Creativity is when the paranormal becomes normal. God in His infinite wisdom planted in each us, His Beloved children a powerful creativity seed. In each of us this seed will become a very beautiful tree. Like on His creation, this planet, there are many different kinds of trees, the same principle applies to us, His children where there are an infinite number of useful trees.Some of these trees will be used due to the excellent timber qualities, other will bear delicious fruits, the branches of many trees will be used, the tree tops, like our traditional Christmas trees, there are also the roots of some trees, not to mention the herbal medicines extracted from their leaves. Grass, shrubs and trees, especially their leaves help release the so much needed oxygen. As man needs Nature; Nature needs man. Unfortunately we've forgotten this fact. So what do I think we human beings lack regarding being more creative on a daily basis? As the Doctor Rollo May expressed in one of his books, we lack the courage to create.
To me, is like we all were at a time super human beings possessing a lot of physical, mental and spiritual powers, but due to our self-imposed amnesia we are living a very mediocre life according to Divine standards. We do need God's hard shake up in order to fully wake up and claim our inheritance, the Divine inheritance in manifesting all our creative powers not only for our benefit, but for the benefit of all beautiful mankind. We don't need to create creativity because we all already posses it, we just need to let it be.
Ezequiel's primary Intent is:
"The gradual and steady manifestation, with God's help, of all skills, attributes and talents of our soul personalities for God's glorification"
martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
Our eternal harmonious movment: The spiral

Today I feel compelled to enhance the amazing attributes of movement in our every day lives. As you follow with your eyes the words from left to right a great miracle is taking place, usually unappreciated by us. Our hearts are working harmoniously, our breathing in and breathing out is carried out easily without stress, our blood circulating through our arteries and blood vessels, our brain computing all our external perceptions plus our internal thoughts, our imagination always a step ahead of our current reality. Let’s start being very curious, like the curiosity of a two year old child, first observing everything that moves from left to right spending at least five minutes doing this, remember any movement from left to right do this for at least five minutes, then close your eyes for a couple of minutes trying to recall as much as you can, our next step would be now to be conscious of everything moving from right to left for the same amount of time. I strongly suggest that the next day now concentrate in everything moving farther from where you are, everything moving away. Spend just five minutes then close your eyes spending a couple of minutes bringing to mind as many objects as possible. On our third day of movement observations please spend five minutes observing things that elevate, in other words everything going up from your point of view do this for five minutes, then close your eyes and spend a couple of minutes remembering your experience. Rest for a few minutes, now you are ready to be conscious of everything coming down relative to the place you are, everything descending. On our fourth and final day of observations please detect everything moving away, but now from left to right. The procedure is again repeated including spending a couple of minutes with shut eyes binging to your conscious everything being carefully observed. Rest for a few minutes now you are more than ready to observe everything approaching to you from right to your left. These apparently simple exercises have a lot of useful applications because from now on you will count with a more reliable memory regarding outside movement. See you

> the shortest distance between two points is the straight line that unites them. In our mental world everything is connected. Everybody and everything is part of this always expanding spiral. So the telepathic communication between two people is a simple matter of turning on the mental switch at one end of the rainbow, automatically the other end will be turned on.
> We can use this principle when we wish to sell goods or a service. It would be a good new experience to think that we are placed mentally at one end of this rainbow, turn on our rainbow, so we will get an answer from the other side of the rainbow. As you have just seen the circle or part of it; it could be an arch, a spiral or a curved line.
> Another analogy is seen in telecommunications when they use the parabolic principle; even our parabolic antennas follow this principle. The short waves receivers and transmitters depend on this principle. When we need to increase the number of receivers than it will be a good idea to imagine a gigantic parabolic antenna about forty-five miles right just above a forty-five degree angle eastwards from where we live. This very real creation will allow us that our message will be captured by thousand, even million of human receptors. Our next step would be to go into a deep meditative receptive state to find out what we should do. Will we need to ask for an appointment in order to have a physical contact with people that need our services or goods? Should we, on other occasions send those faxes or e-mails? Perhaps to use the want ad section of an important newspaper to get our message through? We should always keep in mind our honesty about the services or commodities offered, because sincerity will be our business card presentation.
> Due to my open mind and heart to help people I expect that these tips will help more than one human being.
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

1. Upon waking up every morning let's acknowledge God with a prayer. Then acknowledge His creation: Nature.
2. Right away smile with your spouse and children. Later on with people on your way to work. At work with all your companions and associates.
3. Mentally and from the heart please be grateful for the opportunity of meeting new people. Rather, now view them as other spiritual beings on the path, and feel their auras.
4. Listen just a little bit more to your inner voice by quieting your intellect.
5. Three times a day invoke all the positive aspects of your life.
6. Sacrifice some TV time and substitute it with listening to classical music.
7. Pay special attention to everything you eat. Please be conscious about what you eat and lean toward a diet that is more nutritious.
8. Take deeper breaths and hold the breath a little longer than usual.
9. Take some time to meditate.
10. Intend to read at least three pages of motivating articles.
11. Be more forgiving of your faults by bringing to mind all your positive actions to date.
12. Please maintain a diary to have a reliable follow up of your advancement by checking it just before going to bed.
martes, 21 de octubre de 2008
This is a fictional story about when our third eye for the first time opened its eye lid like a heavy curtain in a theater.
