Today’s Divine inspiration instructed me to gladly share a highly effective spiritual technique with you, my dear brothers and sisters. This time it’s impossible to talk to you all as if I were your loving brother.
Please take three deep breaths to relax your mind and body. Play some of your favorite music that is soft. Now sit down facing eastwards. On this occasion please allow the background music to deeply penetrate and affect every one of your cells, both physical and spiritual. Do your best to keep your thoughts in control, so you can become super sensitive to your higher emotions. This is an exercise in which the emphasis will be placed in feeling. This action will permit us to listen to your wise inner voice. Your inner voice is vey near to your Divinity, so your True Self can send information to your brain. You can receive this information in several ways; for instance images, or fragrances even soft spoken messages dealing with the solution of some problems or actions that you’d rather take now. Please try to be very cooperative with this information by thinking it over after this exercise has finished. Have something handy to take notes. If this information lacks common sense, anyway write it down. From now on allow your Divinity to succeed in transmitting the beauty and the knowledge belonging to high spheres of your spiritual inheritance. It is definitely all yours! You’ve always deserved it! Let God’s immense Love to fill up your loving heart and mind with His Essence. Don’t ever forget that Our Lord’s main intent is that we all start living a true dual life here on Earth. It just takes a little time from us, so today is your great day to be in absolute communion with Him and His realm.
“Today starts my true blending with our Creator. Today begins the total liberation of all my Divine skills, attributes and cosmic gifts for the benefit of beautiful humanity!”
“I feel, feel, and feel the Divine Influence from THE PERFECT UNITY, today is the golden opportunity I was eagerly waiting for. Thank you Lord!”
My humble experience is that when we record these instructions we are able to feel much more.
I expect you’ve enjoyed this sharing from one of your loving brothers here at this site. Amorifer-Ezekiel
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