The Mystical Ice Cream Analogy.
Depicting the connection between the spiritual realm and our multi-level consciousness is greatly understood by using the symbol of an ice cream cone; the ice cream illustraing our spirituality and the inverted cone representing our three segment consciousness mind.
Our consciousness can be portrayed imagining it to be an inverted cone; the upper two thirds belonging to our subconscious mind and one third comprises two of our minds; the subjective and objective minds.The tip of this inverted cone would depict our objective mind with its five sense receptors including our central nervous system. Ascending we find our subjective mind. This mind displays five levels. Starting from the bottom is where our memory files are placed; then we find our reasoning powers:inductive, deductive and silogistic; next our important imagination, and a little above this level we can find our intuition. This extremly important mental process ascend via a magnetic silver thread all the way up into our subconscious mind dissappearing in the spiritual realm. So on the upper part of this imaginary cone there is our multi-level subconsciousness. Here we find our emotions, insicts, total memory(past lives), part of our intuition and our sympathic nervous system. Now we are more than ready to wait for our next article emphazising on our creative imagination.
With a lot of cosmic attributes , mainly Divine Unifying Love Amorifer-alden.
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