth that had made them very lazy. India needed active people. India has always had very creaçtive intelligent human resources, but this apathy observed in the many avoided India to become a much better country to live in.
The personal lesson learned is that, only Gurus can live a dual life on wich fifty percent is material and the rest fifty percent is spiritual. This is my humble opinion.
jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

We, who live in tropical countries, don’t have the many benefits from spring fever. Why? It is due to the fact that we never see Nature dressed in beautiful white, as you do during winter time. For us, oudoors always have vibrant warm colors. Firt world countries are usually located to the north, where the four season are well marked. On the other hand in our countries we usually experience just two well marked seasons. In our countries even blind people show a noticable happiness of living, as some tourist through the years have told me due to the fact that nearby our main hotel area there is a place for blind people and these tourist have heard that our blind people laugh more often than blind people from their industralized nations. Does this fact mean than even blind people can “feel” through their skins our wonderful vibrant colors?I really don’t know. An idea has just struck me. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if in countries where our healthy sunlight is most needed there were ways to neutralize people’s blue moods? No more depressed moods at all!
By using our imagination together with making our auras brighter. These useful combination would bring people the attraction of psychic, but very real , warm vibrant colors to their productive lives. If our minds are where they think they are and not where they actually are, then can we not thrick our minds to benefit from this knowledge?You can imagine that you are in colorful Mexico or another colorful country not enjoying from their beaches, but other magic places, for example ; rain forests, mountains, Ancient indian ruins and currently places where our planet’s high energy is still felt. Now counting with internet we can mentally “travel” to these amazing places.
And regarding our auras making them brighter and cleaner it is another excellent possibility. Our key word would be the use of our imagination. Remember the powerful ancient secret of the secret? By doing these exercises in imagination will get a cosmic response and the healthy vibrations from beautiful countries and places will be attracted being integrated in our magnetic fields (auras).
I really enjoyed sharing something very Simple and useful. I do thank you.
Amorifer-alden ( a modern Mexican mystic)
miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009
We spend one third of our lives sleeping. It would be very interesting to have just a glimpse of these apparently moments of objective unconsciousness, but subconscious alertness.
By the way it is easier than we think. Well if we’ve been spiritually oriented for some time it is. On the other hand if we just have opended our senses to the amazing beauties of this immense realm, then it becomes just a little dificult.
It will require some patinence and discipline from ourselves to see rewarding results.
Allow me just to give you a very simple example regarding worldwide catastrophies.
When in one part of our planet is night in the other half part is day time, so let’s supposed that while we are sleeping here on the American Continet in The Orient where there are China, Corea, Viet Nam, Thailand, India, Japan and many other countries ocurrs a catastrophy during the day hours, we here are sleeping. God in Its infinite wisdom gave us the amazing capacity to project our soul peronalities to those far away places and in an spiritual-mental sense help many peiople who due to their panic their thinking doesn’t work well. Many people who I has the chance to talk to them have told me that indeed some of them had had not very cleqr images from these people suffering, highly experiencing anxiety and in distress.
Other times during plane crashes we help people cross over to the light.
Regarding important messages sent by our soul personality, due to our lack of trusting our intuition they are all very logical in essence.
On the other hand when they are just plain dreams then, our ilogic rules. I know that there are many books and articles about dream interpretation, but I firmly believe that the one ones to disapher them are definetly ourselves.
I forsee that many among us can contribute with their very interesting dream experiences about this always fascinating topic.
martes, 13 de enero de 2009
Once upon a time when I was an arab boy, an amazing experience happend to me. It was a very hot summer day, so I was under a beautiful thick fig tree. Suddenly this tree stared to talk to me, at first I though it was my imagination due to the soft wind making a pleasant noise as it moved some tree leaves. I now know that it was telephatic conversation being held by this tree and myself. He said : “ Don’t you remember me Azis?””I do not” I answered with a very shaky voice, almost a whisper. “Well, my friend let me tell you that we met for the first time about three hundred years ago in another land. You were a chela at that time and you were about the age you are now, it is ten years old. Right?”
