viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008



It is indeed a very interesting experience when we really try to listen to this sacred and wise voice. Please imagine one’s soul personality always being connected with God and His Hierarchy. A lot of useful information is whispered into its ears, then our inner voice does the same with us, tries to whisper in our inner ears this information, but its voice is very, very quiet and subtle. It never commands. It always suggests. Our mind and the brain, which is its material vehicle most times tries to avoid this Divine manifestation. It is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks a human being possessing a loving heart can accomplished. I’ve just said difficult, but not impossible. As our dear friend and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra has expressed our intellect interferes with this. Here are some recommended actions precisely expressed by this inner voice. Please pick out a classical selection and only try to listen to the softest instrumental sounds. Another tip is that in our meditations spend some time imagining try to unblock our inner ears. Our inner ears make a perfect triangle with our pineal body. It would be recommended that by using our imagination send some of this powerful and harmonious energy from the pineal body abundantly flowing right into both inner ears, feeling a slightly temperature increase on both ears. Let’s finish trying to listen to the peculiar musical note each color has, because indeed each color has its characteristic sound. Colors are able to speak loud and clear if we try to not just look at them, but listen to them. Colors can also be smelled, and because our olfactory nerve sends its information to our third eye and our third eye at the same time sends it to our pineal organ, a beneficial short-circuit is going around and around travelling from our inner ears to our pineal body and from there to our nose. And to finish this article our fingertips can detect the different touch sensations from each color.
I embrace you all with the desire of a marvelous inner voice awakening. Your brother on the path. Amorifer-alden

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008


Having in mind the next popular saying: “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good” and in Spanish: “No hay mal que por bien no venga” Made me wonder about our next ten years. Since an early age I was very lucky to be accepted in mysticism which cast a lot of esoteric wonderful teachings into my hungry mind and loving heart.
Change is the only law of Nature that doesn’t change; anything else sooner or later has to change. That’s one of the basics laws of life. So it would be very wise to start learning this wonderful lesson to avoid panic in our lives. Who knows better? God does. Aren’t we His most wonderful creation? Indeed we are. So we shouldn’t be worried at all! In order to experience a dramatic spiritual awakening by elimination our superfluous living this apparently hard measure will bring almost everybody to experience a harmonious balance. It definitely is for our own good and evolution, no doubt about it. Here It would be beneficial to try to explain something amazing and hard at the same time my three encounters with THE AKHASIC RECORDS. After a daily meditation I saw my self in a very clean and at the same time strange place. It was a combination of a museum, a library and a very sacred temple. Regarding the museum, it had thousands of man-made objects made ten thousand years ago and just made yesterday. It was very peculiar how you really couldn’t distinguish which was made yesterday and which was made ten thousand years ago. It was by comparing two tools that it was indeed difficult to know which was which. It was mainly due to the fact that both looked exactly alike regarding their age. There was no one to inform you. No museum guides, only your inner knowledge that’s all. At that time, ten years ago, I saw a thin plastic sheet that contained one thousand pages from a book. If you just touched a part of this shinning piece a page would appear, page with still images and video and sometimes impressive holograms. This morning I was shocked because I aw it on CNN technological news. It was invented in Germany. The good news was that millions of trees wouldn’t be destroyed in the future thanks to this great development. Later on future blogs I’ll tell you a little more about this.
Expecting a bright future and in the meantime receive thousands of tons of Divine Love. Amorifer-alden

tunning our minds in to prevent future threats.

Living in a world full of people who lack light in their hearts and minds it is necessary to unite our receptive minds in the search of possible future threats. Nowadays there isn’t a safe place on our planet. I don’t wish to be misunderstood. I’ve always been an optimistic person, but also a realistic one. There is a saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Very recently I stared wondering if our minds and souls are connected it means we can detect in time the destructive thoughts of ignorant people. Thoughts are very concrete things and just before they can be realized we can detect them using our receptive minds and hearts. This is just an idea which requires to be seriously considered by everybody who really cares for the safety of our brothers around this planet. Some years ago I did a little research on this topic and there are indeed facts that confirm everything I’ve just explained to you. People’s thoughts can be read if we really wish to do so. We don’t require a special training at all. Please count me for attaining world peace.
With an immense loving heart as always sending you and our planet tons of true Divine love. Amorifer-alden

Little red-riding-hood and our past lives.

It is amazing how this bedtime story awakens memories in little children. This oral story has over three centuries old. Then in sixteen ninety seven it was published in Europe in a version by Charles Perrault. Another version, the most famous was written by the Grimm brothers. I’m not an expert on reincarnation at all, but what I’ve experienced by talking to several people who believe in this doctrine has told me that when they listened to this story was like a magical time-travel journey. As children listen to the word “forest” immediately you see their faces being illuminated with something pleasant and terrible at the same time. The same occurs when they hear the word “wolf” It is not only this story, but many others as well. As a little boy I was lucky to listen to a lot of bedtime stories narrated by one of my great grandmothers who was French. She was an expert storyteller regarding European tales. It was thanks to her that at very young age I became an avid reader. Then in elementary school a lot of stories worldwide made such impact on me that I was sure this wasn’t the first time I’ve read them. The famous illustrator Gustav Doré did a lot of these magnificent illustrations. Here I wish to suggest looking at some of these illustrations to make your total memory work for your benefit.

It has long been my strong conviction that it really doesn’t matter who we were in our past lives, what matters the most is to be able to rescue our victories regarding facing problems and solving them. Also to discover still undiscovered talents and skills due to a lack of chance to apply them here and now. The mastery of our lives is a serious matter, but also an enjoyable ride.
If you have personal techniques regarding past lives memories and wish to share them you are welcome to do so. Amorifer

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2008

Reestableciendo nuestra comunicación con nuestro sagrado cuerpo.

“Cuando uno reza uno habla con Dios. Cuando uno medita Dios habla con uno”

Este pensamiento se aplica también a que nuestros órganos internos desean hablar con nosotros para corregir algún error, pero para poder saber escucharlos, somos nosotros los que primeramente tenemos que hablar con ellos.

Cuando uno reflexiona y se concentra en diversas partes del cuerpo es cuando podemos hablar con nuestro cuerpo y al llegar el tiempo de la meditación es cuando nuestro cuerpo habla con uno.

La siguiente meditación guiada es con el propósito de hablarle a nuestros órganos internos primeramente, y además agradecerles muy fervientemente todas sus armónicas funciones.

Vamos a iniciar nuestra meditación hablándole y agradeciéndoles a todos nuestros guardianes invisibles (glándulas de secreción interna) . Después a nuestros órganos internos y al último a todos nuestros sistemas; óseo, epitelial, digestivo, nervioso central, nervioso simpático, parasimpático, sanguíneo, sistema inmunológico etc.


Vamos a decender. Empecemos por nuestra glándula pineal:
“Hola amada glándula pineal! Aunque desconozco todas tus funciones físicas y no se casi nada de tus funciones psíquicas, sin embargo hoy en este día y en este preciso momento quiero agradecerte todo lo que por mi has hecho. Sinceramente estoy sumamente complacido contigo, de veras! Por eso te admiro intensamente y te bendigo ahora y siempre! Dame tu divino influjo y con el lograr despertar y así comprender a las demás glándulas. Yo se que se te conoce como la GRAN GLÁNDULA MAESTRA. Por algo será. Por favor proporcióname algo de tu energía vibratoria para poder llevarla a la siguiente glándula, la glándula pitituaria.”
“Hóla! glándula pitituaria con tus dos lóbulos; el anterior y el posterior. A ti también te agradezco todo lo hecho por ti en mi beneficio, tampoco se mucho de tus importantes funciones físicas, y realmente desconozco mucho de tus funciones psíquicas, sin embargo solicito algo de tu influjo para poder dirigirme a la siguiente glándula, la tiroides”

“Saludos estimada glándula tiroides, cómo has estado? Lo muy poco que de ti se, es que tu funges como la traductora entre las experiencias tenidas en el mundo psíquico al mundo físico. Se también que eres la que determinas la actividad física. Riges sabiamente al metabolismo basal, estoy en la obscuridad sobre tus demás importantes funciones, deseo agradecerte muy ferviente y sinceramente toda la gran ayuda brindada hasta ahora, solicito de ti no solo tu fuerte magnetismo sino también tus vibraciones eléctricas en el despertamiento óptimo de mis demás glándulas, ayúdame por favor!”