Once upon a time lost in the ancient sands of humankind, something useful was urgently needed to avoid the dead by ferocious animals. So God placed this organ on the man's forehead. At the precise moment it was opened it cast three powerful beams of light; the first one created three bluish diamonds forming a triangle; the second beam of light projected seven bright rubies forming the star of David with a dot (a ruby) in the middle of this perfect triangles; the third beam of light was bright green it created twelve beautiful emeralds forming a perfect circle. And then they stared to move in two fashionable ways: Like clockwise to project like an echo to transmit detecting and receiving signals from the outer world, in other words the physical world; Counterclockwise to travel inwards to our very real spiritual world reaching the multiple levels of our subconscious mind.
In order to benefit from our twenty two jewels we must start working with them traveling from the outer circle made with emeralds, then to the middle circle consisting with rubies, and last to our inner circle compound with diamonds.
Proper visualization is needed. All the twenty two jewels will be turned off. We are going to go around this imaginary clock three times, on each time the intensity of the light will increase; the first round will be of low intensity; the second round will be of medium intensity; and the third round will be of high intensity. Let's start then, going around our virtual clock for the first round starting with the hour one. Please imagine all twelve emeralds turned off. Repeat ONE! And emerald one is lit. TWO! And emerald two is lit. THREE! And emerald three is lit; continue with the rest emeralds until you reach emerald number twelve. Increase the light intensity in this second round. ONE—TWO—THREE—FOUR—FIVE—SIX—SEVEN—EIGHT—TEN-- -ELEVEN ---and TWELVE. Now increase the intensity of the light to its maximum capacity visualizing each emerald.
You've just awaken your twelve emeralds that's why now you feel a harmonious emanation and expansion of each emerald. They're strongly pulsating according to Universal laws.
Now we are ready to repeat the same procedure with our seven rubies. Please remember that in this first going around them before you mention a number all these seven rubies are turned off.
ONE! ---TWO! ---THREE!---FOUR!---FIVE!---SIX!---and now at the center of both triangles SEVEN!
Second round the intensity will be increased. ONE! --- TWO! --- THREE! --- FOUR! --- FIVE! --- SIX! ---and SEVEN!
Third round with maximum intensity: ONE! --- TWO! --- THREE! --- FOUR! --- FIVE! --- SIX! ---and SEVEN!.
We're more than ready for our inner circle made of three light violet diamonds.
On our first round we will light them with a low intensity: ONE!-TWO! THREE!
Second going around increasing the intensity: One! Two! Three!.
Third round: ONE! TWO! THREE!.
Right in the middle of these three diamonds please imagine the ALWAYS EXPANDING UNITY ACQUARING MANY FORMS AND SHAPES. You are very close to our CREATOR feel His PRECENSE, feel Peace Profound.
Say a prayer of being grateful please acknowledge WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. "AUM"—"AUM"---"AUM"
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Once upon a time lost in the ancient sands of humankind, something useful was urgently needed to avoid the dead by ferocious animals. So God placed this organ on the man's forehead. At the precise moment it was opened it cast three powerful beams of light; the first one created three bluish diamonds forming a triangle; the second beam of light projected seven bright rubies forming the star of David with a dot (a ruby) in the middle of this perfect triangles; the third beam of light was bright green it created twelve beautiful emeralds forming a perfect circle. And then they stared to move in two fashionable ways: Like clockwise to project like an echo to transmit detecting and receiving signals from the outer world, in other words the physical world; Counterclockwise to travel inwards to our very real spiritual world reaching the multiple levels of our subconscious mind.
In order to benefit from our twenty two jewels we must start working with them traveling from the outer circle made with emeralds, then to the middle circle consisting with rubies, and last to our inner circle compound with diamonds.
Proper visualization is needed. All the twenty two jewels will be turned off. We are going to go around this imaginary clock three times, on each time the intensity of the light will increase; the first round will be of low intensity; the second round will be of medium intensity; and the third round will be of high intensity. Let's start then, going around our virtual clock for the first round starting with the hour one. Please imagine all twelve emeralds turned off. Repeat ONE! And emerald one is lit. TWO! And emerald two is lit. THREE! And emerald three is lit; continue with the rest emeralds until you reach emerald number twelve. Increase the light intensity in this second round. ONE—TWO—THREE—FOUR—FIVE—SIX—SEVEN—EIGHT—TEN-- -ELEVEN ---and TWELVE. Now increase the intensity of the light to its maximum capacity visualizing each emerald.
You've just awaken your twelve emeralds that's why now you feel a harmonious emanation and expansion of each emerald. They're strongly pulsating according to Universal laws.
Now we are ready to repeat the same procedure with our seven rubies. Please remember that in this first going around them before you mention a number all these seven rubies are turned off.
ONE! ---TWO! ---THREE!---FOUR!---FIVE!---SIX!---and now at the center of both triangles SEVEN!
Second round the intensity will be increased. ONE! --- TWO! --- THREE! --- FOUR! --- FIVE! --- SIX! ---and SEVEN!
Third round with maximum intensity: ONE! --- TWO! --- THREE! --- FOUR! --- FIVE! --- SIX! ---and SEVEN!.
We're more than ready for our inner circle made of three light violet diamonds.
On our first round we will light them with a low intensity: ONE!-TWO! THREE!
Second going around increasing the intensity: One! Two! Three!.
Third round: ONE! TWO! THREE!.
Right in the middle of these three diamonds please imagine the ALWAYS EXPANDING UNITY ACQUARING MANY FORMS AND SHAPES. You are very close to our CREATOR feel His PRECENSE, feel Peace Profound.