“Yes,I am ten” I replied. “You and I used to live in India at that time. You and a current friend , that now is your cousin were playing around me. Your friend was two years older than you, so he used to bully you” He told me. “Sorry”I said “I really don’t remember anything you are telling me” And he then told me that later on that same year I would remember all about it. And I did rembember. Please let me explain something to you. Here in Monterrey about ten yeras ago I, together with thirty people including some women went to a ranch to spend three days and two nights in a spiritual gathering. We observed a vegetarian diet, prayed and meditated a lot using pure vowel sounds and special mantras. Special bells, a lot of insence and candles during night time allowed many of us to experienced deep mystical states. These ceremonies were brought from Brazil and were called ERINS.
What I wish to strongly emphasize is the tremendous importance that trees have had in our daily lives, so in case there are more similar experiences you are most welcome.
I sense a very strong urgency to share this experience.
Your friend who is deepl in love with amazing Nature.
lunes, 12 de enero de 2009
a true fried: a great blessing
Every one of us needs the full understanding and back up of a true friendship. It is when a person who is outside our family circle becomes our friend and we also become his/her friend a Divine blessing descends on and shelters these two lucky human beings.
How wonderful it is that here at this wonderful placew we’ve been able to count on not with only one, but with many true sincere friends. What an excellent news. This place is full of beautiful creative souls who are currently doing a lot for the improvement of our so much needed world peace. Why have we human beings have dared to fight among us, who in a spiritual sense are brothers? Why there is a fraternal suicied every day? Wht’s lacking? Those have been my questions since I was born. I was in born in 1942 when a terrible world war was ocurring.
Why haven’t there been some tranquil moments of peace among humankind?
So in these terrible times we are living having a true friendship is something very sacred. History is consatantly repeating itself. Man is the only animal that has bumpped with the same rock, not twice, but several times.Oh! dear God enlighten our minds to spirituality by holding hands we can create a powerful circle of your Great Love. And this giagantic circle can influence pople’s minds and mostly hearts. Please allow me to offer a very simple idea. During several Sundays for ten consecutive years some friends and I who shared the same altuistic ideals held hands after our prayers and meditations to ask for world peace. And it was surprisengly amazing how our terrestial sincere circle of fraternal love ascended to heavens, and there we were welcomed by high superior beings who together with them we could make a circle that surrounded our planet and then first everybody sent from his/her tons of Divine love, comfort, healing and true hope to humankind. We really felt blessed to be able to participate in gthis our cosmic mission and after having these experiences we understood why God apparently does nothing to ease and stop such great human suffering. Why? Because this is our mission. This peaceful mission belongs to us. A recent thought has insisted to see light. Isn’t there a way where here at Intent can be created a healing council? A council who besides does something for world peace also helps our brothers and sisters in need of healing? That’s just an idea due to the fact That i’ve disoverd many powerful spiritual beings here.
Thank you all my true brothers and spiritual sisters.
Every one of us needs the full understanding and back up of a true friendship. It is when a person who is outside our family circle becomes our friend and we also become his/her friend a Divine blessing descends on and shelters these two lucky human beings.
How wonderful it is that here at this wonderful placew we’ve been able to count on not with only one, but with many true sincere friends. What an excellent news. This place is full of beautiful creative souls who are currently doing a lot for the improvement of our so much needed world peace. Why have we human beings have dared to fight among us, who in a spiritual sense are brothers? Why there is a fraternal suicied every day? Wht’s lacking? Those have been my questions since I was born. I was in born in 1942 when a terrible world war was ocurring.
Why haven’t there been some tranquil moments of peace among humankind?
