Today there are many people around the globe very dissatisfied with their careers,so they feel unhappy mainly because their daily efforts can't be channeled properly seeing just a little advancement. We, human beings feel our heart rejoice when our work make many people happy.How do we know this? Because people smile back at us.In their smile there is our reward. If your proffesion doesn't achieve this, then commit yourself in activities in which you can make people enjoy this wonderful life by letting them appriciate the good and the beauty of our world. Unfortunately the media seeks more bad news that good one. Human sorrow sells more than human accomplishments. Wouldn't it be an excellent idea to learn once more to see all the positive aspects that Nature, humanity and our universe is offering us? It's like always taking right turns instead of taking difficult left turns while driving. Eay does it! If we show an attitude of an eagerness to always try to give our hand to needy people by needy people I mean people in need to be loved, people who wish to be counted on constructive projects, people who need our friendship. People of all ages; children,eldery people, in short everybody!
To us hispanics hugging is a part of our daily life, there is a rare day in which we don't hug somebody or being hugged by somebody. According to behavioral psychologist physical contact is always necessary for us to be healthy.
It would be a wonderful idea to do our best to be placed in certain privilaged positions.Positions in which an outstanding service is offered to our felow men. It is by becoming seriuos people innour chosen fields. With your permission I'd like to emphazise that it isn't by meditaing in our soul personality that supplies us with power and awareness it is by using all our beautiful potential locked up in our soul personality, so let's libirate it with the golden key of our universl love. Eventhough you feel that your current vocation doesn't allow you the release of your full potential keep in mind that it anyway will be like your preparatory school for the safe develpoment of our personality going through practical issues. Thanks to our Creator there are no short cuts to supermacy.They are indeed starting departure points.Luckily our self-improvement is never ending.
It is time now to point out the great benefits obtained by meditating on a daily basis. It will surely be a good trustable measure to pass from grade to grade.Please forget not that we will always be students on the spiritual path. Meditation will bring us the full blooming of all our attributes,skills and divine gifts which God Himslf gave us a long, long time ago.
With all my human and spiritual best wishes for you and your love ones.Amorifer-Ezekiel
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