Say a prayer of being grateful please acknowledge WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. "AUM"—"AUM"---"AUM"
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Today there are many people around the globe very dissatisfied with their careers,so they feel unhappy mainly because their daily efforts can't be channeled properly seeing just a little advancement. We, human beings feel our heart rejoice when our work make many people happy.How do we know this? Because people smile back at us.In their smile there is our reward. If your proffesion doesn't achieve this, then commit yourself in activities in which you can make people enjoy this wonderful life by letting them appriciate the good and the beauty of our world. Unfortunately the media seeks more bad news that good one. Human sorrow sells more than human accomplishments. Wouldn't it be an excellent idea to learn once more to see all the positive aspects that Nature, humanity and our universe is offering us? It's like always taking right turns instead of taking difficult left turns while driving. Eay does it! If we show an attitude of an eagerness to always try to give our hand to needy people by needy people I mean people in need to be loved, people who wish to be counted on constructive projects, people who need our friendship. People of all ages; children,eldery people, in short everybody!
To us hispanics hugging is a part of our daily life, there is a rare day in which we don't hug somebody or being hugged by somebody. According to behavioral psychologist physical contact is always necessary for us to be healthy.
It would be a wonderful idea to do our best to be placed in certain privilaged positions.Positions in which an outstanding service is offered to our felow men. It is by becoming seriuos people innour chosen fields. With your permission I'd like to emphazise that it isn't by meditaing in our soul personality that supplies us with power and awareness it is by using all our beautiful potential locked up in our soul personality, so let's libirate it with the golden key of our universl love. Eventhough you feel that your current vocation doesn't allow you the release of your full potential keep in mind that it anyway will be like your preparatory school for the safe develpoment of our personality going through practical issues. Thanks to our Creator there are no short cuts to supermacy.They are indeed starting departure points.Luckily our self-improvement is never ending.
It is time now to point out the great benefits obtained by meditating on a daily basis. It will surely be a good trustable measure to pass from grade to grade.Please forget not that we will always be students on the spiritual path. Meditation will bring us the full blooming of all our attributes,skills and divine gifts which God Himslf gave us a long, long time ago.
With all my human and spiritual best wishes for you and your love ones.Amorifer-Ezekiel
jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008
I was mediating one Sunday morning about the tremendous importance in our lives regarding Egypt, specially the amazed great pyramid and the eternal Sphinx. The great pyramid an astronomical monument, a science laboratory, cosmology learning, a shrine of wisdom and an architectural ancient wonder. When suddenly I felt my entire forehead painted with a bright green color like the new and fresh leaves from trees in early spring, then right in the middle of my forehead an intense red rose with some drops of dew appeared. All of a sudden I found myself becoming the sphinx, yes I was the sphinx, well my head was, when I felt VERY STRANGE NOISE. It was the great pyramid approaching in a very funny way like a person balancing, first on his right foot, then on his left foot with wide strides in a slow motion action advancing towards me, it was heavily walking and when it was right on top of me it made a "PLOP" sound. Like a gigantic hen laying an egg. I knew it was a harmonious adjustment. Then I (the sphinx) was in The King's chamber. I stay there in amazement and wonder I felt that I had just discovered an ancient time travel machine, a few shocking moments were spent there feeling the luckiest person on this planet, then unexpectedly there was a backwards action ending with the feeling a green forehead with a perfect red circle on it. I “saw” three circular divisions on my forehead; the inner circle had three light violet diamonds; the middle circle had seven beautiful rubies; and the outer circle had twelve big shining emeralds, similar to the numbers in a clock. To my mind arrived the twenty-two major arcane 3+7+12=22. The history of our soul personality.
At that time I was instructing students about guided meditation. So I decided to apply immediately my special experience this same week to this new class because most of them were very interested in learning a little more about Egyptian History that’s the reason in my next guided meditation I directed my students to mentally travel to the King's chamber and to stare at one of its four granite walls and also how intense and peculiar were the intoned OM mantra. About seven minutes were spent enjoying this sacred place when because of our chants the walls became shining surfaces like those of immense mirrors. We chose the east mirror. It was a mirror on which we could easily enter into it to be able to experience other lands and period of time. I decided to guide them to our same place and same date, but to the year 1,222 A.D. The results were amazing because seven out of ten people had very similar experiences. The symbols, the special atmosphere, even the feeling of very special sunspots were intensely felt; our optimistic mood was enhancing until it reached an ecstatic point. Everybody was highly energized. These students were aware that the Sphinx was our third eye, the Queen’s chamber was or pituitary gland and the King’s chamber was or pineal body. I did this experiment several times until I was forbidden to continue doing this because all my students were simple neophytes on the path, big mistake. Most of them were very disappointed because deep down them knew that they were ready for this and for more special instruction. What about you? Do you think you are ready?
miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

This contribution should have been called the crystal ball approach.
What you are about to read is a very personal discovery, but other people as well, might have obtained very similar practical results.
O.k. then, let’s start with the simple objects you need to have very effective conversations with our inner selves. A wide glass container, it can be a salad bowl; a black fabric to be placed at the bottom of this container; a candle on a candle holder; a virgin cd without any writing on it.
P R O C E D U R E:
Pour some water in the bowl, next put the cd inside the bowl until it lies at the bottom, then lit the candle, you must darken your room, sit down facing this bowl , now the light from the candle will make the cd to cast beams of different colors depending on your angle of vision. It is due because of this background given by the black surface. Now pick out only one colored beam of light, for example you can start with the red color. Look at this beam of red light for about three minutes staring in a very casual way at the water and as the water evaporates, it is a common physical phenomena, try to perceive any messages who will be written above the water surface. Close your eyes and breath normally for about a minute, then open your eyes and pick out another color doing the same as with the red color beam of light, go on until you have finished perceiving the seven colors. For some people it is a complicated exercise, so if you are such a kind of person, then only choose one color each day. The messages are from our poorly understood fourth dimension, sometimes you will listen to very harmonious musical notes, others you will feel that some symbols were cast at your mind, on other occasions your nose will detect very pleasant fragrances . There are surely a lot of wonderful manifestations carrying out this exercise, and because I really don’t wish to spoil your discoveries I won’t say anything else about it. What I ask you to do is to share your particular experiences. This will take about two weeks to really appreciate these amazing results.
