We are where our minds think we are, and not where we actually are.
A good fiction writer makes our minds mentally travel to places he/she wishes us to be. It is as our brains follow his words our minds experience the places he is describing using many perceptions as required to achieve the desired effect on us.
On this occasion I’m asking for your cooperation regarding demonstrating something beneficial for everybody.
It would be a wonderful idea if only for this time you read each sentence three times using your useful imagination. The first time please imagine that you are on your favorite summer spot in broad daylight as you read the sentence. On your second reading transport yourself to a vey dark winter night in front of a bonfire as you listen to this sentence uttered by an expert storyteller. And your third time will be of your choice. Please place yourself in whatever place you wish.
Here are the seven sentences.
1.- “ If it is not true, it is well invented”--------Giordano Bruno.
2.- “Only the knowledge that make us better is useful”-----Socrates
3.-“There is nothing new, except what has been forgotten-----Prezioso
4.-“One becomes great by what one reads and not by what one writes”--------Borges.
5.-“Man is a pendulum between the smile and the tears” ---Byron
6.-“Those who know how to content themselves, are always satisfied” -----Tao Te King.
7.-“All ascends and descends, all moves like a pendulum. Rhythm is the compensation” ---El Kybalión.
Please try to repeat each sentence feeling deeply not only with your heart and mind, but with all your integrated Self.
As always with a huge loving heart sending you tons of Divine Love. Amorifer-alden
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