“Plexo cardiaco deseo saludarte y expresarte mi total agradecimiento por todas tus sagradas funciones, se que eres el asiento de mis emociones. Se que existe gran poder creativo en tu saco peri cardial. Por eso te pido solemnemente un poco de esa tu energía creativa y con ella poder llevarla hasta mi plexo solar”

“Oh! Oh! Gran plexo solar te saludo con mucho respeto y admiración. Como lo indica tu nombre eres en mi cuerpo como un sol, siendo las demás glándulas como sus planetas. Alguien me contó que para lograr proyectarse eficazmente hacia alguna persona o algún lugar tu eres la llave maestra que lo logra. Y es cuando las demás glándulas asumen tu poder y fortaleza cuando estas se ven súper beneficiadas, por eso te pido mucho de tu poder para enviarlo a mis dos amadas glándulas suprarrenales”

“Glándulas suprarrenales os saludo con máximo respeto y confianza. Se poco de sus funciones físicas y realmente muy poco de sus funciones psíquicas, esto no es impedimento para que logren emanar y expandirse, y al así hacerlo se beneficien todos mis órganos internos principalmente mis dos riñones. Gracias! gracias!, muchísimas gracias!”

“MMMAAARRR”---MMMAAARRR”----MMMAAARRR” Con este sonido místico te saludo Oh! Gónadas.” “Tu sagrada energía me ha hecho un súper ser humano, cuando existe continencia existe una gran cantidad de energía extra, la cual la aprovechan mis demás glándulas. Me he dado cabal cuenta que cuando visualizo tengo casi siempre éxito cuando logro usar esa tu energía creativa, por eso aquí y ahora te doy las gracias. Gracias!” (Meditar por un par de minutos).

Ahora mando toda esta energía vibrante descendiente a mis muslos, rodillas, pantorrillas, tobillos, empeines y planta de los pies. Como estoy encarando hacia el oriente empiezo a crear un círculo alrededor mío a una distancia de medio metro. Giro este círculo hacia mi izquierda llegando al norte, de ahí sigo girando hacia mi izquierda hasta llegar a mi poniente, de nuevo giro hacia mi izquierda llegando a mi lado poniente, de nuevo hago un giro llegando al lugar donde inicie mi girar mi lado oriente(este). Yo no me muevo, se mueve alrededor mío el círculo.

Ahora usando mi mente y mi voluntad deseo que toda esta energía ascienda girando de derecha a izquierda hasta formar un gran cilindro. Yo voy a morar en este mágico cilindro. De la planta de los pies hasta ambas rodillas, de las rodillas hasta mis gónadas, de mis órganos sexuales hasta mi plexo solar, de mi plexo solar hasta mi plexo cardíaco, de aquí hasta la altura de mi glándula tiroides, desde aquí hasta mi glándula pineal, y de aquí hasta 25 centímetros arriba de mi cabeza.
Es tiempo de agradecerle todo aL Dios de nuestra comprensión con nuestro corazón amante y amoroso. Amorifer-alden

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008


Have you ever wondered if currently you are using all your talents? These talents are supposed to be used, not only for your personal benefit, but for beautiful humankind. It takes some time searching for these wonderful attributes, but the effort is surely well worth.
What would the techniques be? Will we need to use our symbolic dreams to discover these so much needed talents? Is special music our answer? What about listening to different languages on a daily basis? Or perhaps the listening to spiritual chants? And what do you think about listening to chants? Could special affirmations be the answer? Can past lives regressions be the method? The correct answers to these very vital questions are easily found when we have access to the refreshing spiritual fountain of healing, perfumed and enlightened waters of Divine origin. This special stream of running water is at our reach when we turn our attention toward our interior. What has worked for me is being in the shoes of handicapped people. To feel what a blind person feels. To experiment life like a deaf person does. To use a wheel chair to feel how lucky we are for not needing one. To be deprived from our smelling sense. To feel like being starving to understand how people, especially children feel like. Feeling like an orphan, to fully appreciate the existence of our parents. And so on, so on. See? Life has been wonderful to us, unbelievable beautiful! Let’s then enjoy our lives in a plentiful manner.
With Love. Amorifer-alden


God, our Lord and creator, is like His name indicates, a Supreme Divine Being. In His essence is always creative. God wishes that we use this power to accelerate our healing, but also to learn to apply it for many things, for instance to create harmonious conditions in our family first, next to spread this positive vibration at our workplace and social activities.
We don’t need to be psychic neither mystic. Everybody possesses this creative skill. It is only a matter to use it more often, that’s all!

Once more water will be our element to be charged with three different kinds of essences. Please hold a glass of cool water in your hands and as you look into it follow the next instructions.

Our first essence is concentrated cosmic heat, the second one vibratory divine essence and the last one God’s Love. Let’s absorb them by sending them to affect every human physical cell. It would be a good idea to start from our feet all the way up to our heads. Please take three deep breaths. Now permit that our psychic self absorb these wonderful essences. Please do the same. Please start concentrating on your feet ascending slowly into your head. It is time to take three more deep breaths. Now please allow our emotional and psychological sides to absorb totally these great qualities. Once more let’s take three more deep breaths. Drink this now completely different water highly charged with these three spiritual components and drink it by taking small sips and remaining in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it. Please just drink half of this special water. Use the remaining water by wetting your head, face and hands without drying it.

In case one of your organs needs reinforcement, then please send mentally this healing water towards it. In order to spread this benefit will you please keep me posted. With a prolonged brotherly embrace full of love and affection. Amorifer-alden


