If it hadn't been to my brain stroke, I'd never 've realized the importance of the persue of our ideals and dreams. I wrongly assumed thar by fullfilling oue responasabilities and obligations would be enough.You're reading this because in spite of my shortcomings, health obstacles and English language limitations I dare to participate in the improvement of our society. I've also dared to invade apparently fields ruled by experts, for example the four A's: Anthropology, Astrology, Architecture and Archeology. Also Educational, scientific, Psychology and Universal History fields.
To my mind came something often ezpressed by my English teacher, by the way, I stared studying this very useful language when I was thirteen. My teacher used to say to me:” We came to this life not to see if we can accomplish things, but because we indeed can achieve them”
At that time I wasn't able to understand these wise words, now I do.Currently there are dozen of thousand of people having a second chance, me included. There might not be a third opportunity, so we have many things to do because in our ignorance we've wrongly posponed them. I also stared working part time at this early age, eventhough we were from a middle class my father thought that if I wanted to dress well and study I had to work My future was programmed regarding having a career. How? By helping one of my uncles in his licqour store, so whwn I finished high school I could be sent to Tampico to study Chemical Engineering. Suddenly everything chaneged, my uncle suffered a bad car accident. Later on my mother passed away and then my father, both died very young.I saw myself with two brohers and two sisters, two children of my own plus my wife's brothers and sisters. I had to make a living for all these beautiful perpole.My wife and I suceeded. At first I was bitter, because to have a reliable income I had to work as a waiter. Then I realized that I could have a self-education. There was an American Library here in Monterrey. Immediatley I got rid of my self- pity and stared studying in the little free time I got.
Are you experiencing a first chance, or are you like me experiencing a second golden opportunity?
With Love, respect and sincere admiration your brother on the pATH.aMORIFER-ALDEN
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