Enjoying living a balanced life is in itself a very rewarding experience. Please allow me to use a martial arts example. It doesn’t matter which martial is practiced. All of them put emphasis on at all times keep balanced. By doing this both your defense and offensive movements will become reliable reflexes when facing a dangerous situation, so you don’t have to use a strike that kills or maims. Only to inflict enough pain so the attacker gets discouraged and quits his aggressiveness. What does this have to do with dealing with our current economic situation? It has to do a lot.
If we make the habit of blessing our paycheck it will indeed be stretched. It is amazing how it will be properly channeled, not a penny will be wasted. Let’s consider the following. Our work is a very sacred aspect of our life, so the income we receive from our efforts is a blessing. Sometimes we aren’t paid what we really deserve. It is due mainly because the person who pays us isn’t balanced. On those cases there is a balanced reward coming from the cosmic realm. In our ignorance we sabotage the abundance approaching us from there. Stop for a few moments and start seriously thinking about how you have received these blessings not in cash, but on opportunities to be taken where you and your family will be the beneficiaries. Also let’s live in an eternal attitude of gratitude for every material, mental, psychic or spiritual blessing us already posses. This action will find many more blessings that we dared to imagine. Living hard times are a blessing because it makes us to turn our glance inwards into something very valuable and important:: The full manifestation of our soul personality’s attributes, skills and divine gifts. Oh what a wonderful golden opportunity! Let’s seize it for ever!, So our brave loving hearts will sing the Celestial melody that keeps us connected by sharing all our blessings.
With great love. Amorifer
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