"Pollution affects everything from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, the food we eat and the quality of life we enjoy. Today, pollution, this century's black plague, the curse of rapid industrialization fueled by population growth, is everywhere and the toll on world health is staggering. The impact of the environment and human health is a central component of naturopathic medicine and is becoming more of more of heart of the science of medicine."
Dr. Walter Crinnon.
Toxin definition.
A poisonous substance, especially a protein, that is produced by living cells or organisms and is capable of causing disease when introduced into the body tissues but is often also capable of inducing neutralizing antibodies or antitoxins.
This very effective exercise is recommended to do it at least three times the first two weeks, and then we can carry it out once a month.
In order to get the most benefits from this ancient-modern spiritual exercise it is advised to record the procedure of this post, so we can have a useful follow up.
Please project yourself to a very sacred and harmonious place. Spending just half an hour will equal three hours if you do it physically. Let’s start by saying the next prayer.
“God of my realization, God of my loving heart, my Creator and my Lord bath my integral self with your Divine Essence, so I can get rid of all kinds of toxins; Physical toxins, mental toxins, emotional toxins and spiritual toxins. I really want to feel free from these harmful substances which have accumulated throughout the years. Oh! Lord allow me to be an excellent channel in order to an appropriate instrument to do good in your Sacred Name. I ask all this with a fervent attitude and at the same time very humbly. SO MOTE IT BE!”
Now please take three deep breaths and sit down in a semi-dark room. Imagine how both polarities fill up your lungs by taking another four deep breaths. How your blood increases lightly its temperature.
Let’s now consider several facts:
1.-The biggest human organ is our skin.
2.-We eliminate a lot of our toxins through our skin.
3.-Dew is the substance possessing the greatest Universal positive polarity. This quality permits it to absorb the greatest quantity of negative substances. This shows its maximum potency just before every sunrise.
4.-Our sun symbolizes the element fire and this element is considered to be the most effective catharsis known to man.
5.-Both our will power and our mental power affect every living matter and nonliving matter.
6.- The early sun rays, as they hit any surface that contains dew, first engulfs totally all the matter molecules and secondly transmutes this negative harmful substances into something safe to be later discarded as useful fertilizer.
In your mind it’s five A.M. It is a beautiful star lit dawn. You are on a wide clearing from a leafy forest. Ii is still dark due to a new moon. The heavy dew wets all your body from toes to head. In an hour more the sun will strike you fully, first your head, then your shoulders, next your chest, later on your abdomen and last your legs and feet. Please mentally bring all your toxins to your skin. Start with your foot soles, ankles, insteps, shins, knees, thighs, gonad area, abdomen, chest, shoulders, neck, face, forehead, hair, and skull. Please imagine four different kinds of toxins; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. All of these toxins have totally surfaced to your skin. So every drop of dew is engulfing toxins. Every pore on your skin has done its cleansing function.
Please imagine as vividly as possible the following:
From both foot soles ascending into your head you will succeed in removing four layers of toxins. Start with those accumulated during your childhood. The second layer of toxins belong to your teen years take them out please! The third dangerous layer corresponds to our youth years. And the last layer was created during our adulthood. Do it please!
Now just a few minutes remain before our sun hits our skin. Please advance one step and feel how the dew accumulated on the grass wets your feet. The powerful energy of this dew penetrates through your foot soles ascending along your legs and through your backbone until it reaches the interior of your head.
At the same time feel every drop of dew on your skin. Every pore of your skin is totally covered with this concentrated cosmic energy. The four layers of harmful substances are trapped inside every drop of dew!
The amazing golden dawn appears. The sun’s rays strike us. It is when we say another prayer coming from the loving heart of our soul personality:
Oh! Supreme Being Master of the Universe, creator of every living creature including us. Infuse us with all your Divine qualities, so the elimination of every toxin can be carried out effectively! We are the result of your Divine Love. Please we beg you to help us clean this body, mind and spirit. Everybody desires to become a much better person. With your graceful help everybody will become a true representative of your Kingdom. Amen!”
We are facing the sunrise, so our sun will evaporate every drop of dew from our fronts; Head, face, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, tights, knees, shins and ankles. Now turn to your left, so your right side of your body will be exposed to the red, orange and yellow sun’s rays. Head, face, neck, right shoulder, right arm, right elbow, right hand, right leg and ankle. Every single drop of dew is now evaporated from our right side. It is time to give another left turn, so the back of our bodies can be fully exposed to father sun.
The sun rays start to make its evaporating action on all the back of your body: head, neck, upper back, lower back, waist, buttocks, thighs, calves and heels. Every drop of dew is evaporated from this part of your body.
It is time to give another left turn, so all the left side of your body can be exposed to our sun’s heat. Left side of your skull, left cheek, left side of the neck, left shoulder, left arm, left elbow, left hand, raise your left arm so the sun’s rays can hit the left side of your chest, your left side of your waist, left leg, knee, ankle and left heels. Every drop of dew has just been evaporated successfully. Again give a left turn and now we are facing eastwards once more. The feeling is now unique because we have gotten rid of harmful waste.
Congratulations! Please say your own personal praying of gratitude.
This time I‘d like to have your feedback regarding this special exercise.


lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008


I was born in a small border town just at a twenty block distance from “The land of the free and the home of the brave!” Since early childhood, I was exposed to the American way of life in some ways; for example in the habit of having very similar meals, looking at the drawings of some comic books, going to the movies at least three times a week and feeling the spiritual meaning of each Thanksgiving. Besides every week I accompanied my mother to downtown Brownsville for shopping. I still recall seeing Uncle Sam poster pointing at you with the letters I WANT YOU! It was placed at the entrance at the Post Office building there. My mother spent her teen years during the depression years in Mercedes, Texas. So she told me many things about elementary public schooling in Texas.

Due to the fact that our country is USA neighboring land many positive and negative are filtered very easily both ways. Living in border towns or cities makes people embody a very peculiar living style. Both, the emotional as the mental state of mind are strongly felt in these places. These aspects cross easily the border without any passport.

The Thanksgiving holiday for us Mexicans means to be able to share the best with our families. It is a great blessed day! It was by reading Mallika’s latest post made me wonder about something to be shared: If we are mentally and spiritually connected why then don’t we share our spiritual meal every fourth Thursday of every month during for a whole year. As little as seven minutes can be gladly spent in praying and meditative states. Thanksgiving is a strong family integrator. It is a special occasion to bless not only our food, but our best intentions. It has always been a good idea to imitate other people’s positive habits. This is then, my humble suggestion from human beings living not only in the United States, but elsewhere.

Please spend one of the most wonderful Thanksgivings ever had by you and all your love ones!

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2008


Escojamos con sumo cuidado los lugares en donde empleamos nuestro tiempo empleando a nuestro siempre confiable pensamiento intencional.

Escojamos una banca de algún parque cercano, en este lugar nos será más fácil entonarnos con nuestra maravillosa naturaleza y así poder absorber su poderosa energía proveniente del suelo, del césped, de las plantas, rocas, árboles, agua etc. Emplea solo quince minutos en este lugar haciéndote las preguntas y afirmaciones siguientes:

a).-Que tipo de energía estoy recibiendo al enfrentar a este particular punto cardinal?

b).-Cuál es mi estado de ánimo? Me preocupa algo? Acaso he pospuesto algo importante?

C.-Si la naturaleza pudiese expresarse mediante la música, que tipo de la misma estaría escuchando?

d).-Es mi deseo muy ferviente el poder entonarme con este lugar y sus alrededores. Y esperaré confiado y pacientemente alguna impresión que pudiese recibir mediante mi sentido del tacto, mi sentido del olfato, mi sentido auditivo, y mi visión interna.

e).- He dejado algo de mí en este lugar. Tanto emociones como pensamientos. Mis pensamientos lograron adherirse y fijarse en toda la estructura molecular de las cosas.

2).-Ejerciendo un buen control de mis pensamientos.

Nuestro estado mentales siempre determinado por nuestros pensamientos. Por esta razón si acaso albergamos pensamientos inarmoniosos la tan anhelada paz interna tal parece que se aleja de nosotros.
Deja ya de sentirte como una victima a completa merced de tus pensamientos negativos.

3).-Simplificando nuestras vidas.

Nuestros tiempos modernos y su impactante tecnología demanda una gran cantidad de nuestro tiempo. Reorganiza tu tiempo. Cómo?
Si m p l i f i c a n d o l o. Casi siempre le estamos estando añadiendo responsabilidades a nuestro ya saturado horario.

Lleva acabo tus responsabilidades y obligaciones gozandolas1 Como un barco se abandona cuando está por hundirse, así abandona tus preocupaciones y tus innecesarias diarias actividades.

4).-Al emplear sabiamente nuestro tiempo nos facilita grandemente el poder cultivar nuestra paz interna.

Si al menos utilizamos ocho horas diarias para ganar nuestro sustento, qué son solo quince minutos empleados en buscar y encontrar a nuestra paz interior? Recordemos que nunca el dinero a logrado que las personas encontremos a nuestra paz interna. La meditación no consiste en solo sentarnos por quince o treinta minutos sin hacer nada.
Cuando meditamos buscamos expandir ese estado de consciencia la cual fluye armoniosamente hacia nosotros inundarnos de hermosa y duradera paz interna. La verdadera paz interna se puede lograr cuando vamos más allá de nuestro mundo mental.

5).-Adquiriendo inmunidad muy a pesar de las criticas y adulaciones de los demás.

Si uno no tiene por costumbre tanto el criticar como el adular a las demás personas en forma automática adquirimos inmunidad ante las criticas y adulaciones de los demás.

