“Tertium Organum”
Will you please repeat this next invocation.
“Divine escence from the spiritual kindom where our Lord resides, we beg that your highly purifying energy descends and baths my integral self, so I will be cleansed from every wrong thought, word and action to be able to experiment a sacrd attunement with your divine escence.Aum!”
Let's sit down listening to our favorite instrumental music and sensing the fragance of a burning incense in a smi-dark room. As I take my first deep breath I place the right hand's index fingertip on my forehead.Now I place my left hand flat on my chest. I hold my breath as long as I can then very slowly I release it through my mouth. Keeping the same posture now I take a second deep breath and repeat the procedure. As I take my third deep breath I imagine how the radiant energy flowing from my chest area rund along my left arm keeps its flowing into my nape, there it spinns for a few seconds then it keeps flowing now throghout my right arm until it reaches my index fingertip. Then I release the air the same way done before, through my mouthI. Now I feel my almond shaped horizontal third eye. In my mind's eye I'm able to see how it absorbs this healing energy going deep into each one of its cells. Cells made of flesh and tiny pieces of crystals made of rubi stone. These pieces of glowing crystals project an intense bright red color light that illuminate my whole brain. Each of my neurons absorb some of this great energy from a divine origin. Now I concentrate on my pitituary gland with its two lobes; the anterior and the posterior. Mentally I make this energy spin for a few seconds and then I sent it directlt into the interior of my master gland, the pineal body. There once more I make this cosmic enegy spin, spin,and spin then suddenly I sent it directly into the posterior part of my third eye like there was a direct tunnel going all the way down, from my pinal body into my tertium organum. Then I vividely imagine THE SPHINX.
It is to the right time to pronounce seven times these sacred words “TERTIUMMM ORGANUMMM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM”, “TERTIUM ORGANUM” until we've finished pronoucing them seven times.
Let's now imagine that our third eye is capable of breathing. We imagine a virtual nose placed on its anterior part of this horizonal pulsating and expanding almond. A deep inhalation is carried out not only the vital oxygen is being harmoniously absorbed, but all the magnificent vital cosmic energy as well.
Due to these deep breathings a rare perfume coming from flowers that were found on the Nile's river banks in Ancient Egypt. From the front part of our third eye virtual nerve ramifications in pairs will emerge; two of these nerve ramifiactions will be projected into both of my physical eyes. Another two will descend into my olfactory nerve, Two more will travel down into my inner ears, and two virtual nerves more will run into my thyroid gland. And now the amazing nerve ramification will travel all the way down into my left hand specifiaclly into each of my five fingertips, now the other virtual, but very real nerve will descend all the way down until it reaches the five finger tips of my right hand. Our immediate next step would be to imagine that on each finger tip there is a virtual nose, so we start taking a deep breath via our ten finger tips.
Now let's send our concentrating to our sacred almond. What we realize is that it is permanently lit. By taking three deep breaths we will be able to give more power to our third eye. It will shine now with more intensity. A very harmonious bright red color will expand beyond our brains illminating the room we are in. Also a pleasant humming vibration will be felt by us. Mentioning sound, let's finish this exercise by allowing that our background music reinforces this inner feeling to penetrate into each one of our cells; physic and psychic, so they can attune once more with the benefical cosmic rhytm. With our great vibration!
I expect that you will do your best to do this exercise. Its results will be fully appreciated sometimes the first time and most times until your third try.
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