So in these terrible times we are living having a true friendship is something very sacred. History is consatantly repeating itself. Man is the only animal that has bumpped with the same rock, not twice, but several times.Oh! dear God enlighten our minds to spirituality by holding hands we can create a powerful circle of your Great Love. And this giagantic circle can influence pople’s minds and mostly hearts. Please allow me to offer a very simple idea. During several Sundays for ten consecutive years some friends and I who shared the same altuistic ideals held hands after our prayers and meditations to ask for world peace. And it was surprisengly amazing how our terrestial sincere circle of fraternal love ascended to heavens, and there we were welcomed by high superior beings who together with them we could make a circle that surrounded our planet and then first everybody sent from his/her tons of Divine love, comfort, healing and true hope to humankind. We really felt blessed to be able to participate in gthis our cosmic mission and after having these experiences we understood why God apparently does nothing to ease and stop such great human suffering. Why? Because this is our mission. This peaceful mission belongs to us. A recent thought has insisted to see light. Isn’t there a way where here at Intent can be created a healing council? A council who besides does something for world peace also helps our brothers and sisters in need of healing? That’s just an idea due to the fact That i’ve disoverd many powerful spiritual beings here.
Thank you all my true brothers and spiritual sisters.
sábado, 10 de enero de 2009

It has been a good idea to make resolutions every new year, but it has been an excellent idea to reinforce these resolutions on the first days after each of our birthdays.
I was extremly lucky to have found a very reliable spiritual guide regarding human beings life cycles when I was just sixteen years old. As I've told you several times since I was a small child I felt like an old soul trapped in the body of a small boy. I sensed that besides knowledge man could access Divine inspiration to guide his life. Now I know that nothing occurs by mere chance. Three books marked my destiniy; an old Philosophy book which I read and studied in my previous life, a Yoga book which brough pleasant memories from beautiful India and a RAJA YOGA book which taught me the power of mind over matter, plus some amazing mystical moments on which I felt connected with our spiritual world for very brief moments, but that left strong inner convictions, for example; to posses a healthy body in order to have a sound mind, not to ever drink neither smoke and much less doing drugs. These virtues or qualities made my life easier for what came just I reached age ninteen years old. I must make an important point clear. I never felf special neither superior in any way. I knew that was my path in this very interesting current life.
What I'm doing now is trying to share with you some of my mental-spiritual blessings. I feel that It will be wonderful if I fulfill my cosmic social service before I passed away. That's the main reason you are enjoying some information about our life cycles.
The next tip I want to share with you has to do with our mental abilities to study, comprehen and apply our knowledge. It isn't me that is reluctant to give you useful information. I have to obey an important esoteric law which specifies that interested people should ask for this information. It hasn't anything to do with begging. It has to do with asking.
Would you like me to continue offering you much more? Then please ask.
your brother on the path
viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

Sunday Domingo sun
Monday Lunes Moon
Tuesday Martes Mars
Wednesday Miércoles Mercury
Thursday Jueves Jupiter
Friday Viernes Venus
Saturday Sábado Saturn
In a pracrtical ideal way our we THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OUR ek should start on the day of the week that we were born. This day would become our special and personal “Sunday”. Sunday is the first of the week. Right?So it is our sacred spiritual day. Day on which it is highly recommended to spend at least an hour in our personal mystical monk’s cell. Here in our mansion of our soul personality is where we are eagerly waited. Here all our batteries will be recharged in order to face life’s demands.The link to our true home will be greatly reinforced. For many pople is like a sacred cave. For others a sacred shrine, for others a celestial sanctum. It doesn’t matter how you visualize it. What really matters is that it really exists and has been part of your Higher Self for a time lost in the sands of man’s History. Let’s then be wise and start enjoying the deliciuos sweet fruits it is always offering us. I invite you to spend just four of your Sundays and be convienced of its many blessings. Another benefit is that we will be able to eawily reach the living celestial waters of Divine Love and Divine Inspiration. Please feel free to ask whatever doubts you have. I can’t avoid being unselfish about this blessed spiritual fact.