6).-Conviértete en una persona carente de egoísmo.

Claro que se puede encontrar a nuestra paz interna a pesar de las numerosas distracciones de nuestro tumultuoso mundo siempre saturado de irradiaciones muy dañinas. De qué manera? Cómo poder neutralizar a estas inarmoniosas radiaciones? Cuando en nuestra mente como nuestro corazón llevamos grabada la palabra mágica “SERVICIO”. Cuando olvidándonos de nosotros mismos estamos siempre atentos a las imperiosas necesidades de los demás. Dios padre en su infinita sabiduría estableció esta útil regla. A menos que veamos por nuestro prójimo, AYÚDANDOLO DE MIL MANERAS no recibiremos sus GRANDES BENDICIONES.

7).-Evitemos a toda costa el adular y el criticar a los demás seres humanos.

Nuestra paz interna está en directa proporción al bienestar de los demás. Al sentir empatía por nuestros semejantes. Al irradiar con una tenue, pero a la vez muy poderosa luz a nuestro alrededor. Esta poderosa irradiación, con el tiempo nos llega a nosotros y a TODAS LAS PERSONAS QUE AMAMOS.

Espero hayan disfrutado de este artículo. Atentamente Amorifer-alden


Man invented language not God. So there are some mistakes on it.

There are misunderstanding among nations, people, neighbors and families. Also between parents and children, spouses, friends etc.
It is appreciated too between English speakers; native and as a second language. It is indeed unavoidable.

The increased use of telepathy would be one of some solutions. Why is this so? Because telepathy uses images transmitted from one mind to another mind. Isn’t a fact that mentally and spiritually everybody is connected to everybody? If you whish to send the image of a man to someone’s mind you just make the image of a man in your mind and send it to the other person. It is as simple as that. It really doesn’t matter how it is pronounced much less written in the mind of your receiver. Our advanced technology has become our main obstacle in achieving this goal. We’ve always been connected by a powerful and beautiful spiritual silver thread. It is our optic fiber connection. We’ve also enjoyed this subtle kind of communication when we look at a painting, famous painting or not. Another universal language has been the influence of music.

If you are interested in enhancing your inborn telepathic powers I humbly suggest studying the impact of symbols in our lives. These symbols are of two kinds: natural and man-made. It is a very fascinating well worth studying.
Please try to imagine God’s supreme qualities how they have always sheltered us, his children. Imagine been surrounded by these high spiritual forces and enjoy by being lucky to be called His lovable children.

sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2008


We are where our minds think we are, and not where we actually are.
A good fiction writer makes our minds mentally travel to places he/she wishes us to be. It is as our brains follow his words our minds experience the places he is describing using many perceptions as required to achieve the desired effect on us.
On this occasion I’m asking for your cooperation regarding demonstrating something beneficial for everybody.

It would be a wonderful idea if only for this time you read each sentence three times using your useful imagination. The first time please imagine that you are on your favorite summer spot in broad daylight as you read the sentence. On your second reading transport yourself to a vey dark winter night in front of a bonfire as you listen to this sentence uttered by an expert storyteller. And your third time will be of your choice. Please place yourself in whatever place you wish.

Here are the seven sentences.

1.- “ If it is not true, it is well invented”--------Giordano Bruno.

2.- “Only the knowledge that make us better is useful”-----Socrates

3.-“There is nothing new, except what has been forgotten-----Prezioso

4.-“One becomes great by what one reads and not by what one writes”--------Borges.

5.-“Man is a pendulum between the smile and the tears” ---Byron

6.-“Those who know how to content themselves, are always satisfied” -----Tao Te King.

7.-“All ascends and descends, all moves like a pendulum. Rhythm is the compensation” ---El Kybalión.

Please try to repeat each sentence feeling deeply not only with your heart and mind, but with all your integrated Self.

As always with a huge loving heart sending you tons of Divine Love. Amorifer-alden

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008


This very useful program was born after many hours spent joyfully searching for reliable methods to help humanity using our immediate environment; home, workplace, public parks, streets, blocks, neighborhood, city, state, country, cultural background etc. Slowly, step by step, developing a special language composed of symbols, having in mind the necessity of improving our planet’s human resources at all levels using all my skills, attributes and spiritual gifts that arrive at the present conclusion of fulfilling this great need. It soon crystallized in my imagination. It was when I could count with this plan, which had many frameworks help me in creating in my mind many educational products to make easy this important endeavor. This project has several approaches on which many people can be greatly benefited. The first thing it does is to convince people that no matter what, society is eagerly waiting for our contributions. At that time, nineteen eighty two it took a lot of money to start working with. I even had to change my very promising profession; I was a headwaiter in a five star hotel very young. Local people wanted to help me, but in any restaurant business I wished to start, but not in a new supplementary educational program.
The good news is that this project is still needed. Nowadays with internet facilities and great advantages just a little is needed.

The applikom program consists in just forty eight lessons, one on a weekly basis, twenty four supplementary readings and four exams, and each after each level. There are four levels in all. It requires just fifteen minutes a day at least spent in focused observations and the use more often of our intentional thinking. This kind of thinking puts all our mental processes to work harmoniously. According to recent data regarding this topic, I think that Japan and South Korea are applying in their R&D departments all these mentioned mental processes. This project can become a program in two languages at the same time; Spanish and English the lessons can be sent via internet a cooperative feed is needed, thirty dollars per month. To be able to succeed I do need this income to continue developing more products. I also need to have a copy righted name. I’m opened to any suggestions.
Ezequiel Rodríguez Saldívar (Amorifer


Water was, is and always will be an important part of our daily lives.
To people like us, who are spiritually oriented, water plays an important role, so to have water containers in each of our bedrooms would definitely be an excellent habit. A natural phenomenon is the evaporation of water. Water always tends to evaporate. This evaporation is responsible for the elimination of harmful radiation because water neutralizes any wrong vibration and simultaneously increases greatly the positive benefits from good vibrations. Let’s keep in our minds that not only our material bodies are made with great quantity of water, but also our true high selves.
Humidity in our environment is required to express all our attributes, skills and spiritual gifts. Besides it is important to be aware of the fact that never before than our current times us human beings are exposed to very high different kinds of harmful radiation sources. It is that, according to environmental scientists, our daily dosage it too high. That’s why it is imperative to do whatever is necessary to do something about this.
These scientists emphasize the harmful effects on us by satellite Communications, telephony towers, high voltage towers, home appliances, for example microwave ovens. To our subconscious minds are arriving a lot of subliminal messages due to very effective advertisement spots done using background music plus subliminal images on those spots achieve been filtered into this important mind.
For the above mentioned facts, our water containers with wide mouths are an excellent choice. These will be without doubt, a good protective measure. There is another useful tip which was discovered after many years spend researching in different textbooks; self-help, anthropology, psychology, philosophy, Universal Compared History, and serious scientific magazines plus the wisdom found in esoteric teachings allowed me to discover that every human being has to appropriate days. These days would be used as negative information effective removal, and later on as wonderful days to post provable facts integration. These two days are when our moon is on our zodiac symbol. In internet there is a reliable site called Lunarium.
As always with all positive cosmic beneficial loving radiations. Amorifer.


