I was mediating one Sunday morning about the tremendous importance in our lives regarding Egypt, specially the amazed great pyramid and the eternal Sphinx. The great pyramid an astronomical monument, a science laboratory, cosmology learning, a shrine of wisdom and an architectural ancient wonder. When suddenly I felt my entire forehead painted with a bright green color like the new and fresh leaves from trees in early spring, then right in the middle of my forehead an intense red rose with some drops of dew appeared. All of a sudden I found myself becoming the sphinx, yes I was the sphinx, well my head was, when I felt VERY STRANGE NOISE. It was the great pyramid approaching in a very funny way like a person balancing, first on his right foot, then on his left foot with wide strides in a slow motion action advancing towards me, it was heavily walking and when it was right on top of me it made a "PLOP" sound. Like a gigantic hen laying an egg. I knew it was a harmonious adjustment. Then I (the sphinx) was in The King's chamber. I stay there in amazement and wonder I felt that I had just discovered an ancient time travel machine, a few shocking moments were spent there feeling the luckiest person on this planet, then unexpectedly there was a backwards action ending with the feeling a green forehead with a perfect red circle on it. I “saw” three circular divisions on my forehead; the inner circle had three light violet diamonds; the middle circle had seven beautiful rubies; and the outer circle had twelve big shining emeralds, similar to the numbers in a clock. To my mind arrived the twenty-two major arcane 3+7+12=22. The history of our soul personality.
At that time I was instructing students about guided meditation. So I decided to apply immediately my special experience this same week to this new class because most of them were very interested in learning a little more about Egyptian History that’s the reason in my next guided meditation I directed my students to mentally travel to the King's chamber and to stare at one of its four granite walls and also how intense and peculiar were the intoned OM mantra. About seven minutes were spent enjoying this sacred place when because of our chants the walls became shining surfaces like those of immense mirrors. We chose the east mirror. It was a mirror on which we could easily enter into it to be able to experience other lands and period of time. I decided to guide them to our same place and same date, but to the year 1,222 A.D. The results were amazing because seven out of ten people had very similar experiences. The symbols, the special atmosphere, even the feeling of very special sunspots were intensely felt; our optimistic mood was enhancing until it reached an ecstatic point. Everybody was highly energized. These students were aware that the Sphinx was our third eye, the Queen’s chamber was or pituitary gland and the King’s chamber was or pineal body. I did this experiment several times until I was forbidden to continue doing this because all my students were simple neophytes on the path, big mistake. Most of them were very disappointed because deep down them knew that they were ready for this and for more special instruction. What about you? Do you think you are ready?
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