Your loving brother on the path.
miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Our knowledge has a passive quality, so it can be stored in our mind, specifically in our brain, more specificaly in many areas of our brain. Its main aids are our memory and our reasoning powers. On the other hand, our wisdom is active in nature, it’s elastic .It is located mainly in our spiritual hearts. Its main helpers are our imagination and our intuition.
Our knowledge has only one key. It’s the key that opens all acummulated man’s knowledge.
Our wisdom has a key holder with many keys.
The main key opens the vaults of the Universal Intelligence, the Universal Love and its soul personality’s very interesting biography.
Once we start waking on the spiritual path, several insights are experienced about the use of the rest of the keys.
Step by step they will be unveiled as it is required. Here I’m going to change a famous quoatation made by our late president John F. Kennedy with his permission.
“ Don’t ask what you can do for your soul personality. Ask yourself what your soul personality can do for you”
When our knowledge is able to find practical applications of it. It changes like a caterpillar into a butterfly. IT BECOMES OUR WISDOM.
I know that many of you can expand this useful topic.
That the Univere’s powerful wisdom finds its way into your brave loving hearts.
domingo, 4 de enero de 2009

In September this tear I posted three articles regarding “Our Secret Chambers” Getting to the conclusion that it’s only one. At that time it was necessary to present to you three important stages, so you could sense step by step the reality of possesing a personal mystic cell. Throughout many many lives we’ve been dwelling in this our soul personalitie’s sacred shrine. Every human being has his/her very private and personal monk’s cell. Mankind has always had very difficult times. These difficult times should be seen as wonderful learning opportunities. They are indeed Cosmic blessing because it is thank to them that we are aware of our physical, mental and spiritual realities. Without mentioning man’s negative experiences you perfectly know which they are. Much more blood has been shed in the name of God than other issues. Why the analogy with a monk’s cell? Because our lives have always been long careers in humility. A monk doesn’t need high tecnology gadgets to be happy and more importantly to make other people happy. The excellent news is that we don’t have to become monks neither nuns to be near God. By being parents, by having a job or profession and by socializing we can accomplish much more in humankind’s main goal. Here the key sacred common factor is our daily meditations and our weekly dwelling in this sacred mystic cell. Facts gathered through centuries put emphasis that in our solar-day is when we’d rather spend our time recharching our batteries with the sun, moon, planets and something else highly secretly Divine. On our celestial day during the day we should spend as much time as possible outdoors under a shade receiving natural light by removing our glasses or contact lenses because this light will recharge our master gland; pineal body. And during night time by being under the healing magnificent Celestial Cell’s shelter. Here tons of Divine thhoughts, ideas and objectives will fill up our Higher True Selves. That’s why I strongly suggested dwelling in our magic crystal dome cell. To absorb the energy, knowledge and eternal wisdom of the ages.So if interested now please study these four previous posts because in them are the steps to succeed i this sacred endeavour.
In case you have doubts about anything don’t hesitate to ask.
Love, light and peace profound your brother on the path.
sábado, 3 de enero de 2009

Immense blessings dear friends! This post doesn’t intend to be offensive in any way, on the contary, it just wishes to share some spiritual experiences with you all.
I’m quite sure that it was inspired by the master within itself. In order to benefit from it, let’s imagine that we can become him/her for a few moments.