El agua, el agua fue, es y será nuestra gran ayudante en el sendero. Se hace imperativo de aquí en adelante contar con un recipiente de agua de boca ancha en nuestras recamaras. Por qué o para qué hacerlo un hábito diario? Existen muchísimas razones para ello haré mención de solo dos de ellas en esta ocasión.
Los seres humanos, nuestros cuerpos físicos, están compuestos de mucho porcentaje de agua. Además nuestro Ser-Interno también requiere de la Humedad. Para qué? Para poder nutrirse y manifestarse. El ser humano en cualquier parte del mundo vive actualmente siendo bor bandeado por muchas vibraciones materiales provenientes de nuestros satélites, ondas de radio y televisión, telefonía, torres de alta tensión etc. Nuestra mente y nuestro cerebro están aceptando muchísimos mensajes muy concretos, inclusive subliminales. Qué medidas tenemos qué adoptar para que no nos perjudiquen tanto? Qué tipos de filtros debemos de emplear?
El recipiente de boca ancha conteniendo al menos un litro de agua colocado en todas nuestras recámaras. Este es el mejor filtro que podamos usar, otro serían los inciensos o fragancias especiales ya que estas logran limpiar a nuestra atmosfera facilitando el descenso de energía cósmica concentrada proveniente del universo. Recuerden la función del agua es dual. Primeramente absorber toda vibración negativa protegiéndonos. Simultáneamente refuerza eficazmente toda vibración positiva.
1. A continuación les comparto otro descubrimiento importante. Después de más de cuarenta años de investigaciones en varios campos del saber humano consultando cientos de libros de autosuperación, científicos, de psicología, antropología e historia comparada abarcan un ochenta y cinco por ciento, la otra fuente fue la de utilizar conocimientos esotéricos que formaron el quince por ciento restante. Descubrí también que todo ser humano contamos con dos días maravillosos para utilizar un efectivo lavado de cerebro positivo, en otras palabras eliminar información falsa de nuestros cerebros para poder inmediatamente después colocar información verdadera en el. Cuáles son estos dos días?
Esta será vuestra tarea. Atenta y amorosamente

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008


Have good and harmonious day full of meaningful learning!
Today I wish to add some information about the unavoidable strong attraction towards any water manifestation; rain, dew, snow, puddles, mud, beaches etc. They enjoy playing with earth or mud! They really enjoy “getting dirty”. There is an inner wisdom that makes them do that in spite their parent’s refusals. Let’s slow down to seriously consider this fact. Are they mistaken just because they are children and they haven’t learned the facts of life? Or we, on the contrary who posses enough data are correct? Curiosity drives children to learn about the world they are apparently learning about. Sometimes children feel compelled to do actions apparently being harmful, like playing with mud. What is mud? Isn’t it the combination of water and dirt? Don’t we live on a planet called Earth? And isn’t Mother Earth full of soil, land and a lot of water? Aren’t we called terrestrials? Then why are we becoming extraterrestrials by putting distance between our feet and our sacred ground? It could be time well spent, if we go back to really feel our intimate and healthy connection with our planet. We love to be called civilized human beings when we have, in our ignorant built a Barrier to avoid the undulant vitality flowing harmoniously from our planet to ascend through our bare feet into our nervous system. If we always wear shoes worsen this divorce between us and our negative polarity energy source. Please allow me to explain something to you: We human beings can attract the sun’s positive polarity depending on the quantity of negative polarity coming from our planet. It is half and half to be able to keep our balance. This article has a second part. Please walk with me on sacred ground. Amorifer

Los niños y su fascinación por el agua.


Buenos y armoniosos días! Hoy les comentaré algo sobre los niños y su gran fascinación por el agua y el jugar con tierra. Como ellos aún no sean domesticado del todo, aún no se han civilizado los guía más su instinto animal realmente disfrutan” ensuciarse ", inclusive a enlodarse y a jugar con agua y a veces comen tierra Detengámonos un momento a reflexionar sobre esto ultimo. Ellos como niño están equivocados? O somos nosotros los que estamos mal? Si realmente estamos involucrados con nuestro proyecto entonces nos interesa saber el porqué de muchas cosas .A los niños los motiva su curiosidad. A veces gran curiosidad. Vamos pues a enfocar al material conocido como lodo. Qué es realmente el lodo? Acaso no es la combinación de agua con tierra? Y acaso no vivimos sobre el planeta llamado Tierra? No somos terrícolas? Porqué entonces nos aislamos del íntimo contacto con nuestra sabia madre tierra? Hoy a lo que llamamos el hombre civilizado ha puesto una barrera entre la muy necesaria y vibrante vitalidad ondulante de nuestro planeta y el mismo; el asfalto, el cemento, banquetas y calles no dejan respirar a la tierra bloqueando esta gran energía que tanto necesitamos. Además el usar siempre calzado empeora más esta situación. Poseía el hombre de la antigüedad y la edad media más contacto con la Naturaleza? Lo anterior tiene que ver mucho con la efectividad de usar correctamente "el secreto".No se pierdan la segunda parte de este discurso. Existe mucho más de lo que aparentemente es obvio. Dejándolos con muchas preguntas se despide afectuosamente inbuído con un amoroso corazón de niño. Amorifer-alden

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008



This isn’t a translation from my previous article written in Spanish this is an updated version on the theme of our auric reinforcements.

We can’t deny the effects on us from harmful radiation because they are part of our daily lives. According to scientists our daily dosage of electromagnetic radiation is much above normal standards. So we must find ways to neutralize this. In other words our energy fields must be balanced and the source of interference counterattacked.

Sunspots, Earth’s magnetic fields reinforced by underground water streams on certain surfaces of lands plus man-made devices for example; Power lines, transformers, appliances, radars, TV sets, computers, cellular phones, microwaves, copiers, auto engines and many more energy sources are indeed responsible for our stress, disease and harmful effects on us. All of the above explained produce electromagnetic fields that affect our mental and physical health because our energy systems are weakened or out of balance. The good news is that we human beings can increase our energy shield with our minds and loving hearts. The awakening and spiritual feeding of our chakras add an extra protection from what we can’t avoid being exposed to. Here our daily meditations play a vital role because our projected to the cosmos energy finds a response from high forces, so they descend sheltering ourselves and homes.

Ancient and modern mystics have helped us with a very simple, but at the same time a powerful source that absorbs a lot of harmful radiation. It has to do by using about two liters of common water on wide mouth containers which are placed in our bedrooms, studies etc. that are replaced by fresh water every morning. Another useful source is stepping on barefooted on grass with dew. Dew is condensed cosmic energy. Every time when I detect dew on car’s hoods, and windshields as I get near a park to jog on it, I gather the most quantity as possible and I wash my face and hands with this liquid. Every time you have a chance to salute our sun on sunrises by extending your arms and spreading your legs to form a star and feeling that our hearts absorb the sun’s energy we will indeed count with extra energy.
With a huge cosmic heart full of energy I embrace you with tons of Divine love. Amorifer-alden

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008


From: Ezequiel Rodríguez | Posted: Tuesday, November 18th, 2008
Category: Health, Causes | Sub-Category: Peace, Poverty, Meditation | Tags: aprendizaje significativo., Enfoques valiosos, las cuarto esquinas

El Proyecto-Aplikom empezó hace muchos años (1975) pensando en haber estado en las cuatro esquinas en cuatro horas distintas y en las cuatro estaciones del año. Desde esa perspectiva, usando cuatro ciudades de nuestro México; Matamoros, Monterrey, Querétaro y la ciudad de México. Después me puse muy internacional y le fui agregando a ciudades como Nueva York y Londres. En aquél entonces no había Internet. Tuve que acudir a varias bibliotecas, agencias de viajes y lugares públicos para así lograr tener un variado archivo visual de estos lugares.

Lo que aquí deseo enfatizar es el hecho de que, una vez habiendo estado en el cruce de dos calles (cuatro esquinas) Parado en la esquina suroeste, empecé a observar a las otras tres esquinas. Después de un buen rato, crucé la calle y me paré en la esquina sureste, y desde ahí empecé a observar a las otras tres esquinas. Crucé la calle hasta la esquina noreste, y desde ahí empecé a observar a las otras tres esquinas. Y una vez más crucé la calle, ahora me paré en la esquina noroeste, y desde ahí empecé a observar a las otras tres esquinas .Crucé de nuevo la calle y llegué a donde había empezado mis observaciones. Me quedé pensando en esta peculiar experiencia. Mentalmente tracé un círculo abarcando a estas cuatro esquinas, reflexioné que cuando tenemos al menos cuatro enfoques sobre algún tema, nuestra visión se amplia considerablemente. A todas estas muy interesantes observaciones le agregué la visión desde lo alto a estas cuatro esquinas, y para cerrar con broche de oro le dí un sexto enfoque. Desde debajo de la tierra (diez metros) viendo hacia arriba. Pasado algún tiempo pensé, parado en este cruce de calles experimentar en cuatro horas distintas del día a estas cuatro esquinas, y también me hice la promesa de visitar a estas cuatro esquinas en las cuatro estaciones del año.