As always receive God’s immense blessing coming from this brave and loving heart.
sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

Life is harmonious non stopping movement.
Life needs rhythmic impulses in order to keep our well being healthy.
Since us, human beings are born until the last moment of our lives changing is a common factor. Even after passing away we participate in our great initiation. Also every hour from the twenty-four hours from a day and night are different from each other. So we must welcome change.
I’m amazed as how artists and photographers capture frozen moments of time. How they are able to transmit beauty. Usually their trained eye can detect things in a perfect dimension and harmony. Their work brings us the necessary tranquility to our productive lives, so we can keep on living according to Mother Nature laws and principles.
Let’s imagine for few seconds a world on which everything is moving constantly. What a bizarre world! That’s why some things are fixed, and others are moving, so we can have reliable reference frameworks. Well, to tell you the truth the objects that we perceive steady are indeed having movement: molecular, electron and more. Here is mandatory to mention the important impact of symbols in our daily lives. Symbols are also frozen movement, let’s use a comparison with still cameras that have eight thousand of a second shutters. All symbols: natural or man made are frozen images of dynamic forces. In our mind’s eye we must give them movement in order to become effective learning techniques. Nature’s laws are always wise. Even natural catastrophes are needed sometimes in spite of the loss of human lives. The same applies to economic crises. They are needed so we can put things in the correct perspective. In the long term bad news usually become good news. Our creator sometimes gives us strong shake ups to make us realize to set our priorities in the general scheme of things. In times of abundance we must dedicate some time spent in intentional thinking, so with a cold head can predict future difficult times and how to deal with them. If we don’t do this we can panic with simple issues. I’ve experienced hard times several times in my life and I think that it was due to applying this knowledge that has always avoided me experiencing negativity, pessimistic moods and feeling depressed. For the last thirty years I bless God for allowing me to help many people managing difficult times.
I thank you for your understanding and patience.
Best regards with tons of Divine light, love and life from this brave heart and mind to yours. AMORIFER-EZEKIEL
martes, 7 de octubre de 2008
This article can also be titled “MIND OVER MATTER”
I’ve always admired great artists, great chefs, enormous Martial Artists, and brilliant dancers.
To me all of them could express: Tremendous will power, used their powerful minds, had brave and lovable big hearts.
For example the great painters were able, first to change the molecular structure of their paints and brushes, then the finished master piece.
Let’s mention some very famous chefs. First, they could change the molecular structure of the cooking ingredients. Then they created very beautiful, but perishable magnificent dishes.
Both martial artists and dancers were able to change part of their bodies, for example muscle flexibility, speed, accuracy, endurance, stamina, and harmonious movements.
The great martial artists could even use their weapons as being extension parts of their own bodies.
Let’s consider some practical examples to apply them in our daily lives, so here are three simple examples you can carry on.
Example one: How can we improve the healing power of some drinking water?
Is it possible that using the above described attributes we can make significant changes in some drinking water being positively vibrated by us?
The answer is yes! People can even taste the difference between normal drinking water and this very special water vibrated by ourselves.
Let’s do some deep thinking. According to science water is the element with the most negative polarity. Because opposite polarities attract each other, then we can infer that we can inject the same quantity of positive polarity. Isn’t this so?
Remember negative polarity isn’t a harmful polarity. We human beings need both polarities. From mother earth we get its negative polarity, and from above (sun) we receive the positive polarity. This positive polarity has been called by many different names: Neumann, prana, chi, ki, nous. What is important to consider is that is THE LIFE VITAL FORCE.
There’s a lot of space inside molecules, so to me, is like we can inject the positive polarity. The negative polarity is eager to receive its positive polarity!
Let me explain something else. If you hold a glass containing cool water for three minutes and you take long breaths looking not only to the surface of this water, but inside it. If we’re powerful living souls working thru physical bodies, isn’t it possible that our true self can vibrate this water, so it can give us a lot of healing attributes?
Going back to the example of the great martial artist it is known that he posses a very strong invisible shield. This shield is his strong human and spiritual aura.
We can carry on another experiment. Hold a book in your hands and with your will power decide that the information in your aura magnetizes this book very strongly, later on you can lend it to somebody telling this person that there is hidden information in this book. Ask him to read between lines in order to experience something else.
My personal experience informed that after twenty years of magnetizing a cover of a copy of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. After twenty years it still held strong positive vibrations full of motivation, happiness and well being.
A bright ides suddenly has just struck me. Why don’t we magnetize one of the relaxing Chinese balls when we’re happy and well? If an emergency arises once more hold this metallic sphere in our hands to fill all the positive vibrations?
I know that a lot was unsaid.
This article can also be titled “MIND OVER MATTER”
I’ve always admired great artists, great chefs, enormous Martial Artists, and brilliant dancers.
To me all of them could express: Tremendous will power, used their powerful minds, had brave and lovable big hearts.
For example the great painters were able, first to change the molecular structure of their paints and brushes, then the finished master piece.
Let’s mention some very famous chefs. First, they could change the molecular structure of the cooking ingredients. Then they created very beautiful, but perishable magnificent dishes.
Both martial artists and dancers were able to change part of their bodies, for example muscle flexibility, speed, accuracy, endurance, stamina, and harmonious movements.
The great martial artists could even use their weapons as being extension parts of their own bodies.
Let’s consider some practical examples to apply them in our daily lives, so here are three simple examples you can carry on.
