For a year full of great growing opportunities, that every one of us expects, a deep thought arrived to my mind.
We, human beings are supposed to do what we love, but in case we don’t ,then it would be wise to do our best to love what we do. We’ve usually forgotten than in either case God will help us to carry out an outstanding job.
Both, science and art are necessary for us to be balanced and happy. If science fullfills our minds, then art fullfills our hearts.
The ideal situation would be experiencing both blessings. Some time ago I read a very interesting article about reading. It recommended that if we spend a lot of our time reading textbooks, then it would be wise to try to read some fiction books and if we love to read fiction books, then we should read some textbooks in order to keep our mental processes focused and balanced.
My humble suggestion for next wonderful year would be, to try to attend more places where the fine arts are exposed. Why? Because our souls need this kind of food not only our minds.
Another thought is that, we enjoy much more when we utter with our mouths and loving hearts many more kind words to everybody including ourselves.
Let’s reinforce all the positive aspects of our lives. Let’s put a greater amount of energy on the nice and pleasant things that life is offering us every second. Let’s remove the blindfold that is avoiding us to enjoy these free perceptions, and we will realize that our lives have indeed become very productive lives.
When one thinks in helping others much more than helping ourselves a magnificent spiritual energy surrounds us and this energy is harmoniously integrated in our bodies, minds and beautiful souls. With God’s terrific help let’s become a real blessing for everybody.
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