What does harmony mean? It means in a pure spiritual sense a fussion with our divine essence.
In order for everybody to have a clear idea let's use some common everday life examples; we experience harmony in music, when some musical notes attune ourselves with very pleasant sounds.We realize that music indeed is a universal language. Who hasn't felt alive and very happy by listening to a waltz? And what about about our national courage every time we listen to a military band melody? Or become romantically involved by listening to Debusy's “La MER” or “Clare d Lune”?
Then we experience harmony when we appreciate an art piece. When we are face to face with a master piece. The colors, forms and perspective in a harmonious blending?it takes us some time to catch our breath again.
And then, when we use learning by discovery and we are aware of a scientific law in action. What big difference it makes we at last exclaim: “EUREKA”
Even the pronounciation of the word harmony attracts into our reality a very harmonious feeling. Let's give a step further on to try to experiment the indiscribable, but wonderful feeling of God's love in our daily lives. How amazing are all Natural Laws created by God Himself. “DIVINE LOVE” is so, so impacting in our hearts that we feel very afortune to be immerse in this High Quality principle.
At the beggining of this year I tried to become harmony. Every time I went for my early walk, I really tried to wear these magical shoes. The first going around the park, about half a mile, I stared saying to myself. “My walking becomes a pleasant harmonious task, every step that I take attracts harmony”.
My walking becomes so harmonoius that I thank God for all the places I've gone thanks to my legs. This makes me feel very, very lucky. On my second round I say to myself.
“I am supreme strenght and confidence because I'm carrying a piece of God's love in my heart and my mind”
Again I succeed in becoming these two great qualities.
On my third round I begin repeating to myself. “Divine light, life and love in my mind, soul and body” until I finish this third round. Once more I do my best that these words become an actual feeling.
I continue my walking until I'm able to complete twelve rounds. This usually takes me about ninety minutes. By the way, most posts come by inspired moments while I'm walking, forgetting not to thank the God of my brave loving heart for all His multiple blessings. Next I think of you as to have a very strong intuition by what kind of writing some of you might need, so I open both my mind and heart to D ivine inspiration. Having then a clear idea I start compoing the post by altering it several times until I have the feeling that it is right. I know that many times there are misspelled words, but if I tried to be grammatically correct most of its essence will be lost.
Dear friends I live to write and not write to live.
I really enjoyed sharing this daily experience. Thank you for reading this humble contribution.
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