The Amazing benefits from our daily meditations.
What is the main goal of meditation? It is to dwell in our inner core. Our nner core is the glorious and eternal heart of our soul personality. This heart is able to enlighten our personal path always going upwards toward the summit of the ILLUMINATION MOUNTAIN.
This mountain is symbolic, but very real.
At this symbolic site exists our personal and very private sanctum (cell). It is in this special cell that all our prayers and desires will find a promt answer. Why is this so?Because there you can only ask favors which not only be beneficial for you, but for many people as well.
We came to this life and world to give the very best of us. We came here to make important contributions to humanity. Luckily every one of us is different. This difference is what is needed. Every human being is unique. Our mental and spiritual task is to spend this life looking for all our attributes, skills and gifts and to put them to work.
We will discover our current mental caliber as well as all our inner strenght . Our horizon will broaden. Our perspective for we have to offer will be clarified. In other words living in an eternal now we will have glimpses of our immediate future. This awareness will motivate us to keep on working in the here and now.
With each meditation our mind and heart will remain opened to get divine inspiration. In esoteric teachings there is a very sacred word which when pronounced with heart and mind brings us suptme harmony without ver failing this word is “H A R M O N I U M”If we pronounced it everal times our integral self will be bathed in this healing and regenerative high energy.
Ther's just another trmendous fact. This fact was discovered by chance by my students and myself when we decided to use as many moon signs as posible in our search for self-improvement.
It was long after we convienced ourselves of the mental influence of the moon on each one of us. On our subtl spiritual and mental faculties. Both pychologist and psychiatrist would be out of business soon, or on the contary they would almost always obtain immediare results trying to help their patients if they saw them just two consecuitive days each month. On which days ? On the days that the moon falls on their astrological sign. We mystics and psychics use these wonderful days to becaone better channels of God's desires for us His Beloved Children.
Would you like to try these two days? You do? Then use the internet to find out on which moon sign you were born. A reminder. Every month is different. Every month has different dates.
Much more was unsaid regarding this topic because her are speial steps to optimize this data.
With sincere Love and affection.Azokata-nous.
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