Example one: How can we improve the healing power of some drinking water?
Is it possible that using the above described attributes we can make significant changes in some drinking water being positively vibrated by us?
The answer is yes! People can even taste the difference between normal drinking water and this very special water vibrated by ourselves.
Let’s do some deep thinking. According to science water is the element with the most negative polarity. Because opposite polarities attract each other, then we can infer that we can inject the same quantity of positive polarity. Isn’t this so?
Remember negative polarity isn’t a harmful polarity. We human beings need both polarities. From mother earth we get its negative polarity, and from above (sun) we receive the positive polarity. This positive polarity has been called by many different names: Neumann, prana, chi, ki, nous. What is important to consider is that is THE LIFE VITAL FORCE.
There’s a lot of space inside molecules, so to me, is like we can inject the positive polarity. The negative polarity is eager to receive its positive polarity!
Let me explain something else. If you hold a glass containing cool water for three minutes and you take long breaths looking not only to the surface of this water, but inside it. If we’re powerful living souls working thru physical bodies, isn’t it possible that our true self can vibrate this water, so it can give us a lot of healing attributes?
Going back to the example of the great martial artist it is known that he posses a very strong invisible shield. This shield is his strong human and spiritual aura.
We can carry on another experiment. Hold a book in your hands and with your will power decide that the information in your aura magnetizes this book very strongly, later on you can lend it to somebody telling this person that there is hidden information in this book. Ask him to read between lines in order to experience something else.
My personal experience informed that after twenty years of magnetizing a cover of a copy of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. After twenty years it still held strong positive vibrations full of motivation, happiness and well being.
A bright ides suddenly has just struck me. Why don’t we magnetize one of the relaxing Chinese balls when we’re happy and well? If an emergency arises once more hold this metallic sphere in our hands to fill all the positive vibrations?
I know that a lot was unsaid.
El siempre fascinante e interesante siglo XIII abarca del año 1,201 al año 1,300 D.c. Para poder pensar intencional y eficazmente vamos a escoger el año 1,222. de nuestra era. Este año nos servirá como una plataforma de lanzamiento. Para poder “viajar” en forma segura y conveniente hacia el interesante y sorprendente mundo de nuestra humanidad. De esta manera podamos estar involucrados en “salvar” a nuestra madre tierra. Según expertos historiadores del mundo entero es este siglo el siglo que marca un importante renacimiento, renacimiento visto como una aldea global integral, ya que todos los seres humanos estamos muy conectados los unos de los otros. Existen muchísimos secretos que debemos descubrir, y así lo haremos, ya que contamos con nuestro único y gran proyecto, nuestro proyecto. Vamos todos nosotros a permanecer en este glorioso año, todo lo que del año resta, y a veces viajaremos con nuestra imaginación a otros años de este siglo.
La historia comparada es una excusa excelente para aventurarnos y no solo poder “ver” sino oler, sentir, oír y palpar las realidades de este siglo.
Las diversas frutas, verduras, plantas y árboles nos darán un buen marco de referencia para “absorber” la esencia de este siglo.
1.-Qué acostumbraba comer la gente en este año?
2.-Cuántas maravillas del mundo antiguo aún existían?
3.-En nuestro continente americano que imperios gobernaban?
4.-En China ya usaban ellos el papel moneda?
5.-En Europa ya había universidades?
6.-Respecto a los libros ya existía su forma impresa?
7.-Qué rutas comerciales eran famosas?
8.-Respecto a desastres naturales, como por ejemplo, terremotos, maremotos, en que continente ocurrieron?
9.--Referente a las epidemias, cuáles eran las más comunes?
10.-Cómo eran las noches de luna nueva?
11.-En el lugar donde actualmente vives que existía?
12.-En los pueblos y ciudades como era la iluminación de las callejuelas?
13.-Gobernaban aún los árabes en Andalucía?
Aquí y ahora.
Año 1999 esta fecha.
Año 1888 esta fecha.
Año 1777 esta fecha.
Año 1666 esta fecha.
Año 1555 esta fecha.
Año 1444 esta fecha.
Año 1333 esta fecha.
Año 1222 esta fecha.
Los últimos descubrimientos de la humanidad sobre el estudio del hombre han arrojado datos muy interesantes. Por ejemplo, los cuatro puntos cardinales están muy explícitos tanto en el microcosmos como en el macrocosmos. Por miles de años “orientarse” hacia el oriente era prioritario. El invento chino de la brújula, que después el occidente adoptó, está mal canalizado, ya que inclusive para la cultura china “ellos” se orientan hacia el sur.
Amanece, por esta razón camino lentamente hacia el oriente, el sol me da en el rostro. Camino, camino durante media hora, en estos treinta minutos respiro el aire fresco de la mañana, mi vista se desplaza hasta un punto en el oriente, agudizo mis oídos captando los sonidos de los insectos y de las aves. Me concentro en ambas fosas nasales para poder así presentir a algún animal peligroso. Tengo muy presente que todo lo que se encuentre situado a mi derecha de regreso lo tendré a mi izquierda. Un hermosísimo lago me impide seguir avanzando. Ahora doy un giro de ciento ochenta grados y se inicia me retorno hasta llegar a mi lugar de partida. Noto que ahora veo con mucho más claridad debido a que tengo al sol a mis espaldas, agudizo mi vista por si acaso veo algún reflejo. Me veo a ambos pies mientras voy caminando de regreso a mi lugar de partida. Cómo es el suelo que voy pisando? Cómo voy escuchando mis pasos firmes? Alcanzo a ver piedras en el camino? Paralelamente a poca distancia a mi izquierda o a mi derecha se escucha agua fluyendo? Por fin llego al lugar donde partí y ahora doy vuelta a mi izquierda para avanzar otros treinta minutos hacia el sur, por esta razón descanso unos siete minutos. Me siento en el suelo viendo hacia el sur, tengo consciencia que si viajo hacia el sur el astro rey me pegará en la parte izquierda De mi cara.
