If one is told at an early age of the existance of this very useful life cycle,one is curious about it, and one is invited to demostrate it in one's life span, then it becomes an interesting life task.It bcomes a very bold adventure. Imagine having the advantage to know the ideal years to carry out activities with the expectation of seeing them crystalized.On which years our affinity is at its best with liquids, machinery, metals, sea, short trips, long trips, gambing, luck with women if you are a man, luck with men if you are a woman, the fine arts, mental processes, physical activities, friendship renewal, personal and private maters,self-improvement, inventions, inovation,becoming a business partner, finding the ideal business partner, changing professions, moving to a new house,moving to another company, becoming successful entrepenour,studying Philosophy,Psychology,Metaphysics,Mathematics, Ancient History, Comparative History Remote vision, Sciences. Healthy enjoyment, relaxation,litening to special music, when to take a sabbatical, psychic activities, army, energy, changes, muscle, favors, ideas, thoughts, teaching, our best year o undertstand Morher Nature, dealing with transportation, difficult people, extremly difficult matters, etc.
This is what exactly happened to me. I was told that our life is composed of experimenting for a complete year walking in a specific long hallway full of different choices by slecting the correct door out of seven magnificent doors. Our self-improvement would become both; interesting and enjoyable. On each door there is a roman number, so these doors are numbered from roman number one; I to number seven; (VII).
Door I = 1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29 - 36 - 43 - 50 - 57 - 64 - 71 and so on.
Door II= 2 - 9 - 16 - 23 - 30 - 37 - 44 - 51 - 58 - 65 - 72 and so on.
Door III= 3 -10 -17 - 24 - 31 - 38 - 45 - 52 - 59 - 66 - 73 and so on.
The door numbered I represents our GOLDEN DAWN year. In other words it is the luckiest year of the seven doors in all ways; for physical, emotional, healthy, emotional, mental and spiritual matters bracuse all cosmic forces gives us an extra push in the pursue of our goals.
In door II we are expected to make short business trips that have to do with our future. It is also excellent for teaching, transportation, gambling and movement in general.What affected me positively regarding spiritual matters was the door number V. This sacred and fantastic door gives one the opportunity the whole year, to understand our karma, but most importantly the glorious year in which our beloved Lord Jesus Christ did His most good to humankind. When he was thirty three years old.
That's why the years 5,12,19,26,33,40,47,54,61,68 and 75 are the wonderful years for those people who are spirituality oriented.Please notice that the year 33 occupies the fifth place on this seven year life cycle.
I was just sixteen years old when the book THE MASTERY OF DESTINY WITH THE LIFE CYCLES was on my hands. This book was written by H.Spencer Lewis from AMORC. The good news is that this book is available from everybody at AMAZON.
Important notice: What I've just described to you doesn't appear in this book. It was infered from it. So a sixty six old person, like myself, has been able to demostrate in his life time the rewards of each different door has to offer for at least ten times each one of them! That's amazing!
Due that today is twenty-fifth of December a very christian day, I decided to share this with you all and all your love ones.Please keep me posted or what is better if you can add something valuable you are indeed very welcomed because some people have told me that this seven year life cycle belongs to very specifis esoteric teachings from India.
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