We, who live in tropical countries, don’t have the many benefits from spring fever. Why? It is due to the fact that we never see Nature dressed in beautiful white, as you do during winter time. For us, oudoors always have vibrant warm colors. Firt world countries are usually located to the north, where the four season are well marked. On the other hand in our countries we usually experience just two well marked seasons. In our countries even blind people show a noticable happiness of living, as some tourist through the years have told me due to the fact that nearby our main hotel area there is a place for blind people and these tourist have heard that our blind people laugh more often than blind people from their industralized nations. Does this fact mean than even blind people can “feel” through their skins our wonderful vibrant colors?I really don’t know. An idea has just struck me. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if in countries where our healthy sunlight is most needed there were ways to neutralize people’s blue moods? No more depressed moods at all!
By using our imagination together with making our auras brighter. These useful combination would bring people the attraction of psychic, but very real , warm vibrant colors to their productive lives. If our minds are where they think they are and not where they actually are, then can we not thrick our minds to benefit from this knowledge?You can imagine that you are in colorful Mexico or another colorful country not enjoying from their beaches, but other magic places, for example ; rain forests, mountains, Ancient indian ruins and currently places where our planet’s high energy is still felt. Now counting with internet we can mentally “travel” to these amazing places.
And regarding our auras making them brighter and cleaner it is another excellent possibility. Our key word would be the use of our imagination. Remember the powerful ancient secret of the secret? By doing these exercises in imagination will get a cosmic response and the healthy vibrations from beautiful countries and places will be attracted being integrated in our magnetic fields (auras).
I really enjoyed sharing something very Simple and useful. I do thank you.
Amorifer-alden ( a modern Mexican mystic)
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