Dear scintist somebody told me that you fell deeply in love in with science many years ago. So the communication with your loveheart named "science" is excellent. You can talk to science at its many important levels. You've become quite an expert in doing this.
To me, as a simple layman, science is like the tip of an iceberg. However to you it's like the whole big and massive iceberg. You can also see its tip, but you're able to see the rest 95% under water. So, your understanding surpasses by far much more than my understanding of it.
What do I want you to do? I wish that you show more patience with my little knowledge of science. I know that to you it is a beautiful, sensous and a sexy subject.You're totally involved with it, mentally and emotionally.
At this moment I'd like to ask you for a big favor. How many hours have you spent immered in deep thinking doing research? A lot. Right?I on the other hand have spend just a little time doing this. What would you recommend that I do? Please give me a reilable shortcut because I don't have the same amount of time that you have, anyway I wish to fel as excited as you are with your beloved science. Have we kept the same pace as our current technology has? What's missing? Please enlighten me.
What has science been able to offer mankind?A lot of advantages and benefits.Right? Are we currently really fully aware of this? We haven't? Why is this so?
Science has given you a lot of answers to your questions. Hasn't it?
You and your fellow companions have developed a very special vocabulary, I dare to say that's more like a language. We laymen to understand science must learn it too. The main issue is that we can't spend as much time as you have spend with science. What I wish you to do is to create a special, but short program for us, let's say spending a couple of hours per week for a whole year.
I really don't know if that could be possible. What do you have to say about this very important and interesting topic?
In the name of the millions of honest laymen help u
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