El poder experimentar morar en las cuatro esquinas nos proporciona una visión mucho más amplia para comprender el pasado del hombre, su presente y obviamente su futuro. Nos capacita también para poder acceder más fácilmente a recordar nuestras encarnaciones pasadas.

Cuando viajamos a lugares nos ayuda a comprender y revivir estas escenas con mayor facilidad.

Cada vez que estudiemos algún terma nuevo tendremos más fidedignos marcos de referencia. A demás este hecho nos capacita para poder apreciar todas las bellas artes incluyendo el séptimo arte. En mis veinte años como maestro de inglés como segundo idioma, la experiencia me enseñó que un solo enfoque no bastaba, tenía que al menos agregar otro enfoque a lo que la institución educativa me solicitaba, pero con el pasar de los años me convencí que los estudiantes optimizaban su aprendizaje al contar con cuatro enfoques distintos. Por esta poderosa razón cada vez que examino algo me pregunto:”Ya has estado en las cuatro esquinas?”


Sería una buena idea el saber un poco más de nuestra protección. Me refiero al poder radiante proveniente de nuestras auras. Al detectar que debido a nuestro incorrecto pensar y actuar nuestra auras se debilitan, dando lugar a inarmonías. Inarmonías que si dejamos que tomen su rumbo normal tarde o temprano nos empezarán a afectar a nuestra salud psíquica, para después manifestarse en padecimientos físicos. En este nivel de afectación podemos fácilmente eliminar estas negativas creaciones mentales mediante la limpieza inmediata de nuestras auras, uno mismo usando nuestra agua magnetizada.
Pero por si nuestra ignorancia no pudimos hacer nada al respecto estas inarmonías logran manifestarse en nuestra aura psíquica. La ciencia aún no puede detectar dichas cualidades negativas ya que no cuenta con equipo médico adecuado.
Es aquí cuando los shamanes (chamanes) vienen en nuestro rescate para restablecer nuestra armonía perdida.

Es precisamente en este segundo nivel vibratorio que se "enferma" algún o algunos órganos psíquicos y antes de que pueda manifestarse objetivamente. La siempre fluyente energía Cósmica concentrada, ayudada por nuestra voluntad y visualización focalizada en el órgano psíquico enfermo, poco a poco neutraliza lo maligno infundiendo la más pura esencia Divina restableciendo la Armonía perdida. La tercer etapa, la enfermedad del órgano físico es difícil casi imposible si además de los medicamentos no se complementan con la Energía Divina Universal. Y de dónde proviene esta especial y sanadora energía?
Proviene de la gran vibración, en otras palabras provienen de Dios mismo, de su hijo Jesucristo o del Espíritu Santo.
Las diarias meditaciones, la oración espontánea, no memorizada nuestro entonamiento con nuestro verdadero ser, todas estas acciones logran que se lleven a su feliz realización los llamados milagros ya que estos son solo parte fe nuestra suprema herencia Divina. No existe ningún poder mental suficientemente poderoso para afectarnos a distancia. Pero al estar en contacto con otras auras estamos expuestos a su influencia ya sea que sea muy positiva (santos), o bien negativas. El barrernos con nuestra agua vibrada después de un encuentro inevitable con dichas personas se hace obligatorio. Me refiero a las personas con ausencia parcial de bondad, comprensión y tolerancia. Cuando nos visiten en nuestros hogares o negocios dichas personas sería una magnífica idea entonar nuestros sagrados mantras o cualesquier palabra de poder espiritual y estas influencias no penetrarán a nuestras auras u hogares. Gracias! AMORIFER


It was in the year nineteen seventy-five that I decided to do something serious about the lack of quality shown in our elementary educational system by giving my children extra education at home.
Having into account several educational methods I decided to use the four corner one. Why? It could fill in the gaps giving my children more opportunities to succeed in their daily learning. So what I did was to experiment myself being in the four corners of my city. I had to spend a whole year to experience the four seasons plus four different hours to absorb the information harmoniously. Later on I included four different cities from my beautiful country; Matamoros which was my hometown, Monterrey which was my current city, Querétaro where we have lived for just three months, and Mexico City which we had visited on several occasions. Afterwards, being highly motivated by these experiences I included New York City and London. At that time internet wasn’t known, so what I did is to visit several local libraries and also travel agencies to gather the more information possible, I even borrowed some videos on beta format to appreciate much more both international cities.
It is time to try to explain to you the way I studied the four corners. First I named them accordingly to their orientation; the southwest corner was called roman number I; The southeast corner II; The northeast corner III, and the northwest corner IV.
From corner I, I stared to observe the other three corners; II, III and IV corners. Then I cross to reach the corner II and from there I start to observe very carefully the other three corners. The next corner is corner III. I repeat this procedure. My last corner is then the remaining corner IV.
Just before leaving this spot I draw an imaginary circle in order to include these four corners. This allows me to visualize something from four directions, so an analogy can be used when dealing with something a little complicated to be fully grasped. I add a cherry to this cake by imagining looking at these four corners from above and also from below, at about ten feet down from the ground. As I have previously explained I try to be on the same spot on the four different yearly seasons and at four different hours to reinforce my learning. When I wish to peep into any of my past lives I use this method to try to imagine how the city or town would look from four corners. It also when in a strange city it becomes very handy to learn very fast how to go around and effortlessly memorize beautiful places in order to recall them with greater accuracy. We can also use it when facing something new to us, for instance when we are in front of a mater piece.
After two years fully enjoying teaching English as a second language I discovered that most times average students required at least four different approaches to integrate this learning into their neurological cells. As you might have guessed this technique was used on my Hispanic students from PROJECT APPLIKOM obtaining amazing results.
I thank you for your patience and understanding.

Your brother on the path. adrosampercrucem

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Each white dove has an intense red spiritual rose.

For these transitory hard days I wish to share with you the magnificent spiritual experience had by a dozen committed people. At that time our country was experiencing very bad moments, so we decided to do something about it. We named our Sunday meditation “Spiritual actions” Sometimes there exists the same sincere burning desire in people gathered who share the same purpose. We don’t know if the planets and stars had a special position. What everybody understood was there was a really emergency which would prevent greater damaged if not being solved. On that occasion after our deep prayers and meditation brought us immediate results because nine out of ten had had similar spiritual experiences. Here is my enlightened experience:

Above our heads in the temple there were a dozen of white doves flying around us, their whiteness was very intense, but this peculiar whiteness didn’t hurt our eyes, on the contrary it gave them more depth. Their feathers had an indescribable glow, a glow belonging to a very harmonious celestial place.
These beautiful doves kept flying high above us going around and around our heads, when suddenly they started performing a spiritual super harmonious ballet. Nobody could avoid being fascinated by this great blessing. The doves as they were performing their dance had descended, so now they were nearer, that’s when everybody saw that each dove had a dark red rose in its peak. They flew around us three more times and then unexpectedly they drop their roses toward us so that we could catch them. A brief moment before reaching our hands a net appeared to stop their gravitational falling speed. This net was made of what looked like very thin silver threads and at the precise moment everybody picked out his/her personal rose the thread vanished. As everybody had a rose, we felt compelled to place it on our chests very near our hearts .This very sacred rose was swallowed by each of our hearts feeling very, very lucky to be blessed by Jesus Christ and his apostles. On our next sessions we all imagined that we were giants holding hands in a circle above our planet, the blue sphere, and that the mission, characteristics, and attributes of each of our red roses would descend surrounding our beloved planet.

