Everything in Nature has rhythm: Planets, our solar system and galaxies have different very peculiar swinging movements,even our small intestine follows the universal rhythm. Every cell in our bodies has its own rhtyhm.
Many years ago I discovered that while attending mass I couldn't avoid a very noticable swinging while standing up. My wife told me to stop doing this, to me it was a very pleasant feeling, very harmonizing. So in my meditations,that are done sitting down on a chair, I also enjoyed swinging from left to right. This harmonious movement helps me to get attuned very fast with my inner self. Later on I learned that this peculiar movement it's done by sufi mystics. I'm also very familiar with the American indians rituals in which dancing and chanting it is their way to communicate with higher harmonious forces. And God almightly! with Mexican very sacred locations, whch we have many, due to our wide cultural background. It is an indiscribable experience. It is like your Great Canyon feeling of awness when you are lucky enough to really experiment the tremendous magnetic force of Mother Nature.
There is a very useful exercise in esoteric studies which takes forty-five days to complete. Every night in oder to feel connected with our universal forces, an exercise is carried out in order to feel reconnected with our Universe and its healing poweful forces. It is even much before you complete this forty-five days when you are able to experiment amazing results in your digestive system. No more heart burns, neither suffering from indigestion and other stomach problems. The intake of antiacids are needed no more, but more importantly the clarity of mind we obtain by doing this exercise is highly recommended.
The fragance coming from a good incense increases with our swinging. The same applies to listening to soft instrumental background music.Let's keep in mind that it is when we experiment a natural swinging, never the forced swinging when we obtain excellent results. This achievement allow us to feel really connected with Nature, many natural laws and high cosmic harmonious flowing energies.
All these qualities help us a lot to be able to listen more clearly and louder to our always wise inner voice.
Most times, from brief moments one feels the connection with the unique huge loving unity pulsating from God's loving heart!
Today that's what I wanted to share with you all. Something valuable and very practical.
Thank you.
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