enteen numbered horizontal lines. At the top od this part one example there aer the seven days of the week.
1.-Morning prayer of gratitude to our Master of Masters.
2.-Memories obtained just immediatley as we wake up, in order to select our inner voice perceptions with important messages from mere common dreams.
3.-Stimulations done with our healing hands and minds in order to wake up dormant abilities.
4.-Special sensations due to these stimulations. If we write down the hour it would be a good idea. The special vibrations are usually felt on our head as pleasant pains.
5.-Family relashionships. Not to lose our daily communication with spouse, children, relatives etc.
6.-Proper nourishment. Eating fruit, vegetables and healthy meals.
7.- Drinking magnetized water.
8.-Physical exercises. Walking for at least half an hour, jogging or other activities.
9.-Auric reinforcement using our concentation and visualization.
10.-Taking at least a dozen deep breaths each day.
11.-Listening to mantras, chants or new agwe music; Jonathan Goldman, puja.net.
12.-Me d i t a t i o n .
13.-Intentional thinking. At least fifteen minutes.
14.-Conscious observations .COLORS, SHAPES, PERSPECTIVES ETC.
15.-Discoveries. What were we able to discover this particular day?
16.-Dwelling in our mansion of the souls. If you do it on the day of the week that you were boen it will be time well spent!
Feel free to change this or to adapt it to your needs.I know that you also posses a special self-improvement technique. We at Intent would love to hear from you.
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