Changing the way we view
our daily lives is the key to prolonged true happiness
The creation of the Applikom-Program made me change my daily perspectives regarding the life I was living back then in ninteen eighty-two.
I discovered that a lt of my hidden assumptions weren't properly seen in broad daylight. What was more shocking was the fact after realizing the actual nature of much I had overlooked had also given me a lot of preconceptions. Now I'm fully aware of the many golden opportunities that passed by without having an inkling of their presence. For many years I had wrongly assumed that knowledge was all a human being recquired to fullfill his sacred mission in life. I like most people was dead wrong. It is wisdom our sacred key word, but not only wisdom alone, no wisdom accompanied with a loving very brave heart. Self-assertiveness opposed to agressiveness. It is amazing how it is after we relearn to see our physical world with eyes without the blindfold when you give everything and everybody their proper place. It is a wondeful news to know that God loves us, but it is much more rewarding realizing that we indeed love God, when we satrt becoming a very useful instrument of peace and enjoyment in his name. What a magnificent opportunity every one of us has not to change our world, but to change our own attitude towards it! Everybody will start smiling at us, in such a way that we couldn't believe it was possible, because even babies would smile at us immediatlely. How beautiful are all human beings when we are able to see their perfect soul personalities not paying attention to their bodies's imperfections or the wrong attitudes they play.The law of Divine Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe!
I thank you for listening to my loving heart. With my most desires of PEACE PROFOUND an eternal soul personality. Amorifer-a
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