It is impossible for a human being to always have first hand experiences during his lifetime. The same principle applies about experimenting only second hand.
Whay would be the ideal ratio? Two thirds second hand and only one third first hand or two thirds first hand experiences and only one third second hand experiences?
Experts still don't agree on that.For some experts second hand experiences are the first hand experiences had by other human beings and we have to be smart enough to learn by their experiences to avoid us wasting our very valuable time. Others disagree on this issue.
What is your opinion? If one sees this life as the only life, our perspective changes dramatically than if we believe that we are spiritual beings having many human experiences during a lot of interesting lives.
How has your current life treated you? Fair enough?Have you realized the numerous growing opportunities you've already had so far?
About gaining knowledge through first hand experiences what is your percentage?
And what about your mental and spiritual experiences? The strange ways how we attract wisdom. How we've learned that humility is everybody's long career in life.
Most of our learning has gone through the hard way, but some of it has been gained via the easy way. Mysticism allow us to use both ways in very smart ways, well the correct word would be "spirituality" is much better appropiate. The more spirituality oriented a person is it is less likely to suffer from depresive states and this person is able to manage stressful situations in easier and adjustable manners. I think that we can say about the change in our lives.
I'm eagerly wating for any comment that you have in order to broaden our horizons about this topic.
Your friend Amorifer-alden
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