Me levanto y expectante y alegremente camino lentamente hacia el sur, de nuevo tengo consciencia de que al regreso lo que de ida está a mi derecha de regreso estará situado a mi izquierda. A propósito a mi derecha alcanzo a ver a mi larga sombra. El viento en que parte del rostro me da? Exactamente a la media hora de mi lento caminar llego a la orilla de un arroyo, ya no puedo avanzar más hacia el sur, ya que frente a mi está este arroyo. El agua fluye de derecha a izquierda, esto quiere decir que sus aguas desembocarán al océano Atlántico. Como ya tengo sed, sacio mi sed en las cristalinas aguas de esta corriente. Me siento a la orilla de este arroyo y volteo hacia el norte, este punto cardinal es mi punto de regreso, por lo tanto tendré al sol a mi derecha. Y de nuevo empiezo mi feliz retorno a mi punto de partida. Al llegar a este punto, doy de nuevo mi cara hacia el oriente y hago mi cuenta regresiva:
Año 1,222-----AÑO 1,333 -----1,444 ------1,555 -------1,666 ------1777 ----1888 ---1,999 ---2,008. Estoy aquí y ahora!.
Para que realmente valores lo anteriormente descrito, escoge un lugar de partida de tu ciudad, o de tu colonia e inicia todo lo que mentalmente hiciste en el año 1,222.Para qué? Para que puedas apreciar cabalmente tu experimento, y además puedas llenar los huecos respecto a que otros pensamientos y sentimientos podrías aportar en tu próximo viaje. Viaje imaginario, pero a la vez muy real y muy especial!
1.- Trece Sepulcros famosos del siglo XIII.
2.- “ Túneles conocidos “ “
3.- “ Embarcaciones hundidas del siglo XIII.
4.- “ Lagos hermosos del siglo XIII.
5.- “ Metales más usados “ “
6.- “ Mujeres famosas “ “
7.- “ Materiales para construir viviendas del siglo XIII.
8.- “ Alfombras utilizadas en el siglo XIII.
9.- “ Diferentes tipos de calzado “ “
10.- “ Observatorios astronómicos “ “
11.- “ Plazas públicas famosas “ “
12.- “ Animales domésticos del “ “
13.- “ Remedios caseros de la abuela del siglo XIII.
Deseo llamar vuestra atención respecto a que las preguntas referentes al siglo XIII pueden también aplicarse a los siglos siguientes. Qué es lo que había y no había en dichos siglos.
Aventuras en el siglo XIII. (--III--).
1.- Trece Lugares Sagrados de nuestro planeta en el siglo XIII.
2.- “ Santuarios famosos “ “ “ “ “ “
3.- “ Manuscritos importantes del siglo XIII.
4.- “ Antojitos comunes en el siglo XIII.
5.- “ Invenciones útiles usadas en el siglo XIII.
6.- “ Cascadas famosas en el siglo XIII.
7.- “ Templos conocidos “ “ “ “
8.- “ Ejemplos de iluminación de interiores del siglo XIII.
9.- “ Personajes famosos que nacieron y murieron en este siglo XIII.
10.- “ Ejemplos de familias típicas del siglo XIII.
11.- “ Exploraciones famosas del siglo XIII.
12.- “ Obras maestras “ “ “ “
La historia comparada es una excusa excelente para aventurarnos y no solo poder “ver” sino oler, sentir, oír y palpar las realidades de este siglo.
Las diversas frutas, verduras, plantas y árboles nos darán un buen marco de referencia para “absorber” la esencia de este siglo.
1.-Qué acostumbraba comer la gente en este año?
2.-Cuántas maravillas del mundo antiguo aún existían?
3.-En nuestro continente americano que imperios gobernaban?
4.-En China ya usaban ellos el papel moneda?
5.-En Europa ya había universidades?
6.-Respecto a los libros ya existía su forma impresa?
7.-Qué rutas comerciales eran famosas?
8.-Respecto a desastres naturales, como por ejemplo, terremotos, maremotos, en que continente ocurrieron?
9.--Referente a las epidemias, cuáles eran las más comunes?
10.-Cómo eran las noches de luna nueva?
11.-En el lugar donde actualmente vives que existía?
12.-En los pueblos y ciudades como era la iluminación de las callejuelas?
13.-Gobernaban aún los árabes en Andalucía?
Aquí y ahora.
Año 1999 esta fecha.
Año 1888 esta fecha.
Año 1777 esta fecha.
Año 1666 esta fecha.
Año 1555 esta fecha.
Año 1444 esta fecha.
Año 1333 esta fecha.
Año 1222 esta fecha.
Los últimos descubrimientos de la humanidad sobre el estudio del hombre han arrojado datos muy interesantes. Por ejemplo, los cuatro puntos cardinales están muy explícitos tanto en el microcosmos como en el macrocosmos. Por miles de años “orientarse” hacia el oriente era prioritario. El invento chino de la brújula, que después el occidente adoptó, está mal canalizado, ya que inclusive para la cultura china “ellos” se orientan hacia el sur.
