Life is harmonious non stopping movement.
Life needs rhythmic impulses in order to keep our well being healthy.
Since us, human beings are born until the last moment of our lives changing is a common factor. Even after passing away we participate in our great initiation. Also every hour from the twenty-four hours from a day and night are different from each other. So we must welcome change.
I’m amazed as how artists and photographers capture frozen moments of time. How they are able to transmit beauty. Usually their trained eye can detect things in a perfect dimension and harmony. Their work brings us the necessary tranquility to our productive lives, so we can keep on living according to Mother Nature laws and principles.
Let’s imagine for few seconds a world on which everything is moving constantly. What a bizarre world! That’s why some things are fixed, and others are moving, so we can have reliable reference frameworks. Well, to tell you the truth the objects that we perceive steady are indeed having movement: molecular, electron and more. Here is mandatory to mention the important impact of symbols in our daily lives. Symbols are also frozen movement, let’s use a comparison with still cameras that have eight thousand of a second shutters. All symbols: natural or man made are frozen images of dynamic forces. In our mind’s eye we must give them movement in order to become effective learning techniques. Nature’s laws are always wise. Even natural catastrophes are needed sometimes in spite of the loss of human lives. The same applies to economic crises. They are needed so we can put things in the correct perspective. In the long term bad news usually become good news. Our creator sometimes gives us strong shake ups to make us realize to set our priorities in the general scheme of things. In times of abundance we must dedicate some time spent in intentional thinking, so with a cold head can predict future difficult times and how to deal with them. If we don’t do this we can panic with simple issues. I’ve experienced hard times several times in my life and I think that it was due to applying this knowledge that has always avoided me experiencing negativity, pessimistic moods and feeling depressed. For the last thirty years I bless God for allowing me to help many people managing difficult times.
I thank you for your understanding and patience.
Best regards with tons of Divine light, love and life from this brave heart and mind to yours. AMORIFER-EZEKIEL
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