It is indeed a very interesting experience when we really try to listen to this sacred and wise voice. Please imagine one’s soul personality always being connected with God and His Hierarchy. A lot of useful information is whispered into its ears, then our inner voice does the same with us, tries to whisper in our inner ears this information, but its voice is very, very quiet and subtle. It never commands. It always suggests. Our mind and the brain, which is its material vehicle most times tries to avoid this Divine manifestation. It is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks a human being possessing a loving heart can accomplished. I’ve just said difficult, but not impossible. As our dear friend and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra has expressed our intellect interferes with this. Here are some recommended actions precisely expressed by this inner voice. Please pick out a classical selection and only try to listen to the softest instrumental sounds. Another tip is that in our meditations spend some time imagining try to unblock our inner ears. Our inner ears make a perfect triangle with our pineal body. It would be recommended that by using our imagination send some of this powerful and harmonious energy from the pineal body abundantly flowing right into both inner ears, feeling a slightly temperature increase on both ears. Let’s finish trying to listen to the peculiar musical note each color has, because indeed each color has its characteristic sound. Colors are able to speak loud and clear if we try to not just look at them, but listen to them. Colors can also be smelled, and because our olfactory nerve sends its information to our third eye and our third eye at the same time sends it to our pineal organ, a beneficial short-circuit is going around and around travelling from our inner ears to our pineal body and from there to our nose. And to finish this article our fingertips can detect the different touch sensations from each color.
I embrace you all with the desire of a marvelous inner voice awakening. Your brother on the path. Amorifer-alden
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