Amanece, por esta razón camino lentamente hacia el oriente, el sol me da en el rostro. Camino, camino durante media hora, en estos treinta minutos respiro el aire fresco de la mañana, mi vista se desplaza hasta un punto en el oriente, agudizo mis oídos captando los sonidos de los insectos y de las aves. Me concentro en ambas fosas nasales para poder así presentir a algún animal peligroso. Tengo muy presente que todo lo que se encuentre situado a mi derecha de regreso lo tendré a mi izquierda. Un hermosísimo lago me impide seguir avanzando. Ahora doy un giro de ciento ochenta grados y se inicia me retorno hasta llegar a mi lugar de partida. Noto que ahora veo con mucho más claridad debido a que tengo al sol a mis espaldas, agudizo mi vista por si acaso veo algún reflejo. Me veo a ambos pies mientras voy caminando de regreso a mi lugar de partida. Cómo es el suelo que voy pisando? Cómo voy escuchando mis pasos firmes? Alcanzo a ver piedras en el camino? Paralelamente a poca distancia a mi izquierda o a mi derecha se escucha agua fluyendo? Por fin llego al lugar donde partí y ahora doy vuelta a mi izquierda para avanzar otros treinta minutos hacia el sur, por esta razón descanso unos siete minutos. Me siento en el suelo viendo hacia el sur, tengo consciencia que si viajo hacia el sur el astro rey me pegará en la parte izquierda De mi cara.
Me levanto y expectante y alegremente camino lentamente hacia el sur, de nuevo tengo consciencia de que al regreso lo que de ida está a mi derecha de regreso estará situado a mi izquierda. A propósito a mi derecha alcanzo a ver a mi larga sombra. El viento en que parte del rostro me da? Exactamente a la media hora de mi lento caminar llego a la orilla de un arroyo, ya no puedo avanzar más hacia el sur, ya que frente a mi está este arroyo. El agua fluye de derecha a izquierda, esto quiere decir que sus aguas desembocarán al océano Atlántico. Como ya tengo sed, sacio mi sed en las cristalinas aguas de esta corriente. Me siento a la orilla de este arroyo y volteo hacia el norte, este punto cardinal es mi punto de regreso, por lo tanto tendré al sol a mi derecha. Y de nuevo empiezo mi feliz retorno a mi punto de partida. Al llegar a este punto, doy de nuevo mi cara hacia el oriente y hago mi cuenta regresiva:
Año 1,222-----AÑO 1,333 -----1,444 ------1,555 -------1,666 ------1777 ----1888 ---1,999 ---2,008. Estoy aquí y ahora!.
Para que realmente valores lo anteriormente descrito, escoge un lugar de partida de tu ciudad, o de tu colonia e inicia todo lo que mentalmente hiciste en el año 1,222.Para qué? Para que puedas apreciar cabalmente tu experimento, y además puedas llenar los huecos respecto a que otros pensamientos y sentimientos podrías aportar en tu próximo viaje. Viaje imaginario, pero a la vez muy real y muy especial!
1.- Trece Sepulcros famosos del siglo XIII.
2.- “ Túneles conocidos “ “
3.- “ Embarcaciones hundidas del siglo XIII.
4.- “ Lagos hermosos del siglo XIII.
5.- “ Metales más usados “ “
6.- “ Mujeres famosas “ “
7.- “ Materiales para construir viviendas del siglo XIII.
8.- “ Alfombras utilizadas en el siglo XIII.
9.- “ Diferentes tipos de calzado “ “
10.- “ Observatorios astronómicos “ “
11.- “ Plazas públicas famosas “ “
12.- “ Animales domésticos del “ “
13.- “ Remedios caseros de la abuela del siglo XIII.
Deseo llamar vuestra atención respecto a que las preguntas referentes al siglo XIII pueden también aplicarse a los siglos siguientes. Qué es lo que había y no había en dichos siglos.
Aventuras en el siglo XIII. (--III--).
1.- Trece Lugares Sagrados de nuestro planeta en el siglo XIII.
2.- “ Santuarios famosos “ “ “ “ “ “
3.- “ Manuscritos importantes del siglo XIII.
4.- “ Antojitos comunes en el siglo XIII.
5.- “ Invenciones útiles usadas en el siglo XIII.
6.- “ Cascadas famosas en el siglo XIII.
7.- “ Templos conocidos “ “ “ “
8.- “ Ejemplos de iluminación de interiores del siglo XIII.
9.- “ Personajes famosos que nacieron y murieron en este siglo XIII.
10.- “ Ejemplos de familias típicas del siglo XIII.
11.- “ Exploraciones famosas del siglo XIII.
12.- “ Obras maestras “ “ “ “
sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008
Hoy inicia nuestra gran aventura espiritual-mental en la ampliación de nuestros horizontes culturales. Estas lecciones cobrarán vida propia al tu no solo leerlas sino estudiarlas, y lo que es sumamente importante tu participación es súper indispensable. Lo que a continuación se explica son las experiencias de dos docenas de personas reunidas una vez a la semana durante diez años. Nos equivocamos muchísimas veces, pero tuvimos grandes aciertos en innumerables ocasiones. Pudimos descubrir después de los primeros tres años que existía un método que no solo aceleraba nuestro aprendizaje, sino que podíamos compartirlo ya que lo que no se le ocurría a una persona se le ocurría a otra. Debo aclarar que cada uno de nosotros había estudiado en forma individual durante al menos veinticinco años. Nuestro gran hallazgo fue el de que de acuerdo al día de la semana en que habíamos nacido tenía muchísimo que ver con la apropiada y efectiva programación de cada semana de nuestras vidas, aprendimos que efectivamente se repetía el mismo patrón siempre alo largo de las semanas.
Por esta muy poderosa razón vamos a iniciar nuestras sagradas lecciones de igual manera, enumerando cada día de la semana. Nuestro día # 1 será el día de la semana en el cual nacimos. Nuestro día # 2 será obviamente el siguiente día hasta llegar a nuestro séptimo día que será un día anterior de la semana en el cual nacimos.
Vamos a experimentar durante un par de meses nuestras observaciones conscientes de los siguientes colores: blanco, violeta, verde, naranja, amarillo, rojo y negro.
El día uno nos dedicaremos a percibir observando detenidamente al color blanco por solo quince minutos de preferencia al exterior. El procedimiento será el siguiente:
Cuando estemos listos para dedicarle quince minutos a nuestras observaciones le diremos amablemente a nuestro cerebro lo que a sigue: “Mi muy estimado y valorado cerebro te pido que por favor estés muy concentrado para primeramente poder percibir todo objeto de color blanco, después memorízalo y al último archívalo en el área de colores correspondiente”
Gira tu cabeza hacia tu lado izquierdo y poco a poco muy lentamente empieza a girar tu cabeza hacia tu lado derecho. Al detectar algo de color blanco mentalmente imagina que le sacas una foto a dicho objeto deteniéndote solo unos segundos al terminar de girar tu cabeza hasta el tope derecho cierra los ojos y trata de recordar cada objeto de color blanco. Ahora empieza a girar tu cabeza hacia tu lado izquierdo repitiendo el mismo procedimiento. Esta primera y lenta acción te llevará de cinco a siete minutos ahora deja que tu cuerpo de un giro de 180° para que así te encuentres encarando al lado opuesto y logres captar los 360° de tu medio ambiente. En esta segunda acción tendrás que repetir cada paso de tu primer acción.
Nuestro cerebro necesita ser disciplinado hasta hacer un hábito que siempre obedezca a todas nuestras amables sugerencias. Se gana mucho más de lo que imaginamos cuando le proporcionamos sistema y orden a nuestras vidas. Al lograrlo existirá una positiva transmutación y nuestras vidas serán ahora vidas creativas y muy productivas. Cuando alguien desea cambiar al mundo para hacerlo un lugar mejor para vivir se hace imperativo cambiar nuestra total perspectiva de este mundo para que se inicie la tan esperada transmutación para mejorarlo y son precisamente estos ejercicios aparentemente sin transcendencia
Atentamente AMORIFER-
Hoy inicia nuestra gran aventura espiritual-mental en la ampliación de nuestros horizontes culturales. Estas lecciones cobrarán vida propia al tu no solo leerlas sino estudiarlas, y lo que es sumamente importante tu participación es súper indispensable. Lo que a continuación se explica son las experiencias de dos docenas de personas reunidas una vez a la semana durante diez años. Nos equivocamos muchísimas veces, pero tuvimos grandes aciertos en innumerables ocasiones. Pudimos descubrir después de los primeros tres años que existía un método que no solo aceleraba nuestro aprendizaje, sino que podíamos compartirlo ya que lo que no se le ocurría a una persona se le ocurría a otra. Debo aclarar que cada uno de nosotros había estudiado en forma individual durante al menos veinticinco años. Nuestro gran hallazgo fue el de que de acuerdo al día de la semana en que habíamos nacido tenía muchísimo que ver con la apropiada y efectiva programación de cada semana de nuestras vidas, aprendimos que efectivamente se repetía el mismo patrón siempre alo largo de las semanas.
Por esta muy poderosa razón vamos a iniciar nuestras sagradas lecciones de igual manera, enumerando cada día de la semana. Nuestro día # 1 será el día de la semana en el cual nacimos. Nuestro día # 2 será obviamente el siguiente día hasta llegar a nuestro séptimo día que será un día anterior de la semana en el cual nacimos.
Vamos a experimentar durante un par de meses nuestras observaciones conscientes de los siguientes colores: blanco, violeta, verde, naranja, amarillo, rojo y negro.
El día uno nos dedicaremos a percibir observando detenidamente al color blanco por solo quince minutos de preferencia al exterior. El procedimiento será el siguiente:
Cuando estemos listos para dedicarle quince minutos a nuestras observaciones le diremos amablemente a nuestro cerebro lo que a sigue: “Mi muy estimado y valorado cerebro te pido que por favor estés muy concentrado para primeramente poder percibir todo objeto de color blanco, después memorízalo y al último archívalo en el área de colores correspondiente”
Gira tu cabeza hacia tu lado izquierdo y poco a poco muy lentamente empieza a girar tu cabeza hacia tu lado derecho. Al detectar algo de color blanco mentalmente imagina que le sacas una foto a dicho objeto deteniéndote solo unos segundos al terminar de girar tu cabeza hasta el tope derecho cierra los ojos y trata de recordar cada objeto de color blanco. Ahora empieza a girar tu cabeza hacia tu lado izquierdo repitiendo el mismo procedimiento. Esta primera y lenta acción te llevará de cinco a siete minutos ahora deja que tu cuerpo de un giro de 180° para que así te encuentres encarando al lado opuesto y logres captar los 360° de tu medio ambiente. En esta segunda acción tendrás que repetir cada paso de tu primer acción.
Nuestro cerebro necesita ser disciplinado hasta hacer un hábito que siempre obedezca a todas nuestras amables sugerencias. Se gana mucho más de lo que imaginamos cuando le proporcionamos sistema y orden a nuestras vidas. Al lograrlo existirá una positiva transmutación y nuestras vidas serán ahora vidas creativas y muy productivas. Cuando alguien desea cambiar al mundo para hacerlo un lugar mejor para vivir se hace imperativo cambiar nuestra total perspectiva de este mundo para que se inicie la tan esperada transmutación para mejorarlo y son precisamente estos ejercicios aparentemente sin transcendencia
Atentamente AMORIFER-
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