Simple daily actions to help us be much more awareof our increasing spirituality.
Today, I feel like sharing something very valuable with you all.
I wish to inform you how to experience many more pleasant physical sensations.
These paculiar sensations will soon become our safe and reliable guide to know when it is appriopiate to communicate with our master within and also, by writing down the exact minute and hour plus date of these special pleasant feelings. We can repeat thesae spiritual magical moments later on, maybe in the next month or week.
Past experiences recorded by my students and myself cast important light in how sometimes this inner communication is advisable for everyone at the same time, and how most times each one of us has to follow the right affinity sacred and magical moments for this amazing and very productive communion.
How the positive different planet influences is very different fo each one of us. The moon day, the moon sign and mostly the eclipses observed beteen a planet and our natural satellite. We don’t have to know astrology. Really! It is when by writing down the exact hour and date, and later on checking a astrology site in internet we, step by step start discovering these importanta astological aspects in our daily lives.
So, our homework for his week is to tell ourselves the following affirmation as you place the index finger of your left hand on your forehead and the palm of your right hand flat on your chest, the take a deep breath and try to feel how your loving heart and your third eye seek a harmonious blending becoming a unity in your solar plexus. Now place both hands on your lap, close your eyes and become a reciever for a couple of minutes. Now you are ready to say the folowing affirmation:
“Dear and beloved master within, please make me consiously receptive to the presence of planet Mercury in my life. Pleas keep me informed even during day time of its position in the sky and how it is attuned with my chakras. For the benefit of beautiful mindkind please allow me to feel it.”
It is recommended to use only one planet per week, including our glorious sun and romantic moon. Please keep me informed, so you can sfetly initate the second stage.
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