Next are some of his commentaries:
“Dear ( your name ) you’ve been under my care for quite some time. I’ve been your spiritual mother, father, brother, sister and friend, but most of the times I’ve seen you as my beloved only child. That’s why every time you’re happy I’m also very happy. You must learn many things by trial and error, I know this, but it doesn’t stop me for whispering in your ears my subtle suggestions and advice. Recently you’ve given me good news brcause you’ve allowed me to manifest some of my divine inborn attributes, skills and gifts. The long time ago needed affinty between you and I at last has been bearing delicious fruit. It is by working together that you will succeed in whatever project you have in mind. Remember that I’ve always look for the benefit of your love ones and not only your benefit. The ideal attitude is that you will be able to share the very best in you, that’s the main reason I’m here to help you out. Your reluctance for self-sacrifice has been lately been improved. Please give me more opportunities to harmonize your life. Remember please that every human being has an aternal and wise master within. Allow me to greet them too. It is that through your meditations when you give me green light to communicate with them, specially your spouse’s master within forgetting not all your children, siblings and friends. Sometimes even with those who apparently are your enemies.
This new year that has just stared I just wish you to be happier by being more productive. Being really productive I mean being able to smile more often at other human beings. Imagine that with your smiles you can spread your inner light and by doing this your world will be a little less dark, because you will be able to perceive the inner light and divine love from other human beings. I thank you for listening to me. May your new life be happier and more productive!"
viernes, 2 de enero de 2009

This wonderful year, I expect that every of of us is able to have many more spiritual-psychic fraternal contacts with each other, plus with other beautiful soul personalities from around our world.
In order to escape our Earth many man-made pollutants let’s visualize this sacred personal dome above our planet.
To my mind came an image of a crystal clear magnificent dome.
Inside this dome is a very comfortable computer chair, so we can move aruond every cardinal point and detect by transmitting and receiving the harmonious thoughts of people. Our spiritual monitor is a three hundred and sixty degrees, all around us as we move sensing where we are needed or where we can be properly illuminated by the Celestial Hieraechy.
Above us is the always clear night sky with all the beautiful stars, planets, milky way and galaxies. Remeber darkness enhances all our spiritual abilities because we are light from Divine origin. This placement of our dome makes it easier for us to communicate with other human beings, as well as highly spiritual superior beings.
Here I want to emphazise the misconception of this very common word. A superior being;; physical, mental ot spiritual means this being is at the service of many people and not many people are at the service of these beings. A superior being won’t do our work for us. He just will inspire us to take dynamic actions in our every days lives! It is us the ones to carry out these required actions.
In a very real spiritual mental sense this sacred dome has always existed, so what we have to do is to dwell in it more often than in our past. Do you think it sounds fantastic?Well dear friend actually is much more real that our experienced daily physical realities.
Please recall that I always suggest doing things never I comand at all.
For almost all my life I’ve firmely believed that more thn words facts speak themselves louder and clearer.
With all my fraternal love.
jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

The family has always been the core of our society, so finding ways to reinforce its links would be an excellent time investment. Just recently I’ve seen some T.V programs that depict the big gap between parents and their children. I was amazed to see small children not teenagers behaving in terrible ways. I asked myself. Why do they show such a great rebellious state?What happens in these children’s minds? Why is this ocurring ? What’s missing in their lives? Why have they become their parents executioners? Are their parents the ones to blame? Has physical contact had enough times? How the eye contact been? Has there been congruency regarding what parents say with their actions?
What’s missing? What’s need to be done?Has sincerity and honesty been the common factor values of these families?
If there’s usually a great affinity between grandparents with their grandchildren shouldn’t there been more opened communication betwen them? Will parents agree?Just being married my wife and I were sure that it is the children that adopt their parents, in a spiritual sense, and not us, parents who adopt our children. We both discoverd after having four children that some children have more affinity with one of the spouses, so he/she would be the one to facilatate this so needeed communication. The most difficult profession for any human being is becoming a parent. This is our great challenge. If our children chose us then it means we have the wisdom to help them in their productive lives.
Every day our world is filled with many more temptations. The viorment sometimes becomes the foe instead of the friend. We’d rather use our mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual abilities to help our children because before contribution to the wellfare of our society w e have the golden opportunity to help our soul mates desgusied as our own sons and daughters.
I expect that the year 2,009 will become a year very successful about achieving the so needed family harmonious integration.
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