Now after a few years have passed I think that if most of us mentally and spiritually gather our loving hearts and powerful minds here at Intent, the great work of our beloved Deepak Chopra will be easily and greatly spread.
Your brother on this MISSION POSSIBLE

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008


Let’s stop looking for a deeply buried treasure elsewhere. Because inside the chest of every human being lies a full chest of precious stones, gold and silver coins. This magnificent treasure has three different depths, so please let’s name them x, y and z for a much better visualization.

It would be nice to start with the deepest one the “z” treasure. This treasure belongs to people who have never given any serious thought to spiritual matters; here I wish to make clear that I’m not referring to any kind of known religion institutions. It is a deep root, in other words is a strong inner conviction. Many of these people have a great cultural background, but their spiritual idiosyncrasy is still lacking and no culture will supply it for more that they try.
Next we have the “y” treasure; that is buried at a middle depth. That is a common factor for human beings that due to being exposed to hard experiences they began to realize that besides this materialized world there is something greater and more rewarding, so their efforts to reach this treasure most be doubled.
And last, but not least is the “x” treasure which can be easily unburied because these kind of people from early childhood have realized through dreams or insight moments that it is a key factor not to avoid any of their earthly responsibilities and obligations, on the contrary they are able to totally fulfill them as they combine them in a very harmonious manner with their spiritual ideals. For these people it is only required that they are aware that here in now is the happy moment to share the treasure’s contains with his fellow men. Oh! How great you are our Lord! It is indeed when God has enlightened not only our minds, but our hearts to spend it all in the company of our love ones and also strangers without thinking if they deserve it or not.
RECEIVE MY TOTAL Love and admiration.

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008



We can’t deny the violence that our World is experiencing. It is fact. This gives us the great opportunity to do something about it by spreading from our brave hearts tons of Divine Love everywhere we go.
I love to write what I’m 100% sure about, especially from first hand experiences. When I was nineteen years old I faced death on three occasions on the same week. Thanks to Divine intervention I wasn’t harmed at all, but these bitter experiences made me realized the importance to know how to defend myself in the future. During my teen years I got very interested in the use of mental power. I’m talking about the late fifties. There were a lot of books dealing with this trend. This was when I performed some Hata Yoga exercises and many Raja Yoga experiments. I indeed developed some slight telekinetic manifestations which made me realize that indeed our minds could affect matter. I’m telling you this because that’s the main reason I made a lot of progress in my personal and private martial arts daily training. It took me just a year to be proficient in the art of self-defense. At that time I was living in a small border town; Matamoros across from Brownsville Texas. This city had been famous for its great rate of violence. Violence due to the fact that there were many people did their living by smuggling. To explain to you that from ten classmates only four saw their early twenties. Three died on automobile crashes due to speed racings and another three passes away because of duels, yes, you got it right it was like in the old west, family members were on a constant war with other families. It was when our family moved to Monterrrey city in the early sixties what a big difference! No violence at all. Anyway I continue practicing on a daily basis even though I was a waiter. So during the next twenty years I had two dozen times to use my martial arts skills, but thanks to my spiritual training using powerful protective mystical words there was no need of it. It is really amazing how when we use mentally pronounced words coming from our heart and not mind, stops any attacks toward us or our family members. Any danger really disappears immediately. That’s why I do recommend the works of our brother Jonathan Goldman. Our efforts will be well worth. Our auras will become very impenetrable shields that will protect us, our families, our homes and our workplaces.
I considered it was the right time to share with you the experiences had about violence.
Much love your brave


Enjoying living a balanced life is in itself a very rewarding experience. Please allow me to use a martial arts example. It doesn’t matter which martial is practiced. All of them put emphasis on at all times keep balanced. By doing this both your defense and offensive movements will become reliable reflexes when facing a dangerous situation, so you don’t have to use a strike that kills or maims. Only to inflict enough pain so the attacker gets discouraged and quits his aggressiveness. What does this have to do with dealing with our current economic situation? It has to do a lot.

If we make the habit of blessing our paycheck it will indeed be stretched. It is amazing how it will be properly channeled, not a penny will be wasted. Let’s consider the following. Our work is a very sacred aspect of our life, so the income we receive from our efforts is a blessing. Sometimes we aren’t paid what we really deserve. It is due mainly because the person who pays us isn’t balanced. On those cases there is a balanced reward coming from the cosmic realm. In our ignorance we sabotage the abundance approaching us from there. Stop for a few moments and start seriously thinking about how you have received these blessings not in cash, but on opportunities to be taken where you and your family will be the beneficiaries. Also let’s live in an eternal attitude of gratitude for every material, mental, psychic or spiritual blessing us already posses. This action will find many more blessings that we dared to imagine. Living hard times are a blessing because it makes us to turn our glance inwards into something very valuable and important:: The full manifestation of our soul personality’s attributes, skills and divine gifts. Oh what a wonderful golden opportunity! Let’s seize it for ever!, So our brave loving hearts will sing the Celestial melody that keeps us connected by sharing all our blessings.
With great love. Amorifer

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


This time, please read this article with a wide smile drawn on your face. I have powerful reasons to ask for this small favor. Le’s start then by imagining that there is a Cosmic dictionary where are included all the words uttered by man since the beginning of times. Every language and dialect has been accurately recorded here. It is located in a special section and above this immense dictionary is an archetype containing every word being translated into God’s language. Men’s dictionary contains many words wrongly created, so our task would be to substitute them by other words from God’s Archetype Divine words. How can we succeed in this endeavor? So it would be an excellent idea to first invoking all positive words via the heart of our soul personality into the immense Spiritual realm. Not forgetting that to look for this wonderful kingdom isn’t outwards. It is inwards. Let’s invoke the words DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE LOVE. MY HEART IS FILLED UP WITH DIVINE LOVE.

Now will you please repeat three times the following affirmations feeling every one of them as deeply as you can?

“My smile expresses powerful Divine Love”.

”My body language is highly harmonized with Divine Love, so today it expresses its Spiritual beauty with every body movement”

“My eyes project this amazing Divine Love at everything I look at.

“My heart vibrates with pure joy at the approach of any human being”

“All my psychic centers are immerse in this Divine Love, so they start to expand outside my body in powerful emanations perfumed with the flowers of the Cosmic Garden and THE SUPREME LIGHT, positively affecting everything around myself”

If you take two picture of your face one previous to this exercise and another afterwards you will notice big differences. Which face would you like to show?

Receive please my brotherly embrace from the core of my true Self.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

Amorifer-alden short biography.

Considering setting the example please allow me to give you some data regarding your humble servant. I’m a married man father of one daughter and three sons. My wife and I have five grandchildren being the eldest fifteen years old a girl, who is the daughter of my eldest son Ezequiel, who was born in nineteen sixty-six, then a ten year old boy together with a seven year old boy, both being brothers, their names are Alfonso and Alejandro from my son Alfonso who was born in nineteen sixty nine, my youngest son Guillermo was born in nineteen seventy-three. He has a four old year son named Marcelo who lives on the same block as our son Alfonso and who we have being under our care because both his parents work all day long. I’m explaining all this because it was thanks to my children and my grandchildren that I have been able to discover first and then improved a project that has a lot to do with growing as harmoniously as possible teaching them not only the value of morals and knowledge, but as well as the constant search for wisdom. This explanation has to do with my next post on which I made an introduction to the project which now is a program. This useful program has do with the practical application of our knowledge. For many scholars that’s precisely the definition of wisdom.

I don’t wish this to be a detailed narrative of my life, because I firmly believe that what really counts are the experiences gained from people, never their personal lives. For ten years I was a waiter, very proud to be, by the way. The next ten years a headwaiter. Due to my very high pressure doctors advised me to change profession, so suddenly I became an ESL teacher for the next twenty years. I was making plans to make my hobby a profession. I was a guided meditation instructor for ten years. When three months prior or to change professions I was struck by a brain stroke ( nov.07.’04.) Very few human beings are prepared to accept that their lives have dramatically changed. I was one of these human beings. When I saw my physical capacities reduce to only one third I didn’t want to deal with this new fact, so the first two years were spent trying to be a man with at last half of his physical capacities. Due to the help of my loving wife and daughter that I could overcome this apparently disadvantage, you know for many years I was considered to be the Mexican Bruce Lee. That was the endurance and stamina I always showed. Now I know better. I was blind to a new great and beautiful promising horizon. That’s why I just start writing in English this year. I don’t regret my past years because I think this sickness allowed me to grow in a spiritual way never before imagined. That’s the main reason you are reading my very humble contributions to project this very real positive attitude of sharing experiences, and being able to create a domino effect so most people start participating in this more than a game a very sacred mission. I deep down know that you have much more interesting things to be shared, please do it, we need them. Your brother on the path.Amorifer-alden

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

Physical, mental and spiritual affinity


Affinity a word many times not fully understood by many people as it happened to me many years ago, when I spend some time immersed in deep thoughts about our special affinity with just a few members of our family and not with all of them. Why is this so? The same principle is applied to friends. Why can’t we succeed in having a more opened and sincere communication with our family members, relatives, coworkers and friends for most we really try?

To my understanding arrived this next explanation: It mainly has to do, from the wide open view point of reincarnation, and also about our spiritual level of our reintegration with THE UNITY. Here at this site we experience this affinity, sometimes a very strong one, other times we don’t feel attracted to some of its member even though all of us desire and is deeply committed to share a much better world to live in. But this is good news because is in wonderful diversity where more practical solutions can be found and applied. Thanks to this fact, our humanity has many more chances of finding the advantages and benefits of a spiritual awakening that achieves in changing a lot of things that need to be changed.

For all the above reasons, I would like to experience much more sharing from all of us. By doing this everybody will find many more opened channels of self-improvement. I know it isn’t an easy task, but all our lives will be highly enriched. The effort is well worth trying. This is my very humble suggestion to reinforce our ties. There is a reason why we have access to this wonderful site.
With loving brotherly

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008


One of the many great benefits of being spiritually oriented is that eventually we will have he opportunity to listen to The Music of the Spheres. Pythagorus was of the many human beings that were lucky enough to be positively affected by being exposed to this Celestial Music. Recently the Jupiter NASA-Voyager did some recordings of this healing music.
Mystics have long been listening to this curative music. Their attunement with This Great Vibration has permitted them to enjoy The Cosmic Rhythm benefits.
Some sacred places spread on Earth’s surface are also excellent points to obtain the amazing influence from our macrocosm. Another tip is to face different cardinal points inside our homes and if you posses a sacred place for praying or mediating it will be a wonderful spot to attract this blessing.

“As above, so below” Being blessed by water is also another key factor on us seekers of The Cosmic Truth. Heavenly there are also different blessed water sources. Every time we are near a waterfall we feel spiritually elevated. Science explain to us that it is mainly due to the positive ions being created by the waterfall, but we spiritually oriented people know better. In our spiritual memory there is a very strong connection with perfumed, illuminated and divine musical notes being experienced as we are under a Cosmic Waterfall. All our psychic centers are strongly awakened and improved making us much better channels of God’s blessings for all the Nature’s kingdoms. What a wonderful feeling of being a deserving God’s loyal servant!
We can’t avoid the immense flow of Divine Love being projected from our brave loving heart. The more Divine Love we spread gladly, the more Love we will receive from our Creator.
Your loving brother on the path. Amorifer-Ezekiel

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008


YEAR 1,222 today’s date. Place: your city or town of your choice.

The main purpose of this simple exercise is to really appreciate all our current everyday blessings.

Please try to see, listen to, smell and touch in your imagination the following:

1.-One very famous person.

2.-Two common means of transportation.

3.-Three common melodies.

4.-Four common fragrances.

5.-Five different kinds of fruit.

6.- Six coins.

7.-Seven temples or churches.

8.-Eight books.

9.-Nine streets.

10.- Ten houses.

11.- Eleven different weapons.

12.-Twelve different trees.

13.-Thirteen people and their clothing.

In order to start a new habit please get used to ask about three information questions for each item of all thirteen. After finishing this basic exercise use your internet to gather more information about this peculiar year. When we embark on Comparative History our horizon widens a lot, so every time we see Ancient time depicted in movies we will learn many apparently hidden facts. It would be a good idea to remember that for centuries worldwide things didn’t seem to experience great changes, for example the use of powder only was used in China not where else., So regarding explosions our ears weren’t used to listen to high sounds, with the exception of thunder storms and volcano eruptions.


Every time we add a proper quantity of emotional involvement to our knowledge and finish it with a secret ingredient called imagination, we usually obtain excellent results in our quests.
Before God created man, He supplied an abundant place where we could live in. This place is our sacred Mother Earth. God also granted our planet with intelligence, so it could survive in spite of man’s destroying mistakes. Earth’s main purpose is to renew itself in cycles. Cycles we still haven’t been able to be fully aware of. Earthquakes, hurricanes, forest fires, droughts and other natural catastrophes are the result of our Earth’s intelligence.

Now let’s consider once more about the quantity of man’s time spent in his self-knowledge. If an eighty-five percent time is spent on our basic needs, so the rest fifteen percent would be ideal to be spent in our self-knowledge. This endeavor allows getting much better results from our daily efforts with almost no waste of the talents granted by God. These wonderful talents shouldn’t be wasted. Our creativity, meditation and the more often use of our intentional thinking can be a good solution.
Summarizing: Our creative minds, loving heart and imagination in perfect harmony would definitely be a good formula to continue protecting ourselves, our fellow men and our Mother Earth.
With all my best Cosmic intents your brother on this amazing path. Amorifer-Ezeqkiel.

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2008



Today’s Divine inspiration instructed me to gladly share a highly effective spiritual technique with you, my dear brothers and sisters. This time it’s impossible to talk to you all as if I were your loving brother.

Please take three deep breaths to relax your mind and body. Play some of your favorite music that is soft. Now sit down facing eastwards. On this occasion please allow the background music to deeply penetrate and affect every one of your cells, both physical and spiritual. Do your best to keep your thoughts in control, so you can become super sensitive to your higher emotions. This is an exercise in which the emphasis will be placed in feeling. This action will permit us to listen to your wise inner voice. Your inner voice is vey near to your Divinity, so your True Self can send information to your brain. You can receive this information in several ways; for instance images, or fragrances even soft spoken messages dealing with the solution of some problems or actions that you’d rather take now. Please try to be very cooperative with this information by thinking it over after this exercise has finished. Have something handy to take notes. If this information lacks common sense, anyway write it down. From now on allow your Divinity to succeed in transmitting the beauty and the knowledge belonging to high spheres of your spiritual inheritance. It is definitely all yours! You’ve always deserved it! Let God’s immense Love to fill up your loving heart and mind with His Essence. Don’t ever forget that Our Lord’s main intent is that we all start living a true dual life here on Earth. It just takes a little time from us, so today is your great day to be in absolute communion with Him and His realm.
“Today starts my true blending with our Creator. Today begins the total liberation of all my Divine skills, attributes and cosmic gifts for the benefit of beautiful humanity!”

“I feel, feel, and feel the Divine Influence from THE PERFECT UNITY, today is the golden opportunity I was eagerly waiting for. Thank you Lord!”

My humble experience is that when we record these instructions we are able to feel much more.
I expect you’ve enjoyed this sharing from one of your loving brothers here at this site. Amorifer-Ezekiel