Let’s stop looking for a deeply buried treasure elsewhere. Because inside the chest of every human being lies a full chest of precious stones, gold and silver coins. This magnificent treasure has three different depths, so please let’s name them x, y and z for a much better visualization.
It would be nice to start with the deepest one the “z” treasure. This treasure belongs to people who have never given any serious thought to spiritual matters; here I wish to make clear that I’m not referring to any kind of known religion institutions. It is a deep root, in other words is a strong inner conviction. Many of these people have a great cultural background, but their spiritual idiosyncrasy is still lacking and no culture will supply it for more that they try.
Next we have the “y” treasure; that is buried at a middle depth. That is a common factor for human beings that due to being exposed to hard experiences they began to realize that besides this materialized world there is something greater and more rewarding, so their efforts to reach this treasure most be doubled.
And last, but not least is the “x” treasure which can be easily unburied because these kind of people from early childhood have realized through dreams or insight moments that it is a key factor not to avoid any of their earthly responsibilities and obligations, on the contrary they are able to totally fulfill them as they combine them in a very harmonious manner with their spiritual ideals. For these people it is only required that they are aware that here in now is the happy moment to share the treasure’s contains with his fellow men. Oh! How great you are our Lord! It is indeed when God has enlightened not only our minds, but our hearts to spend it all in the company of our love ones and also strangers without thinking if they deserve it or not.
RECEIVE MY TOTAL Love and admiration.
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