In order to accomplish our ideals and our dreams and at the same time face our responsabilities and obligations by working on a daily basis to get rid of our bad habits and also create new habits that will immediatly substitute these wrong habits we need to count with something reliable where we can keep track of our advancement. It was thanks to Benjamin Franklin when at thirteen years of age I discovered, in an thick, heavy and old PHILOSOPHY BOOK a very practical application of knowledge. He said that it would be a good idea if we counted witha personal journal on which, on a daily basis we could have a reliable follow up of our mastering our life by eliminating first our wrong habits and at the same time create new good habits in order to substitute them right away. It was until I was a married man with four children that I decided to apply that suggestion made by our friend Benjamin Franklin.
I tried several ways to accopmlish this task. It was until my fifth try that I succeeded.What follows is just a rough description thay has worked for me, it can be changed and adapted to your personal needs.
I discoverd that this weekly schedule had to be divided in four main parts; The first part would depict the new moon; the first quarter moon would be illustrated on the second part; the third part hqd to do with the full moon and the last part would be dedicated to the last quarter moon. You might ask what does the different moon phases have to do with our self-improvement? Instead of giving you a long and logic explanation I prefer that you get convinced by your observations. Please try this method for a couple of months and then you'll decide if it is well worth or not. Bellow is the description of only one part, let's keep in mind that it can be appliedto the rest thrtee parts with minor modification.
The first line is to write down the moon phase of every day.
The second line is to write down